The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Author: Paola (Page 2 of 3)

I like cookie.

642 things 3

Write a newspaper ad to sell anything you want. Don’t you want something to occupy yourself? Well, you can buy a 3DS for FREE! It’s a limited offer! Only today! Hurry, this offer will end tomorrow. Again, a shiny blue 3DS for FREE! HURRY UP!


 If the school would win $700 million dollars, they should get very rich stuff. Yet the school has a bad rating, maybe we should rise it up by buying rich stuff. If the school does that, the school will be awesome! Maybe some people will be looking forward to go to school then!

My Christmas Eve

Similes: Sharp as a Pencil, Useless as the “G” in the word “Lasagna”

Metaphors: Winter Break was be a breeze!


Paola’s Christmas Eve

by: Paola

It was 9:00 a.m on December 24th, 2015, 11-year-old Paola Chicas was awake playing Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX on her nintendo 3DS in her bedroom. She was playing the song Amatsu Kitsune (Tianjin Fox) in Easy mode with the volume up. The volume was so loud, her 12-year-old brother Rafael came in her bedroom.

“Can you please turn down the volume?! That music is so annoying!” Yelled Rafael.

Paola was as sharp as a pencil.  “Of course –NOT! I can play it as loud as I want!” She yelled back

“No you can’t! I can hear it all the way in the living room.”

“Of course not, you idiot.”

“Kids! Get dressed! We’re going to El Volcan (Where Their parents work.)” Yelled their mom from downstairs.

Paola and Rafael groaned. “Okay, Mom.” They groaned as Rafael went to the basement (His bedroom) to get dressed while Paola went to grab some clothes.

In the car, both Paola and Rafael were on their Ipods while their Mom and Dad were talking on the way to work. They went to their Dad’s office to play games on the Ipods to kill some time. Later, Dad came to the office.

“Hey, Daffy (That’s what Rafael is called at home or work.). I need help. We have 3 ladies working today. I need your help.” Said Dad, making Rafael help.

“WHAT?! Why me?! Can’t Pao (They call me like this. I’m used to it.) help?” Yelled Rafael, making me work too. Dad said yes, so there was 7 people working. It wasn’t fun.

When it was time for the ladies to leave (FINALLY!!!) , Dad wishes them a “¡Feliz Navidad!” and a “¡Feliz año nuevo!”.

They headed to Grandma’s House for the rest of the day. There was  Paola and Rafael’s 5-year-old cousin, Trystan. Also, Fabrian (Pronounced Fab • rie • yan; 1 year old cousin.) was there. Both gave Paola and Rafael presents, then all 3 families headed to their homes.

Around 11:00 p.m., Paola and Rafael opened their presents. Rafael got shoes (HIDEOUSLY UGLY ONES.) while Paola got a new digital Piano.

“Your UGLY shoes are as useless as the letter “G” in ‘Lasagna’ ” Paola told her brother, Rafael, was not pleased. Then, They headed to bed 30 mins. later.

Winter break was a breeze! Until monday, Paola had to go to school (Daly ES).

The Tobacco Safety Movement

・⌣・Tobacco Safety

By: Paola G. Chicas

The Health and Safety movement is seriously important. Especially Tobacco. This has affected all teens and adults in the world to smoke.  This is affecting their health in a bad way(because their lungs are damaged each time when they smoke). This movement started in 1964, when congress decided to add warning labels (Ex: WARNING: This product could affect your health. If you use this product too much, you will get cancer. Please use it responsibly) on cigarettes and drugs. In order to smoke or drink, you’ll need to show your license if you can smoke and drink (Not “Drinking” Orange juice, “Drinking”  beer/wine until you get drunk.) or not, and you have to be 18 or older. Before this movement have started, Teens and Adults smoke whenever, wherever, and whatever they want. Children could barely breathe the air (THEY ARE BREATHING SMOKE FROM THE CIGARETTES! NOT GOOD!!!) thanks to the Teens and Adults who smoke.

One of the 2 people who made people stop smoking is Jeffrey Wigand. Wigand used his knowledge to tell all smoking companies to stop making cigarettes and drugs so teens and adults will become more healthy. He was born in 1942,  in New York city. In the 1990’s, he said that smoking will cause lung cancer and bad stuff! People blamed Wigand since the law of tobacco safety was added. (What is wrong with people these days? Probably because they wanted dem money to buy more cigarettes.) Wigand is still alive at age 72.

