Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the united states. He was born on Febuary 12,1809 in Hodgenville, Kentucky. Lincoln is one of the 4 presidents carved on mount. Rushmore. As a child Lincoln’s family was very poor Lincoln often couldn’t go to school because he had to help out at home.  In his life Abe was strong and very skilled with an ax they often called him the Rail-Splitter even in his later years. Lincoln served in the Black Hawk war he campagined for a seat in the illinois state legislature but lost in 1833 but in 1834 he won a seat in the illinois state legislature. On November 4 1842 Lincoln married Mary Ann Todd. Abe Lincoln was the tallest u.s. president he stood 6ft 4in (1.9 m) tall. In May Lincoln was appointed postmaster of New Salem illinois that fall he began serving as deputy county serveyer. on April 14,1865 Lincoln died. He was assassinated by Jhon Wilkes Booth. It took 8 years to build the Lincoln memorial they build it to contribute to his death. Today thousands of people com to see the Lincoln memorial.