It was the middle of summer in 2025 and the Anderson family had just moved into their new house, it looked very old and was very creaky.  The three brothers ran into the house Steven, Maxwell and Duane looked around the house and they all said “EWWWWW”, right after they said that another child walked in it was a girl and her name was Roxanne.


“Why did you guys say eww” Roxanne asked looking around the house.


“Look at this place it looks like it was made in 100 B.C.” Maxwell said disgusted.


“Your mom and I just thought that we could make the most of it” said the father Alex.


“I saw a pool nearby we could go there as soon as we finish unpacking” Alex said trying to lighten up the mood.


“Yeah we can go to the pool, YAY” said Sara the mom trying to help Alex.


“I’m gonna go chose a room” Then he stomped upstairs and chose a room all the way at the end of the hall.  


Once they had all finished unpacking they went to the pool.  When they got there Max got mad because he did not want to go to the pool so he pushed Steven into the pool and tackled Duane into the pool he tried to push Roxanne in but she jumped into the pool by herself then Steven pulled Max into the pool by his foot.


Then a kid came in and he went to Max to say hi.


“Hi ma name is Liam, I just moved here from Ireland.  What’s your name” He asked.


“Shut up” Max said angrily and he gave Liam a uppercut straight to the jaw Liam didn’t even flinch.


Then Liam’s face went from happy smile to an evil grin and cracked his knuckles and his neck at that point Max’s face went from an angry face to a pale paper white face then Liam gave Max a few punches to the stomach which knocked the air out of him and gave him an uppercut and he went up a little and fell into the pool.


“Not the best idea now that you think about it eh mate?” Liam said with a smirk on his face he wasn’t even breathing he didn’t even break a sweat.


All the other kids were looking at Liam with their jaws on the ground, Max was on the ground groaning in pain, Liam was happy that none the parents saw it so he helped Max up.


Later that week Liam went to the Anderson’s house to play video games the parents had gone shopping and to eat. Then the kids heard the doorbell ring they all froze except for Liam, Liam got up and went to the door and opened it a boy came in.


“Who is that?” Max said.


“ This is my friend.” Liam said.


“Hi” Carlos said shyly


Carlos was saying that Liam invited him to go to their house to play video games, Steven saw that Carlos had a video game controller then he told him that he could hook his controller up to their console so that they could all play then it started to get hot but their A/C did not work so they opened a few windows Max went all the way upstairs to a room with a wallpaper that had a bird design on it.  This place is weird Max said to himself.

He opened the window and went back downstairs, they all were playing video game until they got hungry, Steven went to the kitchen to see what they had and then a few minutes later he came back with chips and salsa.

They were all eating then they started to get cold, Steven went around the house closing all the windows and he told Max to go close the windows he opened.


Max went upstairs and saw a room with a whole bunch of video games and grabbed all of them and went downstairs he yelled that he had found a whole bunch new video game none of them cared how he got them they just started playing all of them one by one.  A few hours later they had finished the chips and had finished playing all of the video games and they were all sleeping then it was night.




They all jumped up and went to the phone Steven picked it up thinking it was his parents, … BUT IT WASN’T.


An old man with a very deep creepy raspy voice said “ Your house is haunted and there is one person that is worthy of being their leader and one of you was a coward.”


Steven threw the phone down and said that it was probably just a prank and to not panic and that their parents were gonna be home soon so they just went back to the living room to go to sleep but they were all scared so Steven got everyone to play video games to take their mind off of the call.  Then a few minutes later they heard a big bang and they all got startled but Steven stood up and went upstairs they were all saying “Don’t go up there”, but he went up anyways.


Each time Steven took a step the ground would start making noises he walked up to the third floor to a room with a wallpaper with the design of a bird then he saw that there was something on the ground it was a very big rock he saw that the window was open and he closed it and he also saw that on the wall one of the birds was peeling off, he thought it was just the wind so he went back down the stairs and told everyone it was ok, then he went to Max and said “You told me that you close the window but you didn’t”


“I got distracted and what made the big bang.” He asked.


“It was a rock.” Steven told Max.


“But when I was there there wasn’t a rock.” Max said.


“What” Steven said with a scared voice.


Then Steven went straight to the phone and called his mom’s phone but she didn’t answer he called again but she still didn’t answer. Steven told everyone to go to the living room.


Max ran out the house saying “I’m leaving see ya never”


The man on the phone was right Max is the coward he told them all to run outside but it was too late the house spun around like a tornado and disappeared into thin air the parents and the kids were never seen again but there was one kid that survived Max he was the only one who lived to tell the tale of what happened on the night of August tenth 2025.


And it all began when someone left the window open.