Do you think architect  jobs will last  20 years From now ?


Yes I do think it will because some of the people need to tell other people what it takes to do this job if they want to do it. The other reason why is because they have to use dangerous stuff that you need to practice with. If they don’t have practice they can’t measured it correctly and might hurt herself or himself. They other reason why is that they won’t be able to use the marterlies. The reason why I say that is because of this if they don’t have that bachelor’s degree they won’t Architect  and if they don’t have the  licensed they can’t be a Architect.


The stuff you do is measure with compasses and crave the models that you’re doing with knives so it will be a small sculpture of your design. The designs are sometimes put on the computer and notebook.Sometimes Architect design the outside of the buildings and the inside of the buildings.When they do that they team up with engineers,plumbers,painters, and many more workers to discuss their plan about their design for the thing that the workers are making making The team makes the cut at the end.


The technology they use are compasses for measuring,saws and knives for carving the model, 3D printers for the printing the plans,computers for the 3D design, paper for the plan and many more tool.The reason why these ojectect were use is because these item are mostly use when designing a house. Sometimes they make little modles for the thing to make a picture in there head .The Tools are useless if you don’t have any experience how to the tools.Most Architects use 3D printers to make models that normal printers can’t use.


The money Architect make  $56 hourly , $2,239 weekly, $4,479 biweekly, $4,852 semimonthly, $9,704 monthly, and $116,444 annual.Architect works for about 2 hours a day.Sometimes they get  bonus money which is a lot money. The bonus money is like 20 to 2,499 dollars which can buy a house. The money that some bosses give in the west south are below average but in the north east they get higher than average.


Training Architects need a bachelor’s degree from an accredited architectural program followed by work experience and the passage of a national licensing exam. Once licensed, architects must maintain their skills through continuing education.