The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

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Eva’s speech

Eva’s speech

Good morning honored guests, Staff, parents, Teachers, Mrs.dietz, Mrs.German and 5th grade students of 2015-2016 . It is an honor to be here today.

My name is Eva and today I will be telling you four stories from my life that I have only told a few people in my life. My first story is called Being to four different schools my second story is called meeting and losing friends my third story is called Mr. crazy Fitz and my fourth story is called Back to a new start. I have worked really hard throughout this year and without all of the support that I get from my parents to keep learning I wouldn’t be here today saying this speech.

This is my first story and second story combined Being to four different schools and meeting and losing friends.

My life has been hard throughout the years. I use to live in the apartments but first I lived in a townhouse there was gonna be a hurricane and our basement was gonna flood so before the hurricane we moved to an apartment to be safe so I had to go to gaithersburg elementary school. I started making friends everyone was nice to me I was off to a good start.

When we lived in the apartment for a few months we went back to our old house to repair it and take the carpet to the trash because the basement was flooded so when I went to gaithersburg elementary school I had friends and I lost them because I had to go to Fox Chapel elementary school for kindergarten.

I had no friends just because the way I looked but I didn’t care I kept on trying to make friends until I came along to someone named Leandra we became friends. When I got to first grade I wanted to be friends with a girl she was mean to me but nobody wanted to be her friend so she asked me if I wanted to be her friend and I said yes because she stopped being mean to me and we became best friends.

When I started third grade I did one week at Fox Chapel I told my best friend that I was leaving she was sad she began to cry I hoped to go to middle school with her then I moved again I went to a school named Lake Seneca I was sad again because I started off and I had no friends I started making a couple of friends it was a tough time for me because we had been starting to write essays in third grade and when I moved they expected me to know how to write a lot that is why now I can’t write a little I have to write a lot. Since that day.

Then I came Here to Daly Elementary school and I met a few people named Daniella, Gracie, and Abby Gracie was the first person I became friends with People started to accept me for who I am I have changed throughout the years in fourth grade I didn’t care what people said about me I just let go of myself until I let go too much and started to be a trouble maker I knew I had to make a difference and so I did.

This is my Third story Mr. Crazy Fitz.

I came to fifth Grade I began to be shy again I was meeting new people that I have never met before. Mr. Fitz is the teacher from room 231. Months passed I officially had a nickname Ms giggles I laughed all the time. He bothered us with jokes and I laughed for no reason I told my sister that my teacher was funny and she said she was scared of him I asked her why she said he’s too funny and sarcastic I wish I had a teacher like him in my life and I said too bad for you.

I never had the guts to tell him Mr.crazy fitz I don’t know why maybe because I was shy but now I do this is the nickname that I gave him and probably everyone would call him that if they were in his class he makes everything fun in class he has helped me get through fifth grade he has inspired me to keep on learning till I graduate high school.

My parents also support me he has made me realize that middle school is a big deal you have to be respectful and get good grades to be successful in school I wish all my teachers could do what he does to make learning fun.

This is my fourth story back to a new start.

I am back to a new start I can start a new life without worrying about moving because my parents said they will let me graduate high school and I can keep my friends I am happy now that I don’t have to worry about going to five more schools .

My goal when I grow is to be a doctor I am looking forward to being a doctor when I grow up and my parents inspired me to be that because when they get sick I can take care of them I know it sounds crazy what i’m saying right now but when you grow you can always be what you wanna be and they support me. Never stop believing in yourself.

Thank you everyone for listening and never forget to not let others get in the dreams that you are trying to accomplish.

Daniella’s Speech

Good morning parents, students, Mrs. Dietz and Mrs. German.  Thank you families for joining our 5th grade promotion i’m sure you’re going to have a lovely time.

I’m  going to be talking about how Daly changed my life and how I changed as a person.  

My personality has changed so much since kindergarten I used to be a shy little girl who never talked and who never stood out in class and would never say what’s on my mind or what I was thinking. Nowadays,  you would  never have thought I used to be shy.  Now I say what’s on my mind, i’m the crazy, weird, I don’t care what people think of me type of girl and most of my change was because of my friends.  And i’m only talking about my 5th grade friends that I met this year they’re like my best friends and my old friends that I’ve

known since  kindergarten we hardly ever talk.

