The Seven Chairs


It all started one day when the seventh chair landed in France. Their was a nun flying in the air or levitating. The  ministers saw it and they creeped out because they have never ever seen such a weird and scary thing……


The sixth chair landed at Australia it landed at a pool, everyone was scared because they’ve never seen that happening while it appears.They said that it looked like some magic dust or something appearing in the distance and the people that were right next to them freaked out.


Thump Thump Thump went the nun sitting in the fifth chair that landed at Houston,TX hitting the door, the owners didn’t know who was hitting the door.The owners opened it was a nun just sitting there standing right in their face. Ahhhhhh went the owner “who are you they said ” said ”I’m Evelyn”……..


Then the fourth chair landed in Canada it landed close to the Niagara  Falls it lt landed like 3 or 4 feet close to the water.There was a lot of tourist right then and there everybody just saw it in the middle of nowhere but their was nothing on it! .KABOOM KABOOM. AHHHHH AHHHHHH went all the people something really bad was happening………………….


The third chair landed in the middle of nowhere in Empty Quarter,Saudia Arabia it was just full of sand red beautiful sand nothing living. Nothing alive not even 1 single plant or animal nothing nothing nothing at all no water absolutely nothing but the one and only chair of wisdom was just sitting there.
The second chair and the first chair nobody in the world ever knew where it was or if it had anything in it the only person that did know died as soon as he saw it people say he got blind and then someone or something killed him all he felt was a hard stab and he e died or perished………..