The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Author: Jasmine (Page 3 of 3)

A Villains to do list

Write a to do list that a famous villain would use


  • Make a plan
  • pick the place
  • choose what treasure you want
  •  Go to a vault a steal money
  • Go home then eat mountains of …. money


Daniella’s life

Once upon a time their was a girl named Daniella she loved pandas . Daniella had a mean and evil brother named ERIC. He loved to tease Daniella and steal her stuff. Then Daniella was going to the zoo to see some pandas without her brother knowing. Daniella’s friend named Jasmine was going with her to the zoo, to see pandas. Daniella was going to sleepover at Jasmine’s house to talk about pandas. Then Jasmine and Daniella went to Jasmine’s house so the they talked about pandas. Then the next day they went to the zoo. Eric went to go find Daniella but Daniella was at the zoo looking for the pandas at the zoo. Then they came back 8 hours later. Jasmine’s mom thought that she was in bed but she was not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The the next day Jasmine’s parents asked what they did the they lied that they were at the mall with their friends. The the next day Eric came in Daniella’s room at midnight Eric scared Daniella then Daniella was fighting with Eric. Daniella went to Jasmine’s  house to play and go to the cupcake factory to get cupcakes for her birthday party. Daniella went with Jasmine, Daniella  picked red velvet cupcakes for her birthday party at the haunted mansion. The next day Daniella went to school after breakfast she had reading her  group to play cutthroat.Then Daniella said that Jasmine was her new best friend forever until they died. Then years later Daniella was 19 years old. And Jasmine was 18 years old. Jasmine and Daniella and Abby went the patrol picnic to go to have fun as a patrol.Then the next weekend  after last week carlos asked Daniella on a date Daniella said no.Then after Abby got asked out by  and Abby said no.The day after Daniella carlos got asked out by carlos Daniella said no. Then Jasmine got asked out by Carlos Jasmine said no. Jasmine,Daniella,Abby went to back to school and it was the first day of High School!!! They were excited to go to see their new school the name was clarksburg high school. They hated  school they wished that the can go to the movies to see. Monday on the first day of school a Daniella got asked out by Lionel, Daniella said yes she loved him so much that she wanted to marry him. Then the next day Daniella and Jasmine meet a new girl named Eva was in their class. Then Eva, Jasmine and Daniella became best friends Eva and Jasmine wanted to go to the mall to buy clothing. Daniella said no  but Jasmine and Eva were bugging Daniella if they can go to the mall Daniella said fine we can go to the mall to go buy clothing and shoes. Daniella and Lionel broke up because Lionel said that he was too good for Daniella.  Daniella was  mad at lionel so she started to date Carlos to make Lionel jealous. Lionel was  dating Sabrina to make Daniella jealous. Daniella was super jealous that Sabrina was dating Lionel.And Daniella thought that Sabrina was forced to date Lionel because she was popular so everyone thought that Sabrina and Lionel  that they were a great couple. Lionel was also super jealous about Daniella dating Carlos so the Daniella broke up with Carlos Lionel broke up with Sabrina. The Daniella and Lionel were back together.Lionel and Daniella were so happy together. Lionel and Daniella were graduating from high school to go to college.  The day before they went on their last and final  until they are in college. Daniella and Lionel had a long smoochy kiss. Lionel and Daniella said that they loved each other Daniella said “ I love you Lionel”. Lionel was  going to not go to college and Daniella was not going to college to date Lionel. Daniella and Jasmine were going to the mall to buy shoes and clothing.  Sabrina was mad at Daniella for dating Lionel. Sabrina loved to do gymnastics so did Daniella and Jasmine loved minions Daniella loved mustaches. They went to the Olympics when they were 10 years old. Daniella and Jasmine missed being in middle school. Then the first day of college it was exciting to go to college with her friends. Daniella was turning 20 years old the Jasmine had the same birthday Jasmine was turning 20 too.Abby went to a different college and Eva went to a different college the Abby was happy that she went to a new school to start a new life  with new friends. Abby meet a new girl named shania  Abby said do you want to be my friend she        said yes they were best friends  



4 icon challenge

Screenshot 2015-10-14 at 1.49.40 PM



I picked the house because it represents the house of when digory and cubby went in the house of their master named Henry.  The boat represents when digory was going to the  lighthouse. The lighthouse represents when digory went to light the lighthouse. The boy and the dad represents when digory found his father.

Jasmine’s opinion

I believe that solar energy is the best energy to use because the sun is renewable and , you don’t have to buy the sun all you need to buy is solar panels,wind turbine,battery and a storage system.   solar energy comes for the sun energy can be converted into other forms of energy, heat and electricity. Since solar energy depends on direct sunlight, large amounts of air pollution, clouds, or other objects that create shade can cut down on how well the panels work.

