My Speech


Good afternoon Ms. Dietz, Ms. German, Daly Staff, Students, Parents, GrandParents, Guardians, and everyone else here today. I came here to Daly Elementary School because it is a great place. This place is where I made friends, where I learned to have fun with friends and family. This is where I come to every Monday through Friday. This is one of my favorite places, no matter how much I like it or dislike it. 5 years I have been here and now I’m going to a new place, With new friends and new family. My best friends to me are not just friends they’re family to me, and I may see them and I may not but to me this is where everything started, and now it ends I leave to go to middle school but only because I have to.


I truly started my education in kindergarten, My teacher was Ms. Davis. She was kind and helpful and she always told us the truth. She was the best kindergarten teacher to me, My favorite kindergarten teacher and my only one. The end of the year came quickly, the end of school was here.She left after that year, I missed her. I was going to first grade.


When it came to first grade I had Ms. Siguenza. She was kind too, also helpful and caring. She could get angry quickly but I was good so I didn’t get yelled at. I liked her and I always helped her when she needed to and she helped me when I need help. One day at recess I saw Ms Davis, She came and we all ran to give her a hug. It was happy in first grade. The end came quick but not as quick as kindergarten.


Then I went to second grade. My teacher was Ms Brunk. She was my favorite teacher then. I liked Ms Brunk a lot, she was really nice and careful with things. I think she was the best second grade teacher to me. I always helped her with everything she needed. I really liked her. But the end of the year was here, and I was going to third grade.The end of the year came quickly, the end of school was here, and I was off to third grade.


I had Ms. Funch as my teacher in third grade. It was great but I did not like writing. I liked my teacher, She was fun and tried to make things a game while still learning, so we could be playing a math game will having fun and learning our facts at the same time. It was fun, she was nice, careful, and funny. The end was here and 4th grade was right around the corner.


I had Ms Barrick that year. She was a great teacher. I was scared though because I thought I might have been held back because she was also a teacher in third grade. I was scared but I was still happy. I liked it in her class she was nice and careful with things. But then it was the end of the year. It was time for fifth grade.


I had the best fifth grade teacher ever Mr. Fitzpatrick. He is a great, funny, and kind teacher that always makes me laugh. I think fifth grade is the best grade because everything is fun. I always can do the things that I would like to if i’m allowed to. I love fifth grade, and now here I am.
I am leaving this school to go on to new teachers and new friends. I will always remember this school, and never forget it and now I’m leaving it all behind to go somewhere else, to learn new things while still using what I learned here. I will remember this school as a great place, because that is what it is.