Kid Safety Movement

By: Kyla Randolph



The Kid safety movement started in the 1970’s. Terrible things can happen when children aren’t safe. Children all over the world can get hurt at anytime. Parents try to babyproof their homes so there babies won’t hurt themselves. Sometimes, children over the age of 12 are responsible for their younger siblings if they have any, for when their parents leave to do something. Families, companies, and the government have worked to make sure kids are staying safe.


Parent gotta do what a Parent gotta do

People keep their children safe to protect them from dangerous things like closing there finger in the door, touch a sharp knife or a needle, and especially when children don’t listen to their parents and do things when their parents told them to not that practice and never knew not to do it. Parents should know how to take of their child.


A Baby is Born
When you take your child from the hospital born or adopted you must take care of it. This is a privilege to have a child. So you must protect them as you would protect your family. Now you have little people running in your house. You never know when they may hurt themselves and will start to cry. You are there guardian.

Car Seats

Child car safety should be thanked by Graco, Gerber, Orbit baby, Diono, and other types of children companies to keep them safe. Parents don’t listen to the law and they just break it. Parents let children sit in the front seat, never have their seat belt on while they are in the car and driving.


In conclusion

I want to stop child harm and I want children to be safe and and to have parents follow the rules so NO child will get harmed. I see children get all the time and I wanted to stop that. I lost family members that I lost, but losing a child is more scarring and disperating. I listen to the knews children get hurt the time. Join with me and help the children safety rank to the number one priority so everyone can start child safety.