Archie Smith, Boy Wonder

By: Abdi


Once there was a boy named Archie Smith. He’s 10 years old, goes to Springwood Elementary, and has a HUGE crush on Katty Hernandez the most cutest girl in school (to his opinion). He was a normal kid with a normal room and a normal closet, and normal grades, normal parents, and a normal life. But that all changed when he got superpowers, this is the story of Archie Smith, Boy Wonder.




It was a quiet evening in the town of SpringField, on Main street, in the third family home with a bay window. That’s where Archie Smith had his room. It was covered with Superman themed things. He has a Superman poster that hangs over his Superman bed that had a blue and red Superman logo on the bed frame with Superman sheets and pillow. He also had Superman action figures, wallpapers, and even Superman stuffed animals. He sleeps in superman pajamas with a giant stuffed animal wearing a Superman outfit with a cape! There was our hero, on his bed, reading a ‘Superman’ comic book.



‘Then out of nowhere, our superhero emerged for the tall building ashes to save the trapped hostages from the evil Joker,” he read softly in his bed, holding on to his Superbear tightly with fear, then all of a sudden,

“Archie, time for bed,”his mom yelled up the stairs.

“But mom, Superman was about to save the hostages. 5 more minutes, please,”Archie pleaded to his mother

She was happy he was reading,”Okay, 5 minutes,”




It was 7:00 am, where our hero was putting on his clothes. He was wearing his light navy blue short sleeve shirt and his khaki pants. He came down the wooden stairs to see his mom, in her cotton candy blue bathrobe over her Betty Boop pajamas making oatmeal, and his father sitting at the table, in his plain blue pajamas eating oatmeal reading the newspaper, both looking sad.

“What’s wrong mom and dad. Did I do somthing wrong to upset you?”Archie said to his parents in confusion.

Both his parents look at him to say,”I’m so sorry Archie, but your class has a outbreak of chickenpox and it is very serious. You won’t be able to go to school for the next 8 weeks,”

Archie was disappointed to hear that, but he was prepared. He got his breakfast and put it in the red bread shelf to keep it will he goes back to his room.




Every year he gets a summer packet to do at home. He has a whole drawer full of packets from 1st grade to 12th grade, and he is in 5th grade. He rambled through the wooden drawer to find the 5th grade packet.

“I knew that they wouldn’t go to waste”whispered to himself.

He got his Superman pajamas and put on his Superman slippers from the closet and ran downstairs.

“Mama Papa, I have school work for myself to do and….”Archie stop speaking to see nobody is in the kitchen, so he ate his breakfast alone.




It was midnight. Everybody was asleep and Archie was dreaming a Superman dream,

‘Never fear, Superman is here with my trusty sidekick Tigerkid’

‘I’ll save you citizens of townsville while Superman catches the crook’

But while Archie had a really good dream, he wasn’t the only one in the room. He was visited by the Super Forces Group (SFG for short), a group who finds people who can get powers to save the world and not take over the world. A tiny voice asked, “Is he the one?” But it was not a person, it was a beam of light creeping into his room. There were 10 of them circling around the sleeping kid. They all became on bright ring of light. Then the light became no more than a thin piece of air and drifted of to the stars, leaving Archie in his bed, sound asleep.




6:00 am,

Beep beep beep

“What a crazy dream. There was Superman battling the Joker in the epic battle of good vs. evil and….”Archie’s voice trailed off seeing himself in the bathroom staring at the mirror, flying. But he ignored the fact that he would need to shower flying. After the shower, he did the same routine even though he did it flying. He got dressed, got his Superman backpack ready with his Superman binder, Superman lunchbox, and his Superman comic books. Went down the wooden stairs (he flew down) and got his Superman bowl with matching cutlery and cup, so he got the bowl out with the spoon and cup, filled the bowl with Archie’s favorite cereal, Superman Crunch, and added milk in the bowl, put orange juice in the cup, and got a banana, and sat at the table.

Crunch crunch, gulp gulp, peel peel

His parents came down stairs to find their beloved son in mid air.