Solar energy is clean. We do not have to take away from our planet to get it that means no drilling and no mining  

We don’t have the destruction of habitat and accidental pollution that happens when drill for oil or mine of cool.

This is not as big of a problem as it used to be, however, because newer solar panels can work better even when the sunlight is not at full strength.

This is not as big of a problem as it used to be, however, because newer solar panels can work better even when the sunlight is not at full strength.  Solar will help me save on cost First, it is cheap. When people decide to use solar energy for their homes, they have to install solar panels and other items to capture and use the electricity.

Using solar Using solar power is so cheap, though, that families save enough money to pay for their equipment .

This can cost a few hundred dollars or a few thousand dollars, which sounds expensive. Using solar power is so cheap. Solar  is the best to use at daly because all you really need is the sun and solar panels it will not make any harm to the school. it will affect daly  because the wind turbine can kill the birds flying in the sky and other flying animals can die. The solar panels will be near the roller coaster. and The wind turbine will be near the woods That the end of my opinion.


Wind Energy

Wind energy by: Jasmine


Wind energy is a renewable energy that comes from the sun unevenly heats the earth to make wind.


Production and Distribution


Wind energy is a renewable energy that comes from the unevenly heating on the earth that creates wind energy.  Wind turbines are to create the wind turns the turbines which rotate the shaft.   The gear box in the drive train to convert that wind into power.  Each component must function flawlessly.




Of course, in order to make wind energy we need items to make it, here is the list of all the things you need to make wind energy are

  • hub
  • blades
  • rotor
  • pitch
  • brake
  • low speed shaft
  • gear box
  • generator
  • controller
  • anemometer
  • wind vane
  • tower,high speed shaft,nacelle,yaw drive,yaw motor


Environmental Impacts


As we all know there are good and bad things (mostly good) about wind energy.

you don’t have to mine in order to get wind energy.   Its pollution free also the bad thing is that the birds can fly into the wind turbine.  Another thing you should know is that unevenly heating can create a tornado which is really bad.


In conclusion,wind energy is a renewable resource that is already being produced by the wind everyday you feel wind.  This source can power schools and homes around the world.  


Sleeping Beauty ( the story that you think that you already know)

Adventure Image

Once upon a time there was a girl named Ella and her twin Fitz were hearing their  parents fighting. Then 3 days later they split up so the dad took Fitz and they lived in a shack.  The mother took   Ella and they  lived in the castle. Years later when Ella was 18 years old Fitz was 18 years old too like Ella.

One day the evil king made Fitz  become evil like him.  Fitz said that he was going to curse his mother instead of Ella because he loved her he didn’t want ella to sleep 200 years and die.

Then Fitz was going to curse  his mother then he cursed his mom. The same day Ella was getting married  the day her mother died she was angry at Fitz for cursing their mother she was hunting for their shack in the woods ella wanted revenge.  Ella was trying to find the shack then after hours she found the shack

and Ella went into the shack  then she found Fitz sleeping she woke up Fitz she said that she was sorry for trying to hurt Fitz.Then Fitz  said that he was sorry too for putting a curse on their mother.They both forgave each other.They had a happily ever after.

Or was it the Ella was married to her prince and Fitz got married to a Queen  the they did good in the land.And then a new evil kid comes to town spread evil around the world the this girls name was Eva she was the evilest in the land.

Then she was mad at  Fitz for becoming as nice as his sister Ella.Eva was going to try to hurt Fitz then Fitz was scared so he was going to put a sleeping curse on the kingdom until Eva leaves the kingdom but Fitz just found out that his wife was having a baby.

Fitz was going to hide the baby in the closet with the baby’s mom.The he told the queen to hide in the closet so they will not have the sleeping curse so they went into the closet but it was a magic closet to make them in a new place to hide.

Then they went into a world that they have never seen stuff in this world it was 2015. They didn’t  know what they are going to face till midnight they will go back to their world the the next day. When they went back they loved that world then  they wanted to first find Eva then find a prince for their child the child name was Daniella.

Then the princess years later she was getting married to a prince named Hanz they loved each other till the grow old the the parents died the they were sad the they had a happily ever after for ever!!!!!!!!!

My First Post

Dear  5th Grade,

I want to have es for all of 5th grade I also want my goal to be not to get in trouble also  my next goal is going to try getting p in music. I will also make this school bully free zone.And make sure every kid in this school would listen to the patrols and teachers and make sure that they are respectful to every one in the school.




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