The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Category: narrative (Page 3 of 25)

Yanci’s Speech


Yanci’s Speech ;


Good morning ladies and gentlemen,staff,5th grade,and especially Mrs.Dietz and Mrs.German,which Mrs.German might be a principal in another school next year.If it wasn’t for these wonderful people we would not be here today at Daly ES.Im so honnored to be here today with all of these wonderful  people around me.


Today i’m gonna tell you a story of my life.Just a story of how i got here to this really special school with this really special teacher Mr.Fitz.


It started when i was born in El Salvador.I came to USA when i was 1 ½ years old.Before those years i had to stay with my grandma at El Salvador and my mom was here in Houston TX trying to get money  for me so i would have a good beginning of my life.My mom  went to Salvador to pick me up to take  me to Houston.I grew up, i was 4 years old I went to Pre-k and Kindergarten.We came to VA to see my grandma because she had lived with my Aunt.


We went to Va,i liked it there i wanted to stay .We stayed their ,I had to come knowing nothing i barely knew my Aunt and my 3 cousins.I went to school i was bullied because i didn’t know how to speak english and i didnt want it to affect me so i ignored it .I didn’t pay attention to it.I went to 2nd grade i knew how to read and write english and the bullying stopped.I had a great teacher in 2nd grade I went to 4th grade.The last year 5th grade but i didnt finish it at my old school.I finished here in Daly.The first day for me was awesome I got here late.My classmates were in P.E. I didn’t know anybody they all bunched  up to me and started talking to me.Since then i had a great few months with Mr.Fitz..We have done a lot of activities we have laughed a lot you can’t even imagine our paper ball fight with me and Mr.Fitz.# I won of course


Im looking in the future to going to high school and to middle school and having  almost the same start as i did here i Daly.
“Remember nothing is over until you stop trying”Thank you for listening. Wish us luck we will all need it.

Abby’s Speech

Hello, and welcome staff, students, parents, and families.  I would love to give a special shout out to Mrs. Dietz, and Mrs. German.


I’m going to be sharing 3 important stories that mean a whole lot to me. These stories have made me who I am today, and who I have become. These stories are a little bit personal but I wanted to share them with you all.


My first story.


I was starting Pre-K at Rock Creek Valley, I didn’t come to Daly, yet. I’m so glad that I got to that school, I got to experience being at a school exactly like me.  I was able to meet so many friends there, who were like me. Everyone there had some sort of Hearing Aid. I haven’t seen my friends from Rock Creek Valley in a while, but I remember them and the memories clear. In Pre-K we did fun things, one day we had to bring in something that started with the letter A. I can’t remember what I brought but I brought something in. In the winter when it snowed, we went outside and played in the snow.


My second story.


I was starting at Daly, and I was a little shy, of course now I’m not shy. One of my favorite teachers here is Mrs. Walton, she was my first teacher here, she is my idol. But, when I started off at Daly, My best friend Abigail, she was at a daycare that I was at, near the school. We had been friends since we were about 3-4 I can’t remember the EXACT year. We didn’t exactly like the same things but we at least knew something was in common. Whenever I had a rough time at home or at school, I went to her. I told her about everything. She never had a problem listening to all my complaining.


My second best friend is Eva, she listens to my complaining and she’s my sidekick, I stick with her and she sticks with me. Sometimes she can get annoyed but.. I still complain to her.. She complains to me.  So it all works out. I won’t forget any of my best friends.


My third story.


I wasn’t exactly a social kid. But I didn’t hang out with a lot of people either. But every so often I would get made fun of, whether it be, because I wasn’t skinny, or because I had some “weird” thingie in my ear, or sometimes  because of the way I acted, I was a crazy kid. But it was a rough way getting up the hill, but eventually I got up the hill, with the help of my friends, and family.


I wanna thank my other favorite people in the world, my mom, Mrs. Zito, she has helped me throughout the years, Ms. Aunts. Ms. Aunts works with me. She, met me in 4th grade but I feel like i’ve known her for longer. Thank you for your help!! I really love the things you’ve helped me accomplish.


Looking into the future I want to study ASL, (American Sign Language) It’s a part of me, I use it all the time. I want to be a Deaf and or a Hard of Hearing teacher or something of that sort.  I want to go to Gallaudet University, it’s a Deaf and Hard of Hearing college, I’ve toured it once with my sister. It was such a great experience. Everyone there used ASL and I learn every day with my sister.  
I want to thank you all for coming today and supporting us as we progress in our schooling.   

Kabba´s Cool Site 2016-06-10 13:49:35

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, Mrs. Dietz and Mrs. German, and the 5th grade class of 2015-2016


My name is Samuel Kabba and i’m here to talk about my amazing journey from Pre-K to 5th grade.


First off Pre-K, the first educational step of my life. I never knew how much an impact it would be to start my learning career until I made it to my first day. I didn’t know anybody there, it was a new experience for me and then suddenly after a few weeks I meet my first friend ever “Eric”. I also learned my ABCs.I also learned how to work with others for the first time and actually engage in something without the presence of my parents.


Next, Kindergarten. After gaining a few skills from Pre-K, kindergarten was a walk in the park. It was at Matsunaga Elementary School my first elementary school ever. I learned some new material while having a great time and making new friends.


Third, First grade. It was nothing like kindergarten and Pre-K. It was actually harder. I realized that I had to do a lot of thinking and focusing. It was not all fun and games. I really wanted to give up but my teacher and my parents taught me to “never say never” and that if I try my best, that I would do just fine. Knowing that I had confidence in myself I could make it in first grade.


In Addition, Second grade was mostly working  hard to be the best student i can be. I became bolder by always asking questions when i had any, also challenging myself to the best of my ability. I actually started helping others surprisingly.