“Oh my lord, Archie what happened and come down this instant,”His mother cried out while his father didn’t really care.




After he finished his breakfast, he looked at the time and got his things and head out the door. All of the kids on the bus were looking at Archie strangely because his friends were holding him down so he won’t fly out the window. At school, everybody (even the teacher) was staring at him in confusion, but he didn’t mind. Even the lunch lady was staring in confusion, but that wasn’t the weird thing of that day, it was a strange new kid who looked just like him only 1) he was green 2) he hated Katty Hernandez and 3) he hates school, loves sports, and he likes a girl named Yttak Zednanreh back where he used to live.

“Me don’t like school. It is not clean and smugly,”He rudely said while doing the gage at Katty. As he dissed Archie’s school and doing stuff backward, like doing subtraction when the kids are doing addition, having lunch when it’s recess time, and going to school when it was time to go, he also recognized that he was mostly paying attention to Archie. On Monday he saw Eihcra going to school at 2:30, (not unusual for him), coming out of a portal and grabbing Archie by the arm.

“Me go with you to Bizzaro World,”said Eihcra as he got a good grip of Archie’s arm.

“What are you doing. Dinner is in 3 minutes and it is Spaghetti and Meatball Monday, also it is my turn to set the table and AAAAAAA,”screamed Archie as he fell on the ground of the ground of Bizarro World. Archie couldn’t see because it was pitch black.

“Is it midnight already. Oh, I’m so going to get grounded…..”Archie’s voice trailed off as he saw the town was upside with the sky at his feet and the ground in the sky and fell asleep from all of that screaming.




“Go sleep. It is 7pm,”Eihcra yelled at Archie as he sat up in confusion, but since he is in Bizzaro World, so he woke up and saw the most ugliest girl he has ever seen.

“Good bye Yttak. This isn’t Archie,”Eihcra said while gazing at her ugliness.  She was wearing the opposite of Katty’s closet




He got to the portal, when all of a sudden Eihcra yelled

“Guards, later!”

Kling, kling, kling

The sounds of the guards terrified Archie, but still weirded him out. But the blue and green portal was still open, but he wanted to use his power’s. But Archie through himself into the portal and then he found himself in his world.




He saw Katty in a room filled with Wonder Woman. A Wonder Woman bed, a Wonder Woman poster, a Wonder Woman mirror, and a teddy bear wearing a Wonder Woman costume. He looked into the mirror and did not see himself. He panicked and heard footsteps becoming louder and louder and louder. The doorknob turned he crawled into the bed when all of a sudden.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED!”Katty saw him even though he was invisible, or is he? As he saw the beautiful Katty in her Wonder Woman nightgown with Wonder Woman slipper and a Wonder Woman bow in her and everything Wonder Woman. He was afraid his crush was going to beat him up for breaking in her room, but he was relieved that she was talking to her 3 year old brother who was chewing on her Wonder Woman action figures.

“MOOOOOOOOMMMMMM, Toby is using my Wonder Woman action figures as a chewing toy, again!”Katty was furious as to what her brother did, for the 12 time that same day. Archie got out of the room and straight to his house and he became uninvisible.




He saw his parents coming downstairs for dinner.

“Hi Archie. It is Taco Tuesday. Ready son?”Archies parents asked at the same time.

Archie smiled and said,”Yes I am”

After he had dinner he went to sleep and he dreamt about the things that happened to him that day. What happened to Eihcra, why was he invisable for 10 minutes, and what up with that Yttak girl and why is shy so ugly.




The next day at school, Katty went up to Archie to be his partner for assignments, played with him at recess, walked home with him (bleh), and said that she liked him (double bleh). Then the weirdest thing happened, She was flying with him.

“What is happening?”Katty was shocked to the site of her feet in mid air.

“My powers, they transferred to you while still connected to me.



10 years later, Archie ended up with Katty and Eihcra ended up with Yttak and both humans and bizzaro’s lived happily ever after (with unusual super powers)


The End