The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Author: Paola (Page 3 of 3)

I like cookie.

Biomass energy by Paola

Biomass energy is an abundant resource that you can turn garbage waste into a good, useful, and helpful energy resource. Biomass is easily created from things we normally throw away like garbage, animal waste(yes, I meant poop), and maybe find some leftover wood to make some biomass.

Production and Distribution:

Biomass is regularly produced by us of course, Why? Its because we throw away garbage, leftovers, and of course…Dog waste(Poop). Here’s how to find biomass by a small kind of a small tale: When you are just walking around in a forest, you might find some wood(from trees) and poop(from deer and other forest animals). And for garbage we can put some trash in a trash bag and Voilà! You got some garbage! It’s just that simple to make it: BURN THE DOG WASTE!!! And you have biomass. (I told you it’s just that simple.)

Here is how you make biomass in 7 easy steps!:biomass picture


  • “Take out the trash” and place it somewhere
  • Pick up dog waste (poop)
  • cut down 2-3 trees (small one)
  • find a furnace
  • Now you got biomass!
  • Repeat… If you want…


For wood, It is an average of $14,295 dollars (Lots of it). The minimum is $3,874 and the maximum is $25,682.I don’t know but I guess its free if you chop of a tree or 2. For garbage and poop…Free! You have garbage at your house so there’s no need! As for Poop…Go to the forest(any kind) and look for something brown, smelly, and mushy.(Yeah, It’s disgusting.) That, is how you know how much biomass costs!

Environmental impact:

Biomass is both good and bad. The good part is that smelly stuff transforms into A good, useful, and helpful energy source. The bad  part? The world gets more dirtier and the sea’s get polluted. This too could kill animals. How? They eat the materials (Except wood) for biomass. Even crops(One material that can’t harm animals) could damage the world! But how? Well, crops take away a plant’s water and they can’t grow.
In conclusion, Biomass may be the smelliest type of energy, but at least it’s better that no energy!♥

Toad and The Evil Unlucky Boots

Adventure Image


In the year 5015…there was a quartz kingdom (far, far, far away from where you live)called “The Mushroom Kingdom”. There was a princess named Peach. Peach is  wears Pink long dress with puffy short sleeves. She also wears a gold crown. Peach liked  to do nice stuff to the world, especially the fruit peaches. One time, she bought diamond boots which bring good luck to her. When she putted on the boots, something good happens to her. “Hmm… I should put these on…if no good luck happens, I just wasted 1,000 gold coins!” muttered peach as she putted on the boots, at first nothing happened, but then something shiny sparkled: It was a gold necklace that she’d lost when she was 12. “Wow, these are good luck boots! I just found my necklace.” Cheered Peach, quietly.

At night, A thief came into Peach’s room. “Well, well, well, isn’t this the lucky boots?” Whispered the thief. “I’ll be taking these and give you the Unlucky golden boots…” In rapid fire, The thief escaped with the lucky boots… He’ll be lucky…for now…

When Peach woke up, She noticed that the boots are gold instead of diamond. “Gold boots? Are they lucky?” asked Peach. But once she putted them on…she slipped… down the stairs..”Nope…NOT LUCKY!” yelled Peach. Peach took of the boots and went back upstairs. “I guess I should leave this alone until I find my diamond boots.” Sighed Peach as she placed her golden boots and locked it in a metal treasure chest (,This chest is used for fun loving memories). “Whoever that thief was…I’M GONNA WHACK HIM WITH MY UMBRELLA!” Peach thought.

Toad was working on something that was suppose to be for Peach. No one didn’t know what it was…not even Peach!” ‘What does the princess like??? Peaches..? Gold..? What does she even like???’ He thought while making the wing of…something?(Like I would really spoil it for you? >=D )He lived in a Cellar under the castle…Well, you know, he caused tons of chaos during…well…now? One week ago he burned down the whole castle!…no wait, 1 eighth of the castle was destroyed! One month ago, he got fire power and started burning torches…by the time he burned 100,000 torches, he accidently setted the lilypad lifesaver on fire!! There’s 999,998 more to list…but I can’t list them all!

Then…came the meeting. Everyone was there…THE WHOLE MUSHROOM KINGDOM was there.

“Well…I bought these nice diamond boots after the accident Toad caused…” aforementioned Peach.

“But I’m sorry! I’m really, really, really, really, sorry!” Bawled Toad.

