The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Author: Eva (Page 3 of 3)

Charlie 4 Icon Challenge








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The house represents where charlie and his family live they live in a small house with one bed inside and their neighborhood is poor and gray.  The chocolate represents when charlie found a dollar in the snow and went to a little store and went to buy a chocolate.  The golden ticket represents that when charlie was at the little store and he bought a chocolate and so he bought another one and found the golden ticket and since he got the ticket he gets to go to the chocolate factory.  The factory represents when Charlie found the golden ticket he could go to the chocolate factory to explore it and take a tour.

Solar energy by Eva

Solar energy is produced by the sun solar energy  is available whenever the sun comes out and when the sun is not out solar energy is not available for you.


Production and distribution

Screenshot 2015-10-02 at 11.30.14 AMDid you know that solar panels convert sunlight then it gets stored and then it’s sent out to the power lines.  Solar energy comes from the sun.      Solar energy
can also be converted directly into other forms of energy heat and electricity.  Installing solar panels takes up a lot of room.  When the solar system generates more electricity than your household uses the excess electricity goes back into the grid and spins your meter backwards adding adding credit to your electricity bill.



An amazing thing that you should know about solar energy is that it is cheap. When people decide to use solar energy for their homes, they have to install solar panels and other items to capture and use electricity.  Using solar energy is super cheap that families save enough money to pay for the equipment.  Solar power could cost a few hundred or a few thousand dollars which sounds expensive but it’s not.  What you need for solar energy is, solar panels, battery storage system, and wind turbines.

Environmental impact 

Since solar energy depends on direct sunlight, large amounts of air pollution, clouds, or other objects that create shade can cut down on how well the panels work.  solar energy is also clean we do not have to take away from our planet to get solar energy which means no drilling or mining.  We don’t have destruction of habitat and accidental pollution that happens when you drill for oil or mine of cool.  This is not as big of a problem as it used to be, however, because newer solar panels can work better even when the sunlight is not at full strength.  This is not as big of a problem as it used to however, because newer solar panels can work better even when the sunlight is not at full strength.

In conclusion, solar energy is a renewable source that you can use in schools buildings and houses that have solar panels.

The unknown story of the lost dog

Adventure image


It was 2012 when Eva came home from school, Fox Chapel Elementary. She was in second grade, and was 8. She asked her mom where her dog was her mom told her that her dog escaped she has been looking for her all day she was sobbing.  Eva went to change into her adventure suit that wasn’t actually a adventure suit, she was wearing cargo shorts with a brown shirt with a shirt that says “Adventure!”, with adventurer boots. Her hair was tied up  she was wearing a big jack a big jacket because it was freezing . One minute later Eva went to the town to look for her dog she asked all her neighbors if they knew where her dog was.By the time she finished, Two hours had  passed and there was one more house left.

When Eva knocked on the last house a women answered.

Eva asked “Have you seen a dog walk past with brown fur and a blue collar?”

The women said “Yes”.

Eva knew it had to be hers because she was the only one in the town with a dog .The women told Eva that she saw it walk into the forest.

When Eva entered the forest she was  running because it started raining . when Eva got to the middle of the forest she saw a brown figure she thought it was a tree but it was moving  then she realized it was a bear the bear started chasing her .She ran and the bear kept on running faster and faster . Eva ran even faster till she lost the bear.

Eva keeps on walking till she notices she is in a pond. She has no choice but to swim because there’s no trail . She swims across it also finds a tree house . There’s snacks and drinks inside. She realized she forgot to pack food all she had was a fish in her pocket . Eva goes up there to take a break then she goes back down spots the bear. The bear starts to fight Eva.  Eva fights back the bear tries to grab Eva then she realizes that the bear smells the fish that she packed . Then she threw the fish the bear ate the fish then they started fighting again and Eva won. Three seconds later Eva kept walking and walking then Eva saw something  it was a nature show there were birds flying leaves moving and the grass was dancing .   When Eva finished watching thirty seconds of the show it’s getting darker.  Then she starts walking as she walking faster she hears a noise  she hears the noise again . She realizes it’s her dog Ruby.  Then she starts running  sees a waterfall .  She goes to the waterfall and she found Ruby laying on a rock. Eva says let’s take you home to give you some food . They started running because it’s getting dark  they try there best to not bump into something in the dark.

After 3 minutes Eva bumps into a tree  realizes it’s the tree house . Eva goes up  gets ruby a treat then she comes down to feed Ruby the treat  then they start walking. Eva spots a brown figure.She notices it’s the bear again . They hide at the nature show but then the bear and the nature show are trying to fight Eva and  ruby so they run.

Eva tells Ruby I don’t understand why a bear is chasing us with nature  the bear gets closer . Eva says why are you chasing us . She could actually understand the bear. The bear says I just want to play and be friends. Everyone stops running and freezes for a while then they talk about it  they all became friends because the bear was friendly then they sit on the grass to relax for a while Ruby falls asleep .They go home  put Ruby on her bed she loved her bed because it was pink and purple with black stripes her bed was the size of a small table. When Ruby fell asleep the bear and Eva went to the dining room to Eat dinner When they got full they went to the living room to sit on the couch till Ruby awakened.

Eva was still shocked because she could not believe that she could talk to animals but now she’s friends with the bear. Eva decided to name the bear but the bear told Eva she already had a name, her name is Daisy. At eleven at night they took Daisy back to the forest.  For the rest of their life they promised to play every day  they lived .They all lived as friends happily ever after.


My First Post

Dear 5th Grade

for 5th grade I would like to do fun assignments like making ice cream I would also want to learn to type fast I would like to make creative things like origami and other fun things I will like to have parties and I will also like to write and I want to have a great year for 5th grade



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