The other person who stopped smoking is Doris Duke (Aka Richest little girl). She is a Tobacco Heiress (a female heir, especially to vast wealth). She gave birth to a child in July, but died within 24 hrs. But the bad news is that she lived a sad life… as the richest little girl. She died in October 28, 1993 in the age of 81.

Lots of events happened in the Tobacco Safety Movement, here is the top 3 important events of them all. (I mean the very important.)

  1. Before the Movement was made, teens and adults were drinking (Please drink responsibly.) and smoking and getting drugs. This is a bad influence on children. Teens and adults smoking is bad enough, but Parents smoking? TERRIBLE!!! This is teaching their kids that smoking is normal and so they can do it when they become teens/adults. So congress decided to add warning labels on cigarettes and drugs so less teens and adults could take them.
  2. The government added a law that teens 18 and older must show their ID to smoke. Smoking under the age of 18 means that you’re doing something illegal. Smokers under the age of 18 were mad angry when they realized that it isn’t all ages now (Who would smoke at the age of 9? Nobody, right?)
  3. Cigarettes and drugs ARE BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH. It will damage your lungs! If you keep smoking, you will get lung cancer! Trust me: getting diagnosed with lung cancer is even worse than being in the hospital measuring your head and getting shots to remove the cancer (You’ll find out if you have something in a result of the cancer, knowing it is gone for good. But how will you breathe with lung cancer???) You need healthy lungs to breathe, not lung cancer!).

In conclusion, think before you do, and never, ever, take cigarettes. Even if you have a curiosity of cigarettes and drugs. If your friend gives you a cigarette and says “Try it.”. Don’t do it! Remember: Never take cigarettes , it’ll destroy your health, give you lung cancer, and even worse: if you smoke everyday, you’ll die! So read the warning labels before even trying it, don’t smoke, or ever!

?~The end!~?

642 things 2

You meet a girl who can see the entire universe when she closes her eyes. Tell us about this girl. She has a yellow costume with bear ears on it. It has an antenna shaped as a angel wing. She has white curly hair. her cheeks are red blushies. She likes gummy bears more than anyone else in the entire world. And you realized it is a denpa men (Shown below.)

642 things- YOLO

The First Amendment


Amendment #1 is the most important bill of rights because entertainment is important as life. Without it, How can we live without peace and entertainment?

The first reason why we need Amendment #1 is that what would it be like without Amendment #1? Well, millions will get killed with guns and people will have fun by killing people with guns (I guarantee you: KILLING PEOPLE IS NOT FUN AND WILL NOT GO WELL). Also, murdering people will lead you to jail (FOREVER). Nobody can’t live with that.

The second reason why Amendment #1 is important is Entertainment. This makes us…us (You get the idea) with entertainment. Without it, what will we become? Psycho murderers roaming the streets and killing everyone in sight? Nobody can live without entertainment (Wink Wink).

The third/final reason we can’t survive without Amendment #1 is us. We can’t live without it (Can we? No, we cannot). Entertainment is us. Everything is about us. Why live without Amendment #1?

In conclusion, this amendment is the most important of them all. Sure, nobody wants a soldier in their house taking away everything. Sure, we carry weapons to defend ourselves. But this is why Amendment #1 is most important.

The mushroom nymph

Myth header by POKERFACE (Paola)


In the year 5000 (15 years before the adventure story), Kadeaus was causing some trouble: She was playing Justin B: Baby (THE WORST SONG EVER!!!). All of the nymphs were too weak to fight Kadeaus. 30 min. later, Hera was floating around to find someone…unique. It took her 1 hr. to find the unique nymph: It was a mushroom nymph, he had lots of scratches on his arms and 2 scars on his cheek. He was totally defeated. “Poor thing! I’ll take him to Skyville to get him healed up.” Muttered Hera, looking at Toad (Toadeaus; The mushroom nymph’s name).

