My opinion is we should not have extra days of school from  the snow because it waste money, electricity, and it cuts our summer shorter.



If we waste Electricity we waste money. If we waste money we are wasting trees. If we waste trees we are wasting oxygen. Without oxygen we will DIE! This is what the schools do when they give us extra school during our summer break. The school in summer



It takes $1.7 million -$2 million for school in June when we are meant to be in vacation. Costs to run the schools include air conditioning, paying teachers, and fuel for buses.  If we don´t school to make snow days up the school would save a lot of money.


Summers Shorter

Parents might have already bought tickets for their vacation and the tickets are not refundable, so the kid won’t  be there anyway. The made-up snow days they won´t do really anyways. The kids wouldn’t have as much freedom during the summer if they have made-up snow days, as if they they don´t.
Made-up snow days are a waste of time, money, and resources. So let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!