A Strange Day in July

Strange things happen in the world. But this is even stranger than even stranger than ever.

One day in July, Matthew was playing at the creek and he was skipping rocks. Julia showed up and sat on the big rock where to kids put their name on.

“you know you’ll never be able to skip stones right?” Julia said.

Julia picked up a stone and she skipped the stone all the way across the creek.

“See told ya,” Julia bragged.

Matthew folded his arms and then he picked up a stone and he threw it across. Julia’s mouth hang open.

“No way Matthew you just skipped a stone,” Julia said in shock.

Matthew started bragging and picked up a second stone and he skipped it AGAIN!

Matthew felt like the luckiest person in the world so he picked up a stone for a lucky chance.

He threw with all his might, but the third stone came skipping back. Matthew was in shock and he looked at Julia. Julia was sitting on the big rock snickering and cracking up in tears.

“What’s so funny? This is serious what happened!” Matthew exclaimed.

Julia called somebody’s name and a weird kid with a ponytail and he was wearing a silly shirt and khaki pants.

“Hey Julia how are,” the little boy said to Julia who was standing up waving to him.

Matthew was really confused and he was looking at Julia. The boy’s name was Joe and he was from a tribe named Absentee-Shawnee Matthew was really upset that Julia pulled a trick on him. Julia was looking at Matthew and he was leaving to go.

“Matthew come on you are really a let down. Come on we’re just having fun,” Julia said in a serious way.

Matthew was looking at Julia and she was floating or in his case flying in the air. The boy across the stream also was floating. He was acting like he was floating and then he was holding on to Julia’s hand. That’s when Matthew left and he went to the tree house his dad made for him before he went to war.

“Matthew, honey it’s time to eat dinner,” his mother called out. “Mom please just for 5 more minutes.”


Julia was knocking on Matthews window. His window room was on the third level of his house. Matthew was waking up and he looked at his window on the side of his room. Matthew ignored the knocking and he stated his day off.

(muffling) “Matthew come on you know that it was just a prank from yesterday, how about you lighten up,” Julia said in anger.

Matthew ignored her and he went to put his clothes… and yes he closed the blinds. YUCK!!!

After he got dressed, he went down stairs, ate breakfast, cleaned the guinea pigs cage, and then went outside to go play.


Matthew knew that from anywhere. Matthew ran to where Julia’s voice was. She kept on screaming. Then Matthew heard the boy from the other day yelling at her. That’s when Matthew ran faster. Matthew knew he was trouble because he has those devilish eyes.

Julia was fighting Joe to get away from him. Matthew picked up a rock and threw it at him. It didn’t work. Tiny looked at him and chuckled. Matthew threw the second one but he budge to let go of Julia.

“Your such a wimp, MATTHEW!!!,” Joe teased.

“Stop it let go of me or you’ll be sorry,” Julia demanded.

Matthew found a huge rock and then he picked it up and it was a bit heavy for him but he wanted to save Julia. Matthew threw with all his might and…

“Ow that actually hurt why would you do that it was just a prank,” Joe confessed. “Julia really you had me worried, I could of had a heart attack!” Matthew complained. “What I had no part in this scam,” Julia exclaimed.

Joe let go of Julia he vanished but he would always right back every month and she would right back to Joe too. Matthew always got letters but he never respond because Joe might come back from travels with his tribe.

That is the story of a….

Strange Day in July