Similes: Sharp as a Pencil, Useless as the “G” in the word “Lasagna”

Metaphors: Winter Break was be a breeze!


Paola’s Christmas Eve

by: Paola

It was 9:00 a.m on December 24th, 2015, 11-year-old Paola Chicas was awake playing Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX on her nintendo 3DS in her bedroom. She was playing the song Amatsu Kitsune (Tianjin Fox) in Easy mode with the volume up. The volume was so loud, her 12-year-old brother Rafael came in her bedroom.

“Can you please turn down the volume?! That music is so annoying!” Yelled Rafael.

Paola was as sharp as a pencil.  “Of course –NOT! I can play it as loud as I want!” She yelled back

“No you can’t! I can hear it all the way in the living room.”

“Of course not, you idiot.”

“Kids! Get dressed! We’re going to El Volcan (Where Their parents work.)” Yelled their mom from downstairs.

Paola and Rafael groaned. “Okay, Mom.” They groaned as Rafael went to the basement (His bedroom) to get dressed while Paola went to grab some clothes.

In the car, both Paola and Rafael were on their Ipods while their Mom and Dad were talking on the way to work. They went to their Dad’s office to play games on the Ipods to kill some time. Later, Dad came to the office.

“Hey, Daffy (That’s what Rafael is called at home or work.). I need help. We have 3 ladies working today. I need your help.” Said Dad, making Rafael help.

“WHAT?! Why me?! Can’t Pao (They call me like this. I’m used to it.) help?” Yelled Rafael, making me work too. Dad said yes, so there was 7 people working. It wasn’t fun.

When it was time for the ladies to leave (FINALLY!!!) , Dad wishes them a “¡Feliz Navidad!” and a “¡Feliz año nuevo!”.

They headed to Grandma’s House for the rest of the day. There was  Paola and Rafael’s 5-year-old cousin, Trystan. Also, Fabrian (Pronounced Fab • rie • yan; 1 year old cousin.) was there. Both gave Paola and Rafael presents, then all 3 families headed to their homes.

Around 11:00 p.m., Paola and Rafael opened their presents. Rafael got shoes (HIDEOUSLY UGLY ONES.) while Paola got a new digital Piano.

“Your UGLY shoes are as useless as the letter “G” in ‘Lasagna’ ” Paola told her brother, Rafael, was not pleased. Then, They headed to bed 30 mins. later.

Winter break was a breeze! Until monday, Paola had to go to school (Daly ES).