Hera picked up Toad and floated to Skyville. Hera hid Toad in her backpack (With tons of sparkles…I don’t know why.) so the other gods and goddess won’t notice. She was searching for an antidote called “NYMPH CURE: Curing Nymphs one aid at a time.” She read that the mushroom nymph needs 1 vaccine shot at 1 arm. So Hera carefully gave Toad a shot. Then, she put him back to where she found him. After, she found Aphrodite playing with heart plushes (Aka plush toys; Get it? Aphrodite is the goddess of LOVE.)

“Aphrodite, I insist you to create a new daughter.” Hera said to Aphrodite.

“Why, mother?” replied Aphrodite.

“Because, I feel bad for the nymphs. They’re defeated from the immortal Kadeaus, goddess of evil music, and she was the one who stole Apollo’s power of music. So I’ve decided that it’s time for you to become a sister. You know how to make one, right?”


“Go on, Make one now please.” Demanded Hera as Aphrodite floated to the workshop.

Aphrodite floated to the workshop’s table. She looked around for tools. It took her 1 min. to find it .It was the bag with sparkles (Thankfully, Hera didn’t left Toad in the bag).

“Maybe Hera wouldn’t be so mad if I used some of it…I should ask her!” muttered Aphrodite.

“HERA! MAY I USE THE SPARKLES???” Asked Aphrodite.

“Okay. But not too much. I really need it for other stuff.” Replied Hera.

“Yay! I can use it!” Thoughted Aphrodite.

She went back to work and created a human-shaped girl with the sparkles and POOF! Aphrodite made Sammy, the nymph of magic.

Sammy was walking down to Echoville (Where all nymphs live) to find Toad. The reason? She wanted to talk to him. It took her 10 minutes to find Toad. Toad was in the water, searching for something….unique: It was a jewel. Nobody knows its name, but let’s call it jewel. Sammy slowly crept up to him. By the time she got up to a tree, Toad turned around. Little did he knew that someone is stalking him. (GUYS! IT’S NOT OVER! This is still the beginning!)

?Ahem!?” Coughed Sammy, which means her luck ran out.

“Who’s there???” asked Toad, looking around.

“Oh, I guess that I need to show myself out there. He might be nice. Thought Sammy.

But she didn’t have to. Toad looked at the tree where Sammy was hiding.

“I can see you.” Toad said to Sammy.

“I know. But I need to talk to you.” Replied Sammy as she stepped out of her hiding spot.

“What do you mean?”

“Kadeaus. I know how you got injured. She burned down the entire place. Your family died just to save you.”

“Wait…you knew?! How???”

“Hera told me. She saved you from dying, Toad.”

Oh yeah. I’m guessing Hera told Sammy my name. Thought Toad.

“Kadeaus burned them to a crisp. And secretly threw a sharp stick at you–”

But before Sammy could finish, they saw Toadette (A girl mushroom nymph), not knowing where she is. She was seriously injured ( Why, Kadeaus?! WHY?!!).

“Toad? Who’s that?” Whispered Sammy.

“That’s Toadette. I’ve known her all my life.” Replied Toad in a whisper.

They stared at each other for a few seconds until… “Hi, Toadette.” Said Toad.

“Hi.” Toadette replied. Then she looked at Sammy. “Who are you?”

“Me? I’m Sammy. Nymph of goddesses.” Replied Sammy.

“Oh okay. Just checking. Can I tell you both something?” Asked Toadette.

“Sure.” Said Sammy.

“You know Kadeaus, right? She attacked this place. She also killed 10 nymphs and all of them were fire nymphs. The fire nymphs were strongest.” Said Toadette


“Yes. Kadeaus went for the Immortal queen: Echo. Kadeaus played some music and Echo ended up dying. The vice queen, Artemis said that the new king/queen will be chosen if they killed Kadeaus.” Continued Toadette.

“Sadly Artemis was missing for a week. I heard from Hesita that she was eaten from a cyclops.”

“We have to save her!” Yelled Sammy, quietly so nobody could hear her but Toad and Toadette.

“Okay! LET’S KILL KADEAUS!” Said Toad.

(THE ADVENTURE BEGINS! Wait, This is a myth, not an adventure. Oh well…But let’s call it a quest.)