I used to think I would be shy forever , but then came 5th grade in Mr. Fitzpatrick’s class where I met the best people anybody could ever ask for and I would like to thank them Alexa, Leandra, Lezley, Nyima thank you guys for being the best to me always making me smile by hugging me every single day even though i’m not a hugging type of  person.  And for making me laugh every single day as well.  I will also like to thank my mom and dad and my grandma for making me the person I am today and working with me even when I was not the nicest or easiest person to work with.

For now, my goal is to always find new stuff about myself even when I think i’m done changing there’s always gonna be more, like is my personality gonna change? Am I still gonna be weird?

My dream job is to be a veterinarian because, come on, who doesn’t like animals they’re adorable.

We are all about to start a new chapter in our lives as we move on from elementary school that we’ve  been in since kindergarten to middle school that you’re going to be in for 3 years.

Hope you  have a great summer and a wonderful time in middle school.

And remember You will always find new stuff about yourself even when you’re 90 years old.  


Devonis’s Speech

Devonis’s Speech


Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving forward and never go back, never look back, don’t regret decisions you already made in your life, look towards the future, keep moving forward, keep riding.


 Hello, and this is my speech, called, “The Best Ride Ever”. Good morning honored staff,5th grade team, 5th grade students from 2015-2016, 5th grade parents, Mrs. German, and Mrs. Dietz and I am here today to tell you about the best ride I ever rode on in the Germantown Maryland Theme Park and this ride is called Captain James Edward Daly Junoir Elementary School but before I tell you that, here is when I was just walking into the park.


My name is Devonis. I’ve only been in this world for 11 years and I am here to tell you a couple of stories in my lifetime, let’s get to it.


I was adopted the first day I was born. It’s hard for me to believe that but it’s true. The thing that worries me is that I don’t know if I’ll ever find my biological parents. Here’s a fun fact, I actually have the same birthday as my Mom, not my biological. It is crazy but I don’t care! I love it!


When I was 3 years old I met my first friend. I’m not going to mention his name but if he reads this he will know that I’m talking about him. He doesn’t come here, he’s actually older than me. He’s in Middle School. I’m still in contact with him.


I actually went to two daycares, let’s talk about them.


In my first daycare I met a lot of friends! If I could still remember there was probably 7 other kids. The supervisor is really nice! When I got older and was able to talk and stuff I had a lot of fun there with my friends!


When I got older I had to switch daycares because my old daycare was over so I went to a new one right on my street and that’s where I met my best friend Raiyan! His family actually knew my old daycare supervisor! I was there when I was four and left last year. It was awesome there and I met a few more friends!


Now let’s talk about that awesome ride Captain James Edward Daly Junoir Elementary School!


When I first came to Daly I was scared, then confused, then just plain stupid. I couldn’t tell if I was in the right place or not. I walked in for my first day and let me tell you, I loved, well that’s a lie, I actually don’t remember my first day but I know it was great! I met my teacher Ms. Davis and she was amazing! She left the year after though. I met a lot of new friends and I nearly broke my leg, and trust me, blood was everywhere! I came to school the next day and everybody asked me what happened. That’s how I know I can trust my friends! I always helped my friends and my friends helped me and before I knew it, first grade came!


Now there isn’t anything that exciting in first grade. I met my awesome teacher Ms. Moreno, I was in a higher reading class and btw, I hate reading and love math! And I met more friends there. I actually started Karate because my mom found out that I was picked on. I loved karate!


Summer came and second grade was amazing! But it was just like first grade, nothing special. I met Ms. Siguenza and my writing teacher and I was in a more superior math class so that was awesome! I wanted to quit Karate though but I didn’t quit, I kept going! I had more friends and third grade came before I knew it!


I met some old and new friends in third grade and a new kid came and I live near him and we became best friends! I was actually his first friend at Daly! My third grade teacher was Ms. Demosky and she was great! I was in a more superior reading class again and I swear, I started to like reading but I still hated it! Math still rocks!


Fourth grade came and I met Ms. Schaffer! Sorry all my other teachers but fourth grade was my best year ever! We did so many wacky stuff and I loved it! I made a group with Lionel, Abigail, Paola, Carla, Bryan, Brandon and Nyima! I loved it and I also became a patrol so that was fun!


