Ilwaad and her sister went to the moon bounce they had a lot of fun and they had cookies and food. After they went to moon bounce they went to burger king they were doing level 1-10 they had a lot of fun then they went home with their cousin and then they went to see the killer whale movie You went to the walking clinic then whoever won the raffle would get a free tv.

Ilwaad came home you were walking down she saw her grandmas house and said to come in to grandmas and to the little sister .Ilwaad Mom and Jacobs grandmas you guys saw them and Iwaad sister was playing with Jacobs truck .You didnt have  homework so you guys watched tv and youre mom was making food with Jacobs grandma Ilwaad watched code lyoko.

A they watched code lyko they went to eat dinner and after they ate dinner they  went to watch Spongebob Squarepants after they watched spongbob they watched lab rats in code lyko and went home.Ilwaads Dad came home from work and Ilwaads dad had treats for Ilwaad and Ilwaads sisters.After she got the treats she went to bed at 8:00.The next day she woke up at 8:oo and she did everything then got her backpack and Ilwaads Mom took her to school.