200 Year Cobbler Essay



There have been many changes in the last 200 years in my shoe business. Some of the changes are that when we make the shoes, we use a conveyor belt to make the shoes and we use different material other than just leather, also we use different colors.

In 1815 when the company started, we made the shoes by hand and we only made the shoes in leather, black or brown, and in only a few sizes.

Now in 2015 we make the shoes in all different sizes and the shoes are made on a conveyor belt by robots.

I believe that there are 2 major reasons for the changes in the company are 1) we don’t make the shoes by hand and 2) the shoes are very odd.


In 50 years, the business will be controlled by a robot named Carrel and the shoes will be made out steel and metal and the shoes will be able to fly to your house.