Clear spring park opinion

 Clear Spring Park is located in Germantown MD. Clear spring park is a good place for kids to have fun and relax. The park was made in 1981. The park has 4 swings and 2 baby swings. There are 3 slides. There is also a basketball court with 4 hoops and a black top.


Overall, I believe that Clear Spring Park is a positive human characteristic for Germantown, Maryland.  It has trashcans for people not to litter. There is police patrolling there to see if something is going on. There could be party’s there and there is a shelter area incase you’re stuck there is the rain.

Also kids can have there own space and be free. Kids can also forget about their electronics and go play in the park. Kids can safely climb trees with their parents watching them. kids can be active and run and play and have fun. Take your children to clear spring park and they will be amazed.


In Conclusion this is why Clear Spring Park is a good place for kids any age or others to go.