“Meh. It’s okay.” replied Peach just to calm down Toad “Back to where I was…I had diamond boots…They cost 1,000 gold coins…and they’re very lucky…Without those boots…I’ll be kidnapped…until either the kidnapper dies or I die. Whichever comes First…”

“No wonder why she had those boots…” Thought Toad.

“I’d also found a trail of footprints with a hole on both…That can’t be us…or Daisy’s kingdom…”.No body on both kingdoms combined have shoes with holes on both of them. But yet who has holes on both shoes?…That’s gross!

“Mind if we can give the unlucky boots to Toad?” Asked Peenub budder (,I made him up :D).

“NO.” barked Peach. She’ll know what will happen: He will fall which leads to the dynamite room…and the castle blows up…THE END for the “POPULAR MARIO GAMES”.

“For now this will be the end of the meeting. We’re still looking for more people to help find these boots, or I will be kidnapped for the rest of my life.” Sighed Peach.

“Now what should we do? I can’t let any bad guy take those boots!” muttered Toadette.

Toadette had a nice pink dress and works for both Princess Peach and Daisy.(I don’t know who she works for but I think Daisy.) “Toad, What should we do to get the boots back?” asked Toadette.

“I don’t know, but I think we should go and investigate…” Sighed Toad. “Are you sure?” Asked Toadette.

They been thinking for hours! Until Peach found out the bad guys name: LILO! “Um Peach? Did you figure out who is the bad guy?” asked Toad, softly (soft enough that it was almost a whisper!).

“Yes…and I know you are going to laugh…”answered Peach. “His name is Lilo…”

“Lilo?” Toad giggled.

Then Toad and Toadette laughed. “I knew it…”Muttered Peach.

“Lilo sounds more like dumbo!” hollered Toad.

“Toad stop laughing! I know it’s funny, but let me read the rest of the information!” Ordered Peach.

“Okay.” Promised Toad.

“Thank you. Now, it says that Lilo steals rare things…WOW. he even stole from bowser…” Explained Peach.

“WUT( {I mean,} What?)?! FROM BOWSER? Well, he deserved it anyways” muttered Toad.

“Nobody knows where he is…it says a cave…but I think it’s at…The jungle?” Peach confessed.

“Which Jungle???” Questioned Toad, wrapping himself with 10 blankets.

“Nobody knows…” shivered Peach.

“We’ll find it!” Answered Toadette happily.

“Wait, what?” said Toad quietly (but loud enough so Toadette can hear him).

“We’ll find the boots!” Said Toadette, who was really excited!

“Okay. But we have to take the unlucky boots.”

replied Toad.

“Why???” asked Toadette.

“To return it to Lilo. So he’ll be unlucky again.” explained Toad.

“Oh. Ok!” Said Toadette with excitement!

Their quest to the jungle started good, but while they’re in there…IT’S A DISASTER!!! So what happened to them?(Do you really want me to list the injuries thanks to those unlucky boots? If no, Skip it.) I’ll list the injuries.

  1. Scars. EVERYWHERE. Mostly their arms
  2. Knife cuts. By accident…
  3. There is 98 more, but i’m not wasting our time on this “100 injuries” list...

“YOU STUPID BOOTS!!!” Toad thought. “I’d almost died! Please don’t give me something worse…”.Then, Toad took off the boots.

“I wonder what will happen…” Toad whispered to himself. “Where’s Toadette?”.But he realized that Toadette wasn’t with him.

Since he took off the boots, he saw a sword. And Toadette, trying to take the sword off.

“Toadette? What are you doing?” asked Toad.

“Well…I found this sword sparkling  on my face while you were K.O.(Knocked Out)” Explained Toadette.”Mind if you help me???” Asked Toadette softly.

”Fine…But If I get the sword out, you owe me 10 gold coins.” Demanded Toad. three seconds later…Toad took out the sword. Literally.

“You owe me 10 gold coins.” Insisted Toad.

“Okay…” Groaned Toadette.

So anyways…The sword Toad found was called The sword of Lilies…or (THE RICDICULOUS NAME): Lilybong. yup, The most dumbest name made it on this story…How pathetic…Then they went outside the cave.

”So…Now what?” asked Toadette.

”We should get the boots…But don’t put the on! Remember?” Ordered Toad.

“Oh yeah…I’m just going to carry them. “Replied Toadette.

Then they walked to somewhere where I call it Lilo’s Cave. “Wow. We just found it.” Said Toadette.

Then they walked inside the not-so hidden cave…

“So…did you find gold coins for me?” Demanded Lilo, Who was wearing a thief outfit.

