Adventure Image

Nim lives on an island. She loves to read books written by her favorite author Alex Rover. All she has is her animal friends to a company her. Her dreams are to meet her favorite author Alex Rover live.


Nim was reading a book. Alex Rover is on a camel in Egypt then out of nowhere these mysterious guys in a black cloak attacked him Alex Rover. Alex Rover never has fear so he did a backflip off his camel and he fighted back. Dad came in and nim closed her book and she turned off her lamp and went to sleep.

Next day nim was playing with her animal friends and her dad was chatting on the computer with nim’s favorite author and nim didn’t know. That same day in the afternoon nim’s dad left her in charge of the house which he has never done before. So the dad was leaving because he needed to do some science work. Dad yelled,’’Now parties.’’Well you know how kids are. She had a party and celebrated with her animal friends. Which are a ,lizard , a snake , and last but not least a chameleon and those are very rare.

Next morning Nim was waiting outside laying down on the seashore for her dad. One hour past and Nim still waiting but then Nim got very upset because her dad didn’t come back!!!! Nim didn’t know what to do but then this loud noise came out of nowhere,’’gruuuuumble’’. And that noise wasn’t no ordinary sound it was the sound of THUNDER!!!!!!! So Nim quickly gathered her animal friends and ran as fast as she could to her house. And there she stayed gazing at her window by herself in the night well not completely by herself cause she’s got her animal friends with her so she’s not completely alone.


The next day Nim woke up and changed into her clothes as fast as a cheetah. Then she climbed out of her house and climbed up a tree and she thought she saw a tree and but she really didn’t know what it was because she was like 24 feet away. So she ran to the nearest tree that’s close to the beach. So then she saw that it was a ginormous pirate ship and on the side it said The Buccaneers Nim nervously in shock with her mouth open for about 5 seconds she went running to her house.


Nim was curious of why The Buccaneers came. Nim is upset because of her mom’s past. So her mom was just playing in the water when this big ginormous ship came towards her she didn’t see so she got crushed!!!!!! Just kidding she almost got crushed but because she can swim under water she was perfectly fine. Until….. a big fat maybe 20 feet wide whale came and then chomp chomp CHOMP!!! The whale ate her!


So at she was at her house she was thinking of a plan to get The Buccaneers away but what she thought wasn’t exactly what she thought it was you’ll find out anyways she finally finished her traps and her massive plan. So her massive plan was to climb a volcano on her island and make it erupt so her other traps were pretty simple she just needs to tie a net to some trees and you know whoever tries to enter the forest they’ll get trapped.


Her other trap was that she would tie nets to trees and put snakes on them and sling shot them in the air where the target was the beach. Well here’s the thing Nim didn’t know about on the boat that almost crushed her mom it said Buccaneers but she didn’t know it was just a guide that pretends to be a pirate and be very funny. And so Nm was kind of mad because you know she didn’t know it was just a guide so while she was sling shoting snakes the people on the beach were screaming and yelling that there were snakes on their heads.


Nim couldn’t stop laughing but she also couldn’t let her laughter go cause she didn’t want to be heard. Then the people started to panic because there were snakes everywhere nim stopped laughing and focused on her plan.


’’Now I can finally get The Buccaneers away’’.She cried out loud to herself.


She uttered happily then nim was going on this dirty path to the volcano. But then this chubby boy named nick that was wearing a tuxedo was following her but then nim felt like someone was watching her so she looked back so he hid behind a tree and nim saw nothing so she kept climbing the volcano so then she reached the top and she saw the boulder she was supposed to use that she left ready so she pushed the boulder towards the center of the volcano…..


Then suddenly everything started to shake and nim almost fell but thank god she didn’t. But then out of nowhere another boulder came towards nim and nim fell off the volcano and she’s lucky the boulder didn’t fall on her but her knee got badly injured and she was crying to the death she tried to run home as fast as she could even if her knee hurt so she finally reached her house.


So then she got a lot of paper and put water on the paper and wiped on her knee let me tell you it wasn’t easy to wipe all the blood away so then she got a lot of bandages and put them on her knee and then she got a cast thingy and put it on her knee then she tried to walk and then when she got used to it so she ran to the volcano and nick came from behind the tree he was hiding told nim that if she was the one who made the volcano erupt.


Then nim replied,’’Yes.


and nick in surprise blabbed out loud,’’Are you CRAZY’’.


Nim didn’t care but nick asked where her family was and nim replied she didn’t have one and that her dad never returned back from doing his science work so nick was in shock and said,


’’So you’re alone and you live here’’. nick anxiously uttered.

Nim replied,’’Yes’’.


Then nim asked if he was part of the buccaneer ship and he said yes and nim was scared of nick and she backed up a little bit after words nick said it’s just a local guide ship and then suddenly nick heard his parents calling him and he had to go then he left and  nim ran to her house. On the other hand nick was telling his mom that he met a girl that lives on the island.


Nick’s mom didn’t believe him she thought it was one of his stories again so then nick’s dad dragged him to the ship and they left.

So then nim went home and saw that Alex Rover which is actually Alexandra Rover sent her a message on the computer and it said,


’’Nim who are you’’.

So nim replied, ’’I’m 11 years old and I got hurt by climbing on a volcano’’.


Alexandra was speechless in shock so she went to the airport at once. So then she got to the island and nim saw her and she was surprised because she thought she was a man but she didn’t care on the other hand her dad was still alive and his ship had a lot of water.


Then a goose came with the dad’s tools and the dad in his head said,


’’Is this one of nim’s friends’’?


But then he started rebuilding the holes on his ship and finally he finished so he set sailed to the island. Then nim was happy she saw her dad and she ran up to him and gave him a big hug and then nim showed her dad Alexandra Rover and they both shook hands and they both said nice to meet you. Next day all 3 of them were walking on the beach holding hands and now Alexandra is part of nim’s family now:)