Fifth grade came and this was the most wackiest and craziest year ever! My teacher Mr. Fitz is the smartest! Because he’s so smart we made a working lightbulb, a rollercoaster, spacesuits,  and much more! We even have our own websites! Check out my website,! When I was a patrol my patrol buddies were Samuel and Bryan. I walked home with them everyday but Bryan sometimes left early but I walked with Samuel all the way and it was fun! Also me and my group added 3 new people named Jasmine, Derek Lee,  and Darian and trust me, when I say Darian is not the boy that you think he is, believe me! I retired from patrolling this year and I miss it, I had a lot of fun doing it! I got my black belt earlier this year and I felt so accomplished. I’ve been doing karate for 5 years and I finally got it! I will miss everyone here at Daly but I will hopefully see them in sixth grade!


My goal for the future is finding my biological parents. I have to be over 18 years old to find her though. My second goal is becoming a voice actor! I love making voices! It doesn’t make a lot of money but I don’t care! I just want to make kids laugh and watch something everyday, (yes, I want to make voices for kids like 8-10 year olds.)
Anyways, I’m so glad I am able to tell you my speech and I hope you enjoyed, and yes Mr. Fitz, I’m going to 6th grade! And I know that I’m going to ride a shorter ride in middle school but let me tell you something, no matter how far the journey is, keep riding, don’t stop, keep going til the end! And parents of 3 or 4 year olds, bring your kids to this epic ride! It is the best! Thank you all, and have the great rest of the day! And remember, keep riding!

Alexa’s Speech



Alexa’s Speech


Greetings to all of you fellow students from 2015 – 2016. Boys and girls, parents, staff, Mrs. German, and Mrs, Deitz, and Mr Fitz my teacher.


Leaving Elementary is a really big deal for me. Sometimes I even panic because the days go by quickly and it’s getting even more closer to the end of the year. I really don’t think I’m ready for middle school.  I’m gonna have to be more responsible, and there’s gonna be more work and I don’t think I’m really ready to take that yet. But  I have no choice other than to go back to fifth grade again which I’m not gonna take as a choice.


When I moved from El Salvador to America, I was 3. Once I turned 4 I went to Pre-k and I didn’t understand a single word of english, or what my teacher was saying at all. I just made a face like huh. I could only speak spanish.  Learning english in pre-k was one of the most biggest accomplishments I’ve ever accomplished, well that’s what I thought when I was little because I learned a new language and I thought it was cool. Then I turned 5 and went to kindergarten in daly.


Now I’m in 5th grade and that’s when I met new people and friends like as you guys all know well the students in my class, Daniella, Leandra, Nyima, and Lionel. They’ve always been there for me to support me, either when I was down or hurt they always have. They’re such good friends and I don’t know how to thank them enough and I’ll try to be there for them too and try to be as good friends as they are but that’s hard because each one of them are unique. Well in their own way.  


When I was in kindergarten I wasn’t really that kinda girl that really liked to express herself I didn’t wanna be my weird self because I thought people would think bad about me but I wasn’t really shy either and I just can’t believe I have gotten here and I really feel proud of myself.


What I’m really looking forward to in the future is graduating in college to be a doctor or pediatrician one of the 2. But one of my other goals or something that I’m really looking forward to is learning how to speak french since I already speak spanish perfectly, but not as good as Mr. Fitz. I’ve always wanted to learn how to speak french that way I could speak and conversate with french people and one of my best friends Leandra. Then I’ll know 3 languages, spanish (kind of), english (kind of), and french.


Huh, I can’t believe I’m finishing 5th grade (that’s not official yet) and going to middle school, even if I’m not ready. I’d like you say to you guys to live your dreams and live life to the fullest. Thank you guys it’s been an honor to be here.


Abigail’s Speech

Abigail/Rosalina’s  Speech


Good morning Daly staff, students, parents, Mrs. Deitz and Mrs. German.


My name is Abigail. I’m here to talk to you about the time here as a Elementary student. There will be several stories about the time I had here and how important my friends were in Elementary school.


 The friends I Will Always Have. A month before I was in Kindergarden I had to go somewhere for the beginning and after school  when I got there for the first time I met some friends that I knew I would hold on forever.


I only have one of those friends now. The other one moved to Colorado. The one that stayed her name is Abby… and she is like a sister to me. We’ve known each other a little less than 7 years.Now she is going to Robrto Clomenta and I’m going to Neelsville. I might not see her ever again.


