Logan is an 11 year old boy that loved going to play with his friends. He has a dog. His name is Spot. He is 6 months. He always trains him to be a good dog. Logan’s friends are Samuel and Stefan.


For a half year Logan lived in a place called Bent Creek Terrace. Logan’s house had a red door his house was blue. He had a downstairs backyard and a upstairs porch. There are 13 or 14 windows on the house. Logan’s house is made out of blue siding.



When Logan and Spot were tossing the ball around Logan heard a noise. Spot also heard it. Spot got confused so he started to jump and the air like a donkey and barked.


So Logan ran in the woods to see what it was. Spot followed him too. Logan peaked around the corner and saw a harp playing all by itself. Logan was like what the!! he went and grabbed the harp then ran to his friend Stefan’s house. Logan knocked on Stefan’s door. Logan said” Stefan look what I found in the woods” Stefan’s said“What I found a harp in the woods that plays all by itself.”


Stefan said” Let’s go show Samuel.” They ran to Samuel’s house then they showed the harp. He was surprised. Spot barked and ran back home while Logan, Stefan and Samuel ran after him. When they got up the hill they saw Spot clawing the door. Logan opened the door with his keys.

Everything was gone. Stefan dropped the harp and it brought them back in time.


They fixed what happened. Then they thought it was because of the harp. They played some music They went back to 1939 when the war was going on they appeared in a house with a half of a roof they played it again they got home they all went home.


The next day had begun they all got up and planned to meet at the park. Stefan and Samuel told logan to bring the harp to the park so he did they play music. Then they appeared in the jungle.


They have been wanting to go camping for a while. It was becoming night and they had build a fort they had hear a noise in the bushes when it popped out they ran. IT WAS A MONSTER!

They notice that they had left the harp. They could not get back home the monster had chased them for a hour. Once they got tired the monster got to them and it really wasn’t a monster, it was a girl named Samantha.


The real monster grabbed her, Logan, Samuel, and Stefan. They ran and found the harp. They tried to play it but it was broken so they could not go back home. They built another fort then tried to find a way out a few weeks later they found a cave. So they went in the cave and they found Samantha and Logan, Stefan and Samuel pulled her all the way back to the fort. Samantha fixed the harp they tried to go home.


But they appeared in a 1991. They were dressed up like fools. Samuel looked like a clown Logan looked like a ugly watermelon and Stefan looked like a pineapple. They danced like goof balls and jumped in the air.


They left and got back home. They missed their mom and dad. A month later Logan had found it under his bed and thought about doing it again. Logan grabbed the harp and called Stefan and Samuel.


Stefan and Samuel said they would never do that again if they could’ve never come back. Logan begged them to come but they still said no.


So Logan went all by himself. He appeared on top of his house, he did parkour off of it and he saw a lion in the zoo. The lion broke out and chased him. The lion ate his leg and he was in the hospital.


Spot burst out of the house and bit the lion in the back.  the lion turned around and ate spot. The lion ran in the woods acting like nothing happened. A woman got out of her car and took . Logan played music and came right back to the jungle with one leg. Stefan and Samuel came threw the harp they were blown that they saw logan’s leg broken.


They helped logan up and went back up Logan was in the hospital for one day then got a cast and went back home and layed in bed.


Samuel and Stefan went to visit Logan in the hospital but he wasn’t there so their mom’s speeded to Logan’s house and got a too tickets from the police they got their and he wasn’t in bed.


Logan went back to kill the lion with a cast on the lion almost bit his finger off and Logan kicked the lion in the mouth the lion fell and died he grabbed the harp while smiling more than he ever did.


When he got back home Stefan and Samuel were downstairs. After a three months  Logan’s leg wasn’t broken any more. Logan grabbed the harp and digged and digged then the harp  was gone. So it’s true he thought it’s really true.  He said that magic is real.