The Ultimate Awesome Amazing Super Nathaniel Presents: The Women’s Suffrage Movement By: Nathaniel The women suffrage started in 1848/1920 some Sojourner Truth,Susan B. Anthony Elizabeth Cady Stanton,Lucy Stone, and many more ladies that mostly helped.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Susan B. Anthony Life Susan B. Anthony grew up in a loving Quaker family. Her aunt Hannah was a Quaker minister, and Susan was used to treated with respect. But Susan also saw how hard her mother worked. Workers from her father’s mill lived in the Anthony home.And there were six children to take care of. Susan and her two sisters helped their mother as soon as they were old enough. Susan was taught to care about fairness and justice. When she grew, she worked to end slavery. And when she met Elizabeth Cady Stanton, they teamed up to lead the new woman’s rights movement. Team Up And Say Goodbye Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were furious. For sixteen years the women’s movement had fought for the right to vote.And they had hard to end slavery as well.Finally, there was a chance to change the Constitution so that both women and African Americans could vote. Instead, women were told to wait. Even most antislavery leaders agreed. Sojourner Truth didn’t agreed.”There is a great stir about Colored men getting their right”. She said but not a word about colored women”.She warned, “If the colored men get their rights, ,and not the colored women… the colored men will be masters over the women.”Sojourner worried about something else,too.If women didn’t get the vote now, it might be a long time before they had another chance. She was correct.It took fifty-three more years. Both Sojourner Truth and Elizabeth Cady Stanton died without ever having a chance to vote.Susan B. Anthony did vote -once.When she was fifty-three years old, Susan talked a voting inspector into letting her vote in presidential election.But soon afterward she was arrested for breaking the law.There was a trial.The judge wouldn’t even let Susan speak.The judge found her guilty and told her to pay a fine of $100.Susan said she would not pay.And she never did. How Did They Get There Right To change the Constitution,thirty-six states had to vote to approve the amendment.On August 18, 1920, all eyes were on Tennessee. Thirty-five states had already approved the Nineteenth Amendment to give women the vote. America’s were just one state away from victory. But how would the Tennessee. Everyone knew it would be close.Harry Burn stood up. In his pocket was a letter from his mother. “Hurrah and vote for suffrage,”it said.Harry voted “yes”-and with that,27 million American women got the constitutional right to vote. Here a quote from Susan B. Anthony a lady who is able to earn her own living and pay her own way should be as happy as anybody on earth. The sense of independence and security is very sweet.