Stop Smoking!

By:Gabriel King

Smoking started in 1607 and it still lives now in 2014. Smoking has  killed thousands of people, mostly adults. In this essay I am going to show you what will happen if you smoke.Hopefully, this might stop smokers and people who want to smoke.

Secondhand Smoke:

Secondhand smoke is the mix of the flaming tip of a cigarette and the bad oxygen exhaled by the addicted smoker. This type of smoking includes more than 5,432 chemicals. Thousands are poisonous and more than 63 can cause diseases. Did you know that since the 1960’s Surgeon General’s Report-also known as SG-said that 2.4 million adults that were not smokers died just from inhaling secondhand smoke?A few health problems inside adults contain coronary heart, chest pains, lung cancer, and stroke.

The Effect on Pregnant People:

Smoking can hurt pregnant people to. Smoking from the mother causes sudden infant death syndrome or (SIDS).Compared with inside babies, outside babies that inhale secondhand smoke are more likely to get SIDS. Also, moms that smoke before and after birth, their infants are at 3-4 times greater of the risk. Infants of moms that smoked when pregnant have smaller birth weights.Small birth weights is a straight forward path of babies dying.The weight effect is smaller if the mother smoker quits early while pregnant.


In conclusion, if you do smoke,you should try to stop.If you don’t smoke but you want to, don’t. It may make you calm and make you feel better, but it can also make you do very bad things.