Teaching is an important job that the whole world needs. Without teaching there is no education to be taught. People are clueless, they don’t know how to make anything, they wouldn’t be able to make the newer technology, cars wouldn’t exist without education. Every worker in the world has some sort of education whether it be a high education or a low education, not every person has to have a master’s degree and degree’s that high. Some people are perfectly fine with just having some knowledge, not necessarily a degree in something. 

You need a Bachelor’s degree to become a teacher. Now you may be wondering what does a teacher does, a teacher helps children academically and they create plans to help their students improve academically, they also see what their students weaknesses are and their strengths are so that they can plan out what to give their students. They tell their students parents how they are improving or any difficulties in the classroom, academically or even behavior wise. Also they enforce his/ hers rules in their classroom, they lay down laws.


The pay of an average elementary school teacher is $55,000 a year.  Teachers are paid this money to help meet their family’s needs. All this money is what they get for an average school year.  First year teachers get less money than teachers that have been a teacher for a while.  You also can earn more money by taking classes and earning extras degrees.

Like I said before, teaching is an important job. In my opinion it is, teaching will be here in 20 years. I say that because in 20 years it’s not like robots can teach everything we know today. Teachers can’t be a robot because robots are computers, and they only know what they have been programmed to know but they don’t know how to explain multiplication to their students. Robots can’t talk to explain anything, they wouldn’t be able to communicate with their students. All robots use is the binary code (0’s and 1’s).  Children/Students would want to talk to a real person to help with problems that might not be academic.