The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Author: Daylon (Page 2 of 2)

Tobacco Safety

Tobacco Safety  


The Tobacco Safety movement started 1960.  The reason why the laws for Tobacco was changed people kept getting sick and dieing.  So the types of laws that were changed was you can’t smoke in types of places like stores, playgrounds, schools, and private property.  And most people are still smoking tobacco today.  And some people are selling it on the street and people buy them so some people die some people get sick.  So that’s why they tell people not to smoke tobacco anymore.  Tobacco is really bad for people they are getting arrested for smoking tobacco these days.  tobacco is hurting people’s lunges and getting them crazy in the mind.  

Jeffrey wigand was popular at 1990 helping people to stop smoking tobacco most people stopped smoking once he told people what was in it tobacco smoke has more than 4,000  chemicals in it.

And that one of the reasons why people stopped smoking tobacco.  Tobacco has batties, candle wax, barbecue lighter,Industrial Solvent, Insecticide, toilet cleaner, paint, rocket fuel, poison sewer gas, vinegar, and lighter fluid.  Cigarettes have the same thing in it. Most people are smoking tobacco out of pipes they did not smoke it every day in 1612 settlers of the first american colony in a country grew tobacco as a cash crop.  More than 3,200 people under 18 smoke  cigarettes  and  2,100 youth and young adults become smokers.

 Tobacco is bad thing to do I hope that the people that do it no they can die or get sick from it.  People should not be making tobacco anymore that they see that people are dying from it.

The 4th Amendment

The one I think is most important is not to let soldiers come in your house and you have to pay for them and they get to sleep wherever they want and stuff.

Police can,t stop me when I am walking down the street and look in my car and my house unless they have a reason.

This right is good to have because it’s not right to stop people and look in their houses and cars.

This right is important because the police that are looking might steal stuff or arrested you for no reason.


The Parkour Master

MYTH headerOne day their was a guy named King Jackson and he had parkour team. Their was a guy named Evil Carlos and King Jackson and Evil Carlos were enemies.

Once Evil Carlos hurt King Jackson and King Jackson wanted to get him back.

They wanted to have a parkour battle. Zeus saw what was going on and he stopped it.

Evil Carlos and King Jackson still wanted to fight so they did it underground. At the end of the parkour battle Evil Carlos WON. At the parkour battle they jumped over a few things, climbed on parks, jumped off houses, and did some flips. Evil Carlos team was better at most of them they won.

King Jackson asked for a rematch because he thought he would win so the next day they had another parkour battle. Zeus saw it that day and he tried to to tell them we should not fight or try to get revenge or try to be better than everyone. And just try your best to do what you love to do.

Evil Carlos still won and what Zeus said did not mean anything to King Jackson. He was so mad because he knew he could do better. He killed Evil Carlos.

Zeus found out that he killed Evil Carlos. They had Evil Carlos’s funeral. All his family came to it.

Zeus banned King Jackson from parkour forever because he killed Evil Carlos.

So a few years later… out of the blue Evil Carlos came out of his grave laughing.

That taught King Jackson never to kill.


Solar Energy by Daylon

Solar  energy comes from the sun.  Solar energy can be used for lighting, electricity can,t be used when the power goes out in your house.

Additional Important Information

Untitled drawingSolar energy is almost perfect but their are a few problems that keep some people from using it for their electricity needs.  The biggest of these problems is the cost.  Like we discussed before it can be very expensive to buy. 

-Solar panels cannot make electricity at night either.

-Since solar energy depends on direct sunlight, large

amounts of air pollution clouds, or other objects that create

shade can cut down how well the panels work.


-Even though solar  energy is not completely perfect,  the

benefits of using are much greater than any problem.  As

scientists create smaller,  better, more powerful solar panels

at a cheaper cost,  more and more people will find it easy to



Environmental Impact

 Solar energy is clean. We do not have to take anything

away from out our plant to get it.  That means no drilling

and no mining.


-It also means we don’t have the destruction habitats and

accidental pollution that happens when we drill for oil or mine

for coal.


-It is also safe for the environment when we use is.  Solar energy

does not make greenhouse gases or any other type of pollution to

be released in our environment.




(Money for production money for materials)


-It can be very expensive to buy and install

the panels and other things needed to use solar



Solar panels Battery storage systems Wind



Production and Distribution

(How it’s made and how it’s shared)

Solar energy from the sun. Solar energy can be converted directly or indirectly into other forms of energy, such as heat and electricity. These technologies harness heat from the sun to provide electricity for power stations.  Solar  energy comes from the sun.  Solar energy can be used for lighting, electricity can,t be used when the power goes out in your house.


Additional Important Information

Solar energy is almost perfect but there are a few problems that keep some people from using it for their electricity needs.  The  biggest of these problems is the cost.  Like  we discussed before it can be very expensive to buy.

 -Solar panels cannot make electricity at night either.

-Since solar energy depends on direct sunlight, large amounts of air pollution clouds, or other objects that create shade can cut down how well the panels work. 

-Even though solar  energy is not completely perfect,  the benefits of using are much greater than any problem.  As scientists create smaller,  better, more powerful solar panels at a cheaper cost,  more and more people will find it easy to use.


In conclusion, Solar energy is a renewable energy and efficient energy source that will last til the sun blows up.

Jumanji 4 icon Challenge

4 Icon Challenge - Daylon Miller

My 4 icon challenge looks like this because it matches the Jumanji book. The kids are playing the game just like in the book, a lion that shows up on the piano.   The rhino is shows when one ran through the house.  And the house is for when they win and every thing goes back to normal.

My Frist Post

Dear 5th Grade,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The things I want to be sucsesful at is math and listening and reading. And I want to acomplish everything in school I love school it,s the best. I love school because it,s fun and it make all of us smart.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              sincerly                                                                                                                                       Daylon















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