I believe that law number four is the best law, No one can search your body, your house, or your papers unless they can prove to a judge that you have committed a crime.


Let me tell you why I believe this is the best law.  These next three paragraphs will tell you about


Cop’s don’t need to be seeing if we have anything even if we haven’t committed a crime. You could have like weapons and that doesn’t mean anything. You have to have the full on search so then you have to find the real evidence.


We shouldn’t be held against a crime even if you didn’t commit to it. The cops don’t need to start assuming. They need to do a huge search to really see if that person did really commit a crime.


Just by searching a body, you can’t get any good evidence, you can get a little bit of evidence. You don’t want little clues you want the big clues so that you can see if the person is guilty or if they aren’t.