“I looked everywhere, sir. There wasn’t a gold coin in sight.” said his henchmen, with a scared look on his face.

“WHY YOU–!!!” Screamed Lilo. The henchmen died…killed right in front of his best friend…who was evil.

“There it is…the diamond boots…” Whispered Toad, who was under the table with Toadette.

“If we can just get the diamond boots and paint the gold boots blue…then we can get outta here!” peeped Toadette.

“Foolish henchman. You could have just looked in the mushroom kingdom.

“Yeah, right” scoffed Toad silently.

Luckily, Lilo didn’t know Toad and Toadette was here…also, he didn’t listened to Toad. “Now, where was I…oh right! Putting on these diamond boots and take over the world!” screeched Lilo.

Then Lilo did an evil laugh “Mwahahahaha!” laughed Lilo (,Boo).

“Boo! Your evil laugh sucks!” yelled a mysterious voice, no wait…it was Toadette.

“Yeah! You sound like a Pig!” snapped another voice…which was Toad’s voice.

Then they laughed until they cried. “Who on earth was that? Well, whoever said that, is going to get beaten up…BIG TIME!” Screamed Lilo.

He grabbed the sword that he used to kill the henchmen. “Come out, Come out wherever you are…” Said Lilo in a scary tone.

Lilo didn’t who who said that his evil laughter sucks until he got cut by the sword of lilies. “Huh? What’s this? A cut…?” thought Lilo. “Wait a second…” Questioned Lilo.

Toad and Toadette were busted! Lilo looked under the table and found the two MPs, holding the lilies sword in front of Lilo. “Well, well, well…It was you two all along! You worked for Peach!” Insisted Lilo, who was about to stab Toad.

“Well…You  shouldn’t kill me. If you do, Everything that you want to have will disappear and will appear to Peach’s castle.” Warned Toad that Lilo shouldn’t kill him.

“Like I would not kill him! Say goodbye, stupid fat mushroom boy…” thought Lilo as he raised his sword to cut Toad in half.

“NO!”  screamed Toadette.


Toad dodged his attack. “You can’t even kill me!” hollered Toad as he bolted around. Note to you fast people: Toad is very fast. By the time you take one step, he’s at the finish line.

“But I had lucky boots!” Yelled Lilo as he swing his sword and missing. ALL THE TIME! The reason?  Toad had the lucky boots! He painted the lucky boots gold so it looked unlucky.

“YOU HAVE UNLUCKY BOOTS!!! HOW ARE YOU DODGING MY ATTACKS?!?!” Screamed Lilo at the top of his lungs!

THAT’S IT!!! You lead me no choice…” Warned Lilo. He stormed to the actually-they-are-unlucky boots and putted them on.

“This time…You will die, Fatty!!!” Screeched Lilo.

“Yeah ri–Wait…did you just called me Fatty?!” yelled Toad. Toad grabbed phat-lily sword and stabbed Lilo by the chest. Lilo collapsed backward and fell to a hole called the brutal death hole. A piece of red gas popped out.

”That’s what you get…for calling me fatty, Lilo!” Yelled Toad.

“VICTORY IS MINE!!!” Thought Toad.

“Toad! I’m glad you’re ok!” Cheered Toadette as she ranned to Toad. Just like I said, She’s fast too.

Then, the lily sword and the unlucky gold boots popped out from the brutal death hole.

“We should melt these gold boots. and repaint these diamond boots back to diamond blue.” Toad said to Toadette. “By the way, we need to get out of here…”

By the time Toad and Toadette came back to the castle. They placed the lucky boots to where the chest is, smelted the gold boots into gold coins, threw away the unlucky charm, and they were rich!

“By the way, you owe me 10 gold coins” ordered Toad.

“Fine…” Muttered Toadette and gave Toad the 10 gold coins she had promised.

Peach was never kidnapped again, which was good. and the thing Toad made for Peach was a floating fire flower. But she wasn’t lucky enough that she didn’t get to whack Lilo with her pink umbrella, Because he was dead! And Lilo was never heard from again!


My First Post

Dear 5th grade,


I look forward to learn more math, reading, science, and…more! I’m pretty sure i will like being here for the next 180 days. Also, I got a website! Also my classmates too! And we even have our own chrome books. Yet we use it for fun stuff. This is will surely be fun. I’m Sure…♥. I think we will use these chrome books for other stuff too! Well, I gotta go…See you soon, 5th grade!




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