Brooke Smith, Girl Wonder

Have you ever heard voice? Well this is a story is about a girl who heard those voices.

In the small town in Maine there lives a girl named Brooke. She was asleep and she heard a tiny voice asked.

“Is she the one?” said a tiny voice. “Yes you must make her believe, now do what you must.” said a low voice. “(sigh) Okay. Psst hey wake up now come on wake up. WHY WON’T YOU WAKE UP!!!”. The tiny voice was covering his mouth.

Brooke woke up and thought it was one of those town meeting’s about how to get money to fundraiser for the school. She was so startled when she was saw the boy with the tiny voice.

“Who are you and what you do want with me. Did I pick on you when we were smaller, please don’t hurt me.” Brooke cried. “Hey I’m not going to hurt, since you woke up we now have to talk face to face.” said the tiny voice. “You always were a believer. So we appeared and now we live in the abandoned library in town square.”

Brooke was about to call her mother. She looked at him really closely and then said she looked at her grandpa when he was little.

“Grandfather is that you as a little boy. I can’t believe it you died when you 78 years old. Why are you here?” Brooke cried. “ I must hurry, so this is what I looked like when I died, and now you have to stay up late tomorrow night and believe in us. Got it,” said Tiny.

Brooke went to sleep and thought of what it was like being a ghost or spirit from the underground world.

(Tweet Tweet Tweet) A bird singing a lovely song. Brooke had woke up. She went downstairs and saw her mother cooking her favorite breakfast, sausages with her Colorado Omelet and a strawberry smoothie to go. Her mother humming the song she always sang to Brooke when she was little. Her mom turned and around and had the face of Mystic Man who even scarey than Miss Tolly with a mole and a snaggle tooth.

“Ahh, what was that,” yelled Brooke. Brooke was terrified  she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. When she was done she put on her bunny slippers and then smelled her little brother Brian eating blueberry oatmeal. Brooke came down stairs her mother gave her a cheese omelet with 3 sausages, fruit salad ,and orange juice.

“Honey hurry because your brother wants to go the ice skating rink so please get dressed brush your teeth and make you lay nice clothes when we come back ok,” Her mom exclaimed. “Where we going?We don’t have church because the doors are too FROZEN!” Brooke talking with food in her mouth.

Brooke’s mother smiled and she finished cleaning the dishes.  When Brooke and Brian were finished they went up stairs and did a challenge.

First one to get your clothes gets to throw a snowball at the other person who LOSES,” Brooke and Brian said at the same time. They shook hands and went in there rooms.

Brooke came out of her room and looked in her brothers room and he had his bathroom light on she thought must of been in the bathroom brushing his teeth and washing his face. Brooke ran down stairs and her brother was drinking a cup of hot chocolate and was watching tv. Brooke was so mad that she was going to get hit with a snowball, BY HER BROTHER. Her brother, Brian went to baseball camp and he was the pitcher because he had good aim.

“Brooke let’s go outside so you can get hit with the mega snowball I made outside,” said Brian with a evil smirk on his face.

Later that day Brooke and her mom was smashing the potatoes while Brian put his dinosaur pajamas on. When Brooke finished mashing the potatoes she checked on the mac-n-cheese then pulled it out.

“Brooke would be a dear and set the table up and make sure you feed your hamster before you eat,” Her mother told her. Brook went up stairs to feed her hamster, Mr. Giggles.

Brooke finished eating her dinner and watched tv. Her mom told her to take her dishes in the kitchen and clean your dishes. Brooke was really mad she did that but the dog wanted to have her leftovers. So Brooke made sure she did her part of the dishes. Brooke went up stairs and got ready for bed.

“Time to go to bed, time to go to bed, time for everyone to play in my head. Everyone skips, everyone jumps, everyone’s ready to eat the candy stumps.” Brooke sang while she was brushing her hair. Her window blew open when and Brooke stopped brushing her hair and closed the window door.

“Hmm it’s pretty windy tonight,” Brooke said. And Brooke went to sleep

10 minutes


“Hey wake up it’s time,” said Tiny.

Brooke woke up and followed Tiny to the window door and he flew so did she because she believed and they flew to Never land.

No just kidding they went to the clock tower where Tiny been ever since he died.

“Where are you taking me and why are we headed for the clock tower,” Brooke whined. “Brooke please, just trust me, you’re meeting the boss,” Tiny had said

Brooke had let go of Tiny’s hand she had looked around looking for the boss.

“Hello is anywhere here? Tiny where are you, please show me the way to the “BOSS”! Brooke said wiping her eyes.

Brooke looked up and saw the other spirits with Tiny. All the spirits and Tiny flew down and all looked at her.

“Is that really human flesh. I haven’t seen it since my Julia. You guys remember her?”

Mystic Man came down and said. “I’m the one that sent you here and now I shall have a body to control and I will be able to live like I always wanted to live. With a great friends, go to school, and have a family of myself to have and play with,” He said.

Brooke ran away but the spirits pulled her back.

“Ugh let go of me please! You’re making a mistake let go now, Brooke screamed.

Mystic Man came closer to Brooke and he put his hand on her shoulder and then he sucked his way in. Then Tiny flew up real fast and pulled Mystic Man out of her body. Mystic Man was really furious and he was about to hit Tiny. Brooke struggled and struggled and she got loose.

“Go ahead take my body instead“you monster”!” Brooke said with a mean face. “Brooke no you will die and you will live the life I always wanted to live,” Tiny said.

Brooke knew he was right so she looked around and saw a old candle with candle matched. She ran over and grabbed the matches and flicked one on. And put out after she lit the candle. Mystic Man screeched so did the others but Tiny told her to bring closer to him and she did as she was told.

Mystic Man was stuck because he couldn’t go through walls. Their not ghosts their spirits. Mystic Man got sucked in by the candle light. Everyone was surprised and now that Mystic Man have no control over the spirits. Everyone looked up to Brooke now she defeated the “Big Man”.

“Brooke thank you Mystic Man was the worst person I ever met,” Tiny exclaimed. “I hereby decree Tiny to be the “Boss of spirits”. She said proudly.

Brooke now had to go home, Tiny and the others took her home and she went to straight to bed.

When she woke up the next day what happened last night it felt like a nightmare to her.

That was the story of Brooke Smith, Girl Wonder the spirit tamer.