The third Amendment

How would you feel if you had dinner ready and some random sweaty soldier came in the house and ate all your would feel angry and hungry.Than it was time for bed and the soldier asked what is the most comfy bed in your house and you said it was yours and he went to sleep on it and that was the only bed in the house and you went to sleep on your uncomfortable sofa. you would feel mad sleepy and angry.

If there was a war going on you would have to let a soldier stay at your house and you would have to feed that and take care of the would have to spend more money to make sure that there is enough for your family and soldier.

One of your family members would have to sleep on your sofa because the soldier would have sleep on something comfy for he can be ready to go back to war the next day.

That is why they only use that law during the war because they could all not fit in the same bunker or they can’t live in there and that is why that is why you would want to use the citizens to take care of them.