5th Grade Speech

By: Emily Solorzano


Good morning Mrs. Dietz and  Mrs. German friends and parents including  staff.

My name is Emily Solorzano. And I will be telling you a little about my childhood at daly and the other schools i’ve been to.

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You all know it’s almost time for the 5th graders to move up to middle school. Some kids are  happy to leave. Some kids  are sad that there leaving.  I feel both things. I’m happy because I get to go to a higher level on to my carer . I  also feel tough  going into  middle school. Other clubs that are there will be funner to be in and I will get out of school earlier than elementary as well I will get to be  independent . I’m also sad. I’m sad because I won’t have a kindergarten buddy  to help and be with. As well as I won’t have all my friends in the same school. Like my best friend Zahra that I will miss forever. part of things won’t be as easy or fun in middle school I will have to be more responsible. I  will miss my favorite teachers like Mr. Fitz who is funny and a good teacher that can help me with my work.

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When I was in first  grade I was at daly and I had to move. I was sad I did not want to move but I had to. I did not want to go to the school Rosemont elementary I was going to miss my friends and I was scared to make new ones.  I never went to a different school before. I stayed at Rosemont elementary for half of first grade and half of second grade. I did not  like that school  some people thought it was a good school[. I was bullied by my weight  and sometimes I did not want to go to school because of that. ( look up)


Than I had to move again I went to Summit hall. I Liked summit hall. I had better friends at this school more than Rosemont but in this school  there was a group of friends I would play with. There was a girl who did not like me also that was mean to me. I stayed at Summit hall elementry for half of 2nd grade and I stayed at 3rd grade for a year.  (look Up)

I had to move to Sally k ride for half of 4th grade and the kids there were meaner than rosemont I missed Summit Hall.I Remembered every one of my friends when I left.

I had to move again I moved back to Daly.

kids where mean to me I did not want to go to school and I would say that I felt sick so I don’t have to go. My mom would believe me and she world let me stay home. Than a couple of days that I did not go my mom said for me to go. I found out  if I don’t go my mom would have to pay  so I just started to go to school more.

My mom said that school was important. She said it was important because school leeds to a education and my mom did not want me to be a cashier.

Their is my best friend Zahra I would go to school to see her and play with her at recess she is funny and smart.


Even when the days i’m tired or don’t feel like going I really did go to school my mom told me that this was my time to shine.  And she asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up I said a Emergency Room nurse. She said I had to go to school more if I wanted to become it. I went more because I wanted to be a nurse and I like helping when someone is hurt. When my sister has a booboo I help her heal it. And when I don’t want to go to school my mom  always tells me to go so I can be a nurse.  That makes me go. When I started  to go to school  more my mom told me  I was going to help her in the future when she gets older. So I kept going to school more so I could help her. Also I want to make some money and have a beautiful house and car in the future. Furthermore I will also go so I can have an education and to live ok so I can pay my bills on time and to buy clothes that I need so I can where my work clothes in the hospital

And now that i’m almost in the 6th grade I will try to do my best much more because it is going to be harder and I think they will grade you for everything.


Id like to thank my mom for helping me succeed and I love you. Thank you for listening. Have a nice afternoon. Have a good summer.  Thank you for coming.