The Group. Close to the second quarter me my friends made a group. We got most of us together when we were in Ms. Schaffer’s class. The others were found in Mr. Fitz’s class. We have given a good characteristic about each other!  Paola the artistic one, Darian the friend you should always have, Devonis the creative one, Lionel the deadly one, Derek the normal one, Jasmine the rushing one, and many others!


When all made a group we also changed our names to our favorite Nintendo characters. Like mine, I’m Rosalina. Over the last year or so we have been the best of friends ever since me and Abby became friends.


The Teachers! Ms. Schaffer and Mr. Fitz have a lot alike. I started to get good grades in 4th grade. The other classes I got some P’s, many I’s, and several N’s. Ever since I got into 4th grade I’ve had straight P’s! Even in 5th grade


In the future I want to be a performer to let people have the joy I have when I sing. Singing is my life. Maybe, just maybe I can help people with the same dream achieve it too.

But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine” That’s what my favorite president said. His name is Thomas Jefferson.


That’s what this school has done for me… it’s given me friends that I can hold onto forever in the dark times and the light.
Thank you! I will miss you Capt. James E. Daly Elementary.

Samantha’s Speech

Good morning Ladies and gentlemen students and  staff of 2015-2016 also Mrs.dietz and mrs. german.

My name is Samantha. Those who don’t know me. I am going to be talking about how elementary school changed me .

Elementary School is not a big deal. it’s not like you are graduating from college or high school. But it is important because you’re going into a new place where you won’t know half of the people there.

In all of the years that I have been going to school here, which is a lot. come on, 6 years is kind of a lot. in all of those year I liked all of my teachers. My favorite teacher was my kindergarten teacher  Mrs.Mitko. The reason she was my favorite is because In my first year here I did not know anyone. I was very very shy. I felt like I did not fit in . She made me feel welcome. She was always nice and she never yelled at us.

Elementary school through me to be respectful . like how they use ABC expectations Act respectable, Be respectful, Care for yourself others and the environment.

      When I go to middle school, there are no real goals.  only that I have to get good grades and to make friends. I feel like I am starting new. I am scared because I usually don’t do all that hard work. When my sister comes home she is so tired and has a lot of homework. I don’t  want to be like that.

My goals when I am a adlut is to be a Midwive because I love babies and I will be glad to work with them to if I don’t become one then

This is the end of the speech thank you for letting me share with you and bye daly.

Darian’s Speech

Darian’s Speech   Greetings, families, school staff,  Mrs.Dietz and Mrs.German, and the 5th grade class of 2016   My name is Darian Montano and I am here today because I am leaving elementary school. Sure, i know it sounds very childish, like a little kid getting his first tooth out, but as someone who spend roughly one sixth of their… Read more →

Lionel’s Speech :)

Good morning esteemed guests, students and staff of Daly elementary school my name is Lionel Morency Jr. but to Mrs. Shirk my name is Milton

I would like to say to everyone that this fifth grade year has been the most amazing, crazy, and hysterical year of my life. Since I started kindergarten, it has been very easy because all we had to do is add and learn the ABC’s. but it’s more than that, it was meeting new people having a good time.

When I first started school, my sister’s said that it was very hard the day before the first day but then, when my sister took me to my classroom that’s when my whole life changed in an instant. I thought that it was going to be terrible but it wasn’t, it was amazing and that was when I met Mrs. Walton My kindergarten teacher and the lady who changed my life to this very day.
Now on to my goals in kindergarten the one thing I’ve always wanted to do was to be the teacher’s assistant. But you can’t get everything you want but it’s okay so I just let it pass I just wanted to help the teacher but I was a little too late to even ask the teacher so I just didn’t care all that much about it to be the teacher’s helper. After that day it felt like it was a whole year but I had a lot of fun to be there with my friends for example Alexa and Daniella. My two greatest friends ever since I started kindergarten, they supported me through tough times in Kindergarten.

Now on to my fifth grade life it has very fun especially because I have very great friends that include and those people are Devonis, Bryan Carla, Leandra, Alexa, Daniella, Abigail, Samantha, Paola, Nyima, and Darian. I would love to thank those people who helped me through all the things that happened to me and that’s when I really get mad and the person who got me through this whole year is my teacher Mr. Frank Fitzpatrick the man who helped me in this fifth grade year and kind of made fun of me with the cupcake thing on my lips and is going to photoshop the picture to make me look like big mama and show it to my mother but that’s okay with me and if this summer is going to be terrible all I need to know is that I have really great friends.

