One day a villain stole money from a bank she was committing a crime. But before the police came she escaped and got away clean FOR NOW. The next day Detective Maxine was at the scene of the mystery. She was looking for a clue. The sleuth was looking and she found a lock of silky blond hair. She looked at the employee board and found 3 suspects who have blonde hair “Hmmmmm” said Maxine “one of these 3 people did it”. Maxine asked the banker if he saw anything but he didn’t all of a sudden a man came up and said “I saw something” “finally a witness” said Maxine  “go on” “ok he had blonde hair, blue eyes, and long red fingernails.” “Looks like this he is a she” said Maxine. She was sure that her suspicions were correct she went to the employee board again and found only one person with Blonde silky hair, long red fingernails, and blue eyes “found the Delinquent with their contact information “said Maxine she called the Delinquent and the court for a 2:00 o’clock session even though the Delinquent had been caught she had an Alibi she said that she was nowhere near the bank at that time she was at Starbucks drinking coffee. “That’s a total lie” said someone from the jury said that she was not at Starbucks that time because he was at Starbucks and she wasn’t there. Then the culprit was guilty as charged and was sent to jail.                                                                                                  Another Mystery  solved by Detective  Maxine.