Computer programmer is an important job that the world needs. Computer programming is a combination of math and technology. Computer programmers help people with technology problems every home in america has technology problems. And the computer programmers help the people that need help with computer or technology problems.


To become a Computer programmer you have to take 4 years of college  and Bachelor’s  degree to become  computer programmer. You also need to learn how to program computer. Other things you need to become a computer is how to calculate numbers. If you were to become a computer programmer your salary for each year would be $78,260. Their are some things good about computer programming  and some bad things about computer programming the good things about computer programming is that you get paid $78,260 a year and you get to help people in the city. The bad things about computer programming is that  computer programmers spend most of their time in offices with computer terminals. They also spend more time telecommuting since new technology allows them to work from remote locations. Computer programmers usually work 40 hour weeks, and they often work weekends and evenings to resolve technical issues also the bad things about computer programming is that when they help elderly people the elderly people ask many questions about what the are going to do with the computer and how they are going to do it.

Like I stated before Computer programming is the most important job  in the world. It is my opinion that computer programming will  be here in  20 years. But the people that are computer programmers will  be  program the robot the computer programmers that program the robots to make sure that the robots fix computers.