Tobacco safety movement  

by: Amanda carpio  


Tobacco and the use of it has been going on for more than 400 years including 2014. Smoking has killed many people also people suffer of having a hole and tube in there neck to breath. Packaging for tobacco has now changed to warn people or young adults about the dangers of


Now in 2014, 30% fewer people smoke now than then because back in the day they thought that tobacco healed everything. Every week more than 8,400 people die from smoking. Smoking does hurt your body including your lungs and heart. For each of those deaths young teenagers and adults become smokers and smoke every day.Cigarettes have chemicals like methanol, methane, toluene, and tar. Each of these can cause many bad things when you consume them.


Back in the day they had to ban TV ads that were cigarette based.They had to ban those ads because younger adults and children were influenced by those ads.That means no more advertising on anything else for example clothing, mugs, socks.


Back in the day people would put lettuce in the tobacco tube to try and help their addiction and hope it would be the same. There’s a lot of people trying to help people with their addiction with a whole load of treatment.