The duties of a pediatrician is to check him/her out and see if their healthy and to make them healthy with medications for them to take and some requirements that the doctor will tell either him/her and to study their diseases and finding the right medication/medicine to cure the typical type/kind of disease him/her has or gonna have and to specialize in children and their diseases which is what I technically just said in the first place:)


To be a pediatrician you need 4 years of education in university and then once you complete that you’ll need 4 more years of medical school and after medical school comes you’ll need 1 year of pediatrics intern and that’s how to become a pediatrician.   


Pediatricians get money in where they work, their reputation, and if their a specialist.The salary for specialist is 250,000 dollars a year, the salary for a normal pediatrician is around $ 175,000 but if you want me to be more precise $ 170,530 is the real deal;) but it really just depends. Other pediatricians get less than that $ 140,465 to be exact. Therefore this is a great job that has a lot enough of money to have a good home and to have food and to live a good life.

Pediatricians earn about $ 80.59 per hour this is good enough so that i could have a great and comfortable home and to get food


Yes this job will be here in the future like let’s say 20 years. Because there has to be pediatricians in the future because there has to be a doctor for kids because if there were no pediatrician there would be no cures for the kids in this world and some kids might die because what if they had cancer and their was no pediatrician to specialize him/her then him/her would never know she/he has cancer or gonna have cancer and would have no medications to cure the disease or like a requirement from the doctor like for you to exercise more or something then the kid would die or something or let’s say HIV if their was no pediatrician and him/her got hiv and they don’t know they do and they think their fine and healthy that would be bad because then him/her are gonna pop up with diseases and and even worse him/her have a short time of life and even worse they don’t have any medications 5to calm hiv and the diseases down since there’s no cure for hiv so that’s why I think there’s gonna be pediatricians in the future cuz if their wasn’t which is cause then it will really affect all the kids worldwide badly. If there’s a cause there will always be an effect.