The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Author: matos dela rosa (Page 2 of 2)

Whale Debate

20301 Brander mill Drive

Germantown MD 20876 USA

November 13, 2014


Embassy of Japan

: 2520 Massachusetts Avenue,N.W

Washington, D.C 20008

Dear Sir or Madam:

My name is Natalya and I go to Daly Elementary in Germantown, MD. I’m writing to you because I would like you to stop hunting and killing these whales. My first reason is, you should not be whaling because Norway and Iceland still kill 2000 whales each year to make whale products, IT HAS TO STOP. This is BAD NEWS! Capturing whales was placing small boats beside a whale hoping to scare it and drive it to shore and it would land on the beach and get killed. Isn’t that cruel!

Sincerely yours,




Letter to King George

Dear King George The III, I am Natalya.   I will be leaving your side because I don’t want to waste my whole life just to be treated like slaves, and I would rather fight for freedom than live under your demands. Another reason why I am leaving is because you make us work all day non-stop. The Boston Massacre getting me off track because your men is killing instant people and evicting them from their homes and you just let them watch your men just go in and never come back.Until this day I am going to get George Washington and his men and knock the crown off of your head then send you back to where you came from.



Sheila’s Big Adventure

                           Sheila’s Big Adventure

                             By: Natalya Dela Rosa

July 14, 2029 it was a very hot day in Planet Neutron.  There was a girl named Sheila Simpson. She has long dark blue hair and is 21 years old.  Sheila loves to build spaceships and she loves to fight crimes.  She is a human. She lives in Planet Neutron, which is a great place to live and raise a family.  Sheila’s parents died because people were polluting the ocean and since they were laying on the sand they got stabbed by a sharp bottle when she was a baby, but she grew up alone with her aunt.


One day she was was roaming in the bad part of Planet Neutron and then Sheila heard screaming coming from a small corner by the dumpsters. Then when she peaked she saw a little old lady being robbed by a villain named Simon The Mad Scientist.  He is the super villain of all time. He is a grumpy old man that is very hot headed and has a hunched back which he also has a very bad breath like he had spoiled soup for dinner.


Sheila closed her eyes and pulled out her gun and pulled the trigger. The ray gun shot it’s blue beam of energy, but instead of hitting Simon, the beam hit the brick wall instead.  Simon knew it was her because of the unique color of the beam.  When she opened her eyes and turned around a small corner, he had disappeared.  All was left was a hole in the wall from her missed shot.  


Sheila asked the old lady “ Are you okay miss”?  


The old lady said “ The name is Mindy Phoenix, and yes i am okay”.  


Suddenly Sheila was thinking to herself saying ”This lady seems very suspicious”.

Sheila said, “Excuse me, Mindy, I was wondering, why are you here in this bad part of town?  If i were you i wouldn’t be wandering around here too much.”  


In Sheila’s mind, she was thinking why would Mindy be wandering around in this dumpy place.


Before long Sheila told Mindy goodbye and then got in her purple spaceship and zoomed back home. On the way home, her best friend Patty called but she told her that she couldn’t answer.  Aria was thinking to go pay a little visit to Simon.  When she was at Simons lab she saw Simons guards just standing by the gate. At that point Sheila got her ray gun snuck behind them one by one and shot them in the back.


Then she quietly crawled through the gate with the keys from one of the guards and went into the laboratory. “Whoa ha ha” Sheila heard an evil laugh and she knew it didn’t sound too good.  Then she went into Simons laboratory and when she stepped one foot on the tile floor her heels lightly went “CLICK” on the floor. Then Simon said “Welcome Sheila” in a creepy voice. “Hello Simon, I was coming here to pay you a visit but since you knew it was me then i guess i will try another time” said Sheila.  Simon said “ Where are all my guards”? So then he said in a loud range “WHERE ARE ALL MY GUARDS”! His face was red like hot sauce.


Soon after he got angry, Sheila decided to leave when Simon got his remote and clicked the red button.  Sheila got lifted up by a rope from the roof so she was hanging upside down.  Sheila didn’t know what to do, until Simon said “ I’m glad you came here to talk to me”. Simon then said in an evil voice “no one can help you, you can’t call anyone, but enough talking about you lets start talking about me shall we”.  Sheila tries to get herself down while he was telling his story, “well since you’re here, I might as well tell you my plans, first  i’m going to blow up Minion Planet and then i’m going to blow up Canyon road and finally blow up Planet Neutron” said Simon.  Sheila tries to struggle again and says “ You’re not gonna get away with this Simon”!!!.  Simon says “ Oh really “ in a very suspicious voice. Then Simon got his remote and the red button went “CLICK” .   Sheila said “ NOO!!! “ then tries to struggles. Simon says “ Oh which should i do next, well i already blew up half of Minion Planet  so which place should i do?” said Simon.


Sheila was thinking to herself saying “ Well since he’s never gonna let me go, i should do what must be done .  Even though i’ dont even like it.” Then suddenly she went to the nearest counter while swinging herself and found a water bottle. At that point she swung and swung and swung for a couple of minutes until she grabbed the top of the bottle with her bare hands. Soon after she grabbed it she tried to put a little bit on her eyes but instantly it poured all over her and she was soaking wet. So then she was whining and whining and whining so much Simon started to get really annoyed by her .  Then Sheila said “Are you okay Simon, it looks like you’re mad” in a sassy voice. Sheila kept on winning until Simon cracked and untied her from the ceiling and said in a furious voice “ I HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR WHINING, IT’S DRIVING ME CRAZY”!!!!!!

Soon after Sheila points a raw gun at Simon and says “Are you going to shoot me, because I know you don’t like shooting people” .


“Oh I’m not going to shoot you and I’m not going to put you in jail either because they’re gonna do it.  All of a sudden the cops came in the laboratory. “Simon you are under arrest for trying to blow up these innocent people and their planets.  At that moment Simon The Mad Scientist / Simon Wyatts went to jail for 5 years.

5 years later Sheila has a large home that has 2br 3bath rooms for the living room and the bedroom floor.  She also lives with her roommate/best friend Patricia Williams.  Simon Wyatts has not been heard for many many years.  

                                                  THE END


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