They walked until they saw a Cyclops. The Cyclops had 2 golden arrows on it’s arm. “This cyclops must have eaten Athena.” betted Sammy.

“I have an invisible cloak for Toad.” added Toadette, giving Toad the cloak.

“Wait–why do I have to kill him?!” complained Toad.

“You’re gifted with strength, Toad.” explained Sammy.

“Give me the sword.” Ordered Toad.

Sammy gave Toad the sword and Toad started floating to the cyclops.

He floated to the cyclops until…STAB! Toad cutted open the giant’s chest. The cyclops fell down, lying on the floor. There, he sees Athena, sleeping.(I don’t know why,  ask Sammy.)

“I knew it.”  proclaimed Sammy.

“Maybe check that rock, its moving by itself…” said Toadette.

Sammy finds an iron pickaxe next to the rock and picks it up. Then, She started hitting that rock non stop and then…KRAK! The rock has been splitted into 3 pieces: 2 rock pieces, and Apollo: god of wisdom, poetry, and music (He doesn’t have the power of music (For now) because Kadeaus took it).

“Apollo! How did you get inside that rock?!” Asked Sammy, dropping the iron pickaxe to the grass.

“It was Kadeaus…She trapped me inside this rock while Artemis got eaten by a cyclops.” Replied Apollo. “If you haven’t saved me, I’ve would have died.”

“Well, at least you and Artemis are free!” Said Sammy as she showed Artemis getting out of the cyclops.

“So anyway, these are for you: This is a healing elixir, a warrior sword, and a rare jewel, this jewel mustn’t get on the hands of evil gods and goddesses” Thanked Apollo.

The 3 friends had made it to Grumpy music forest (Kadeaus is queen). Toadette found circle guy singing his worst song and crying at the same time in front of Kadeaus. While Kadeaus was doing that, Toadette crept up with the warrior sword until she got up behind Kadeaus.

“This is it, Toadette. Kill the girl…” thought Toadette.

She swiped the weapon and killed Kadeaus.

“I’m free!” cheered Circle guy, then he left.

The 3 friends were heros. They have killed Kadeaus, just like what Artemis had told them. Their reward? (Read the bottom)
Toad and Toadette was crowned King and Queen in Echoville while Sammy was crowned Queen in Skyville. And that jewel? It was called an Emerald. Emeralds are very hard to find in underground.

642 Things

You’re trapped in a fortune cookie factory, held against your will. What do you write on the fortunes to save yourself? 642 things LOLIn order to save yourself, write these in the fortunes:


♥ Help me. I’m trapped in a (whatever name it is) fortune cookie factory.

♥Want $1,000,000? Come to the (Whatever name it is) fortune cookie factory!

♥You will become a superhero…Your first mission is at the (Whatever name it is) fortune cookie factory.

♥I’m (Your name) and i’m trapped in a fortune cookie factory. Save me and you will be rich.

♥Like (something you like)? Come to the (Whatever name it is) and you will get $1,000,000 and the thing you’ve wanted in decades!!!



This should be helpful. There’s more but these 6 are the most helpful. If all 6 don’t work, try a custom one (One that isn’t on this list. SO yeah…That should help you…for now. ._.

My opinion for Biomass and Solar energy

Q: Which is easier to make at Daly?

A: I think Biomass is easier to make than Solar energy is because we can make it homemade, With solar energy, you need to buy it.

Q: What would it look like at Daly?

A: Biomass will look like pieces of wooden chips, small pieces of cow pie(.Yup, poop. Yuck!), and some trash. as for solar energy, you’ll need a solar panel.

Q: Which has the most saving?

A: Biomass is cheaper than Solar energy. First of all, you can get these stuff by yourself for biomass. But for solar energy, you must pay $19,500 for one single solar panel…ONE!

Q: How will Daly be affected?

A: Both are bad. Allow me to explain: For biomass, Its will smell BAD and hundreds of students will move to different schools. It will get students sick and they will have to stay home. As for solar energy, Unlike biomass, there is less opportunity for solar projects to share land with agricultural uses. However, land impacts from utility-scale solar systems can be minimized by siting them at lower-quality locations such as brownfields, abandoned mining land, or existing transportation and transmission corridors. This is why both of them are bad.

Also, Biomass is better.

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