Emily solorzano

the tobacco company wanted more people to continue buying cigarettes so that they can make more money. The tobacco company is not healthy for any bodies lungs and the safety department knew that  it is not ok that they can get sick and die because tobacco  it is so not good for your lungs .The safety department also knew that it is not good and why they want the people to stop smoking for their health. They can also get cancer and get sick and die! And you can loose your teeth, and even get gum disease and get really sick and might die. Also the safety department does not want people to keep smoking it is not good for your health.


1969 the congress passed  the public hoking Act( public law 91-222)the tobacco companies  did not have a cigarettes WARNING/CAUTION/DANGEROUS  on the back of the  packet.  They needed to put the label on the back of the packet.  People would know what is going on with their bodies or what will happen to their bodies Saying that the product that the are using is VERY DANGEROUS  for their health.


Cigarettes and cigars  and tobacco are Really hard for people to stop smoking.People get addicted to it and its hard for  them to stop.  Some people don’t care what will happen to their bodies.Most people don’t believe that their bodies will get heart and they can die.You can tell that  this is true because they won’t stop smoking. Smoking weed/ tobacco /cocaine /cigarettes /cigars  are very very bad for your health .Older people drop cigarettes on the ground and kids can indeed  pick them up and try to smoke them the childrens can easily die very fast  from that stuff faster than an adult and they can go to the hospital.Also people should step on the cigarettes so that kids won’t use them.OR better they should throw it away or not smoke.


In the open when you smoke you can pollute other peoples air  and  kids/ babies can get sick if someone smokes around them .Even if you throw your cigarettes in the ocean the fish can die because of the nickiteen in the cigar is poisonous and they can die from it if you throw it in the water.


When kids get older at teenager they get more curious about smoking .One day they try it and then they might like it and will want to smoke more .they will get addicted to it and smoke were people are and pollute the peoples air. The person that is smoking the cigarette might not care and will continue smoking with absolute no problem with it.

There’s a difference between buying the tobacco from the store then planting it in your yard.The difference is that when you buy the tobacco from the store is that they put more stuff in it. then when you grow it in your yard it is not so bad.