It was 8:00in the morning on Saturday. I was watching the news, and every news channel I went to, they were all talking about, a winter storm named Dion. The weather channel last week were talking about Dion hitting the west mid west, and said Dion was coming for the mid atlantic and north east with blizzards! The next day, at around 9:00-9:30 it started to snow a little. At around 11:30Iwas just sitting there waiting the weather channel. I look at the radar, dark blue in Montgomery county! I turn around billions of snowflakes com in down!every hour, 2 inches of snow was on the ground. We reached 6 inches of snow on Sunday. On Monday, the snow was starting to melt a little. But not enough to stop me from me from running around in the snow! It is Tuesday, we have no school it is showing a lot! The cars, roads, trees, everything was covered. 2days of no school! AWESOME!!!!:-)