Myth Drawing





So let’s give you some interesting “facts”. Let’s just tell you one of the nice, things about… The Sirens. Well for a fact they are mermaid like creatures that like to sing a song and then they, KILL SAILORS  WITH THEIR SWEET LOVEY DOVEY  SONGS!!! Well not really, but it’s good trait to have. So let’s tell you about Poseidon. He likes to rule the sea,  he wants not one single other person ruling the sea except him and the Sirens. Maleifiecent, is the Sea wanna be owner. He want’s to do everything his way, he also doesn’t want  Poseidon to rule the sea he wants to rule it himself. This all runs down in Sea Lauderdale.


Poseidon calls up The Sirens. “Hello?? Who are you?” the Oldest Siren said. “I am Poseidon and I want to know if you would like to work with me, to rule the under sea’s!” “Erm.. Sure… We will swim over to you. See you in a couple of minutes.” The Sirens swam as fast as they could over to Poseidon’s part of the sea, they were excited but not exactly sure if they felt confident.


Let foward to the next day. The Sirens and Poseidon were in the sea relaxing  also enjoying their day off, when they heard the sounds of jet ski’s and they suddenly jumped up in shock. “WHAT IN THE SEAS IS GOING ON HERE!?!?!?” screams Poseidon in anger.


“Poseidon calm down. It’s just Maleficent’s soldiers, I have heard that Maleficent has been causing trouble down in the western seas. I also heard that he wants to own all of the seas. Including our sea. And also we need to tell him to stop because it is causing a distraction on our LAND! We won’t let him do anything to our home! We will own this!” screamed The oldest Siren in no fear.


“You are sure right and we need to stand up and tell him we OWN this sea. Sea Lauderdale is our home! We won’t let some skunk bag run our sea. So we must FIGHT.Let’s march on over there and DEMAND a fight.”  


“Yea! Let’s get ready!!” Said the Sirens.


They all got ready to swim over to Maleficent’s underwater palace and demand a fight. “Are we all ready??” yelled Poseidon.


“YES WE ARE!!”  The  Sirens yelled back. They all marched over to the palace.


Maleficent said laughing. “If it isn’t Little Poseidon. Haha. Always trying to own the sea. Well I am going to own Sea Lauderdale! And you can’t stop me.”


“You seem so confident in your little self. Oh wait you shouldn’t be because I am going to BEAT you! I demand a fight with you. If we dont fight.  Then we never will know who owns the sea. If you agree we fight tomorrow at 1:00 sharp.”  


“Hmm.. Let me think. Just bring tissues.”

“Why! So that we can wipe your tears?”


“No.. So that you can dry your eyes after I beat you! Leave it at that. Tomorrow it is, tomorrow it is. .”


Let’s forward to the next day. So it was 12:58 and they had 2 minutes to be at the sea to fight maleficent. Everyone was ready to fight. The Sirens had been dressed in their best gear and had the best weapon. Their swords were made of Sea Glass and then Poseidon’s sword was made of water. (the best sword was the water sword.)


“Ready to be beat. By the great Maleficent. Do you have your tissues??”


“No.. I don’t want nor do I need them. I’m not a little boy! I’m going to RULE this sea including this sea that we are standing in the middle of. I have the best sword in the world of underwater swords.”


“Aww. Better start getting them!”


“I’m good. How about you take them! You will be needing them. I won’t. I will just be sitting here laughing once I beat you. And there is no way that I will let you beat me. My sword is most powerful. It’s made of water. Water is the STRONGEST sword ever. Hope you can beat that.”


“Aww so cute! I have a better sword, called the maleficent sword it has EVERY ability.”


“O-Ok! Try acting like that…!”


They started fighting, The Sirens had taken down Maleficent’s soldiers. Poseidon and Maleficent were insanely crazy for fighting but they did it just so that they could see who was best to fight.


Maleficent yelled. “STOP!!!!!!! LET ME SPEAK!!!”


“What do you want? I want to get this over with.”


“I wanna ask if we wanna team up? Like join forces.”

“Let me think about that. Is this some sort of trick ‘cause i’m not falling for any of your good old tricks.”


“Nope. Cross my sea heart it’s not a trick! Please I want to rule  the sea with you. And you and the Sirens also want to rule the sea’s. I think it makes sense that we join forces.”


“That sounds good.”


They ended the battle. Poseidon went back to Sea Lauderdale and packed up his items and the Sirens had nothing to bring with them. Maleficent was getting ready for Poseidon to come to his palace.


“How about we call Zeus and see if He would want to join our force. Wouldn’t that be awesome! We can all rule the undersea and then all rule the underground also!”


“That sounds good Maleficent. Sirens don’t you agree?”


The Sirens all nodded. They had called up Zeus. Zeus was excited, He was ready to rule the undersea and the underground with his brother. (Poseidon and Zeus are brothers.) Zeus got packed up and went to Maleficent’s palace. Zeus thought that ruling the underground was a lot of HARD work. He was excited for someone to help him rule it and keep it safe.


“Hello Zeus!!” Maleficent said greetings .


“Hiyo. Maleficent”


“Let’s all take a rest it’s been a busy day.”


And then they all took a nap and then they ruled the undersea and the underground all together and nothing bad happened after that. They all worked together and didn’t ever speak of the fight. Poseidon got a job, as an underwater mechanic. Maleficent just owned the undersea and that was his job. The sirens just kept killing sailors with their sweet song.

Myth Drawing