Those people will support me in middle school and the teacher that can make fun of me all he wants it’s just that this fifth grade year has been the greatest of my life thanks to all my friends and my past teachers especially my fourth grade teacher Mrs. Schaffer. One of my favorite teachers in the whole school she was different from the other teachers she did thing her own thing but she still followed the curriculum and followed the rules of the school I would like to thank her for teaching me and bringing me to this point in my life in fifth grade.

Now in this fifth grade year it going to be hard for me in middle school starting sixth grade and going on to seventh then eighth grade but i’ll tell ya it’s not going to be easy there are going to be some bumps in the road but it’s going to be fine because I know that my friends and family are going to support me along the way of growing up and moving on with my life and being successful and moving on with my education.

I would like to thank this school for all it has done I would also like to thank the Principal Mrs. Dietz and the Vice Principal Mrs. German for their gratitude and consideration to this school and the students that go to this school I hope that all the people that are here in this room today at this moment have a great summer and a great rest of your day.
Stay Happy, Stay Alive P.S Don’t Do Anything Stupid That Can Crush Your Dreams or something like that have a good day. Thank You

Derek G’s speech



Hello honored people , Valued guest and basically anyone that wants to hear this. I am here to present a speech. It’s about my elementary career.


So I guess it started when I was like 2 or something. I was born here but eventually I got moved to Another country because my parents divorced. When i was there I learned how to do basic elementary stuff but the thing is that I was underage and all that stuff i learned was in spanish.


So when i came back to this place I had to start over school (i was in 1st grade) so I had to go back 2 grades. I had already learned some english but that was when i was young so then i forgot. Through kindergarten the words where basic so yeah. But in first grade I met this dude (lionel) that helped with english. I also met another Person That would end up being my Best friend and (luckily) would be in the same class as him.


I don’t really know what happened for like 3 years but, eh. Like In 2nd I know I had to give effort and that in third grade i liked everything except writing (I still hate writing till this day but the computer makes it more tolerable) and in 4th grade well let’s just say i was in my ‘creative stage’ then now… some of my classmates were hyped to have this teacher dude that i had no idea about and now that i’m here i’ll say that they were hyped for nothing. (i mean out of the 3 i think he’s the best but eh)   


So besides that i had an ordinary life nothing much sooooooo… The Future!I ummm (ok even the future is hard for me) I think that i uhh want to be successful. I don’t want to work a mcdonalds though so i know i got to get skills but I don’t really know how i’m gonna use them.
So know that I basically just pointed out that i am clueless but it’s my story so Deal with it. Also I’m supposed to use a quote but i got nothing. The end.

Gracie’s Speech

Good morning families, teachers, and guests. It’s an honor to have you here at Captain James E. Daly Elementary to congratulate us for moving on into middle school. I’d first like to tell you about my past at this school. There have been good times and bad times but the ending is great.


It all started in 3rd grade. I was a new student and I was very shy. I thought I wasn’t going to make any friends because I never talked to anyone. But then after a few days I got to know people and talked more often and before I knew it I was in 4th grade.


During 4th grade I was excited about coming to school to see my friends. But it turned out I was wrong. My friends were fine but it was complete chaos. There were students back talking teachers, kids getting angry for no reason, and people storming out of classrooms. We barely learned a thing with all this going on. So kids just counted the days until the last day of school.


In 5th grade the first few months were good but later on people started being mean to each other. Especially me. I felt so bad about myself. I wanted to hide away forever. But then I realized that I had friends. My real friends were the people that protected me, the people that made me feel better, the people that forgive me no matter what. Those friends were Abby, Eva, Yanci, and Nyima.


My goals for the future are a bit complicated but I hope to achieve them. My goal is to go to the University of Maryland and get a degree in culinary arts and go to cooking school. As a kid i’ve always cooked meals for my family and I want to advance my skills. Maybe open a restaurant if I train hard enough. But unlike anyone else, I have a backup job if my first doesn’t work out and that is a veterinarian because I prefer to care for animals than people.


I hate to see everyone go but it’s not like i’m gonna miss them any sooner. But I think middle school might be a big change for me and everyone. Meeting new kids, getting new teachers, learning new subjects? That sounds awesome to me. But when we all leave of we should remember: No matter how much you think you hate school, you’re going to miss it when you leave.

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