Eventually i went to Third grade  Third grade was really brought the smartnest out of me, i improved on all subjects, worked really hard, and made more friends like Andre, Neel, and Jacob.  


Furthermore, the summer before fourth grade i sadly had to move and leave my neighborhood and best friends. Here i am transferred to Daly Elementary School. The first day i was very nervous because i didn’t know anybody and i wondered if i would get a teacher i would like. As time went on i gained friends like Abby, Raiyan, Gerald, Chris, and more with my teacher also being nice. I had a really good time and it was a good experience because by moving schools i experience more new things.


However 5th grade came along and my teacher Mr.Fitzpatrick was the most funniest, fun, interesting, annoying,  and weird teacher ever. He would tell us very interesting stories about  his life, well some of it. We would always do some cool projects like making roller coasters, spacesuits, our own websites and even creating our own companies. The people in my class were also cool with some people being in my fourth grade class and some new people like Raiyan, Bryan, Devonis, Derek Gomez, Daylon, Derek Lee and Darian. Another thing about 5th grade is that I got to be a safety patrol with, Bryan, Darian, Devonis. With them being patrols ,it makes the job more fun. Overall I was so lucky to be in a class that is so cool and have memories that i will never forget.
So here we are the class of 2015-2016 leaving this school, hoping to succeed in middle school at Neillsville, then high school at Clarksburg High School. And finally going to a great college, getting and job as a police officer , and furthering my future with a family. But there is something we still all need to know that this is the next step in our lives. So we should all know that education is not preparation for life, education is life itself. Thank you so much for listening and have a amazing summer.

My Baby Sister Story By Jeremiah T. Green:-)

My Baby Sister Story-) By- Jeremiah T. Green (1)

5 month’s ago my mother had  my baby sister Against 12,2015  that day was the best  day of my life after practice  I went to go see her in the hospital also my baby  sister.   


named Heaven Elizabeth Green- Houck   when  I to go see her in the hospital  my told me that my mother was coming home Friday   I was  happy/sad  because   had to leave    my best friend house Chris  that’s why happy.   


Live my  had  to see  my baby sister  Heaven Elizabeth Green-Houck .  


Amazing   thing off my life when I went home to my mom she was happy to see me I was happy to see her to also I was happy to see my baby sister Heaven Elizabeth Green-Houck she was so cute thing.


Thing that I noticed about Heaven Elizabeth Green-Houck:

  1. She had cute also beautiful eyes.
  2. Nice smooth hair.
  3. She had nice brown eyes.
  4. Smooth light skin.
  5. Beautiful nice smoothing skin for a little girl.
  6. Also she always when I also goofy.
  7. Also  baby sister Heaven Elizabeth Green-Houck  have  pretty laugh.
  8. Also  my baby sister  Heaven Elizabeth Green-Houck is the most adorable baby in the world.
  9. Now my baby sister Heaven Elizabeth  Green-Houck also now she is 7 months also came the most cutest baby in the world.
  10. Heaven Elizabeth Green-Houck adorable thing in the world I am so glad that I am her big bro if anything is adorable then her she will still be my little rocket also I will still be her big bro.



No one is prettier that my baby sister Heaven Elizabeth  Green-Houck she is like a rocket because she is all over the place when gets on the floor at home she likes to grab crowd also eat stuff that’s not for her like paper also crowds.


Also her life is danger because there of her siblings at home grab her by her arms also hits her also treats her like normal baby butt she is not a normal baby there something weird every time falls down she doesn’t cry at all.



She is one crazy baby no baby is crazier then her when say no one I mean no one crazier then my baby sister this girl when I say when fall she doesn’t cry real doesn’t cry at    all when falls only times she  cry is when she is hungry and wants to get picked up and my mom say’s pick her because when she start walking will want  to still get picked up of the time.


sincerely: Jeremiah your big bro   





Mr. Linen’s Library By Abigail

Mr.Linden’s Library

By: Abigail

This story begins in London, England 1835 the day I was seen all over the WORLD. Rosalina was 8 years old. She had brown curly hair that went down to her ¼ of her back, she loved to sing especially with her friends, and Rosalina was wearing her (her favorite color is blue). She was playing out in the fields near her house at Woodberry, Grove London, England. The house is made of limestone. Her and her friends that were all 8 years were playing tag.


One of her friends name is Darwin. He is the son of mr. Lionel Linden. He has a buzz-cut. He LOVES the color orange. Nyima (Darwin’s sister) has REALLY dark brown hair that goes down to ½ of her back. Paola was a homeless girl that was let in by Rosalina and her family, she loved having a sister. Luigi was a shy young boy. He has a cap that he painted green. Luigi’s younger sister is Jasmine. She loved to hurt the people that she hated, but Luigi didn’t allow it. Mr. Lionel Linden was the father of Darwin and Nyima. Lionel’s wife Helena died when the kids were only 6 years old.


11 years later all the friends were 19. Rosalina, Darwin, Paola, Luigi, Jasmine, and Nyima had a big test to study, so they went to mr. Linden’s library. They got tickets to go on the bus. 29 min later they got to the library. Darwin and Nyima’s dad was working that day. 5 out of the 6 kids found books to study. Rosalina couldn’t find any books that pleased her until she found a book (My name)called “The Book of Horrors” in the mixed section. “PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THAT BOOK!” yelled mr. Linden.


“But why? I need something to read?” Asked Rosalina.


“That book is dangerous!”


“What? Why?”


“I can’t tell you. I’m sorry Rosalina.”




Rosalina thought that maybe she could steal me. She never knew what power I have! When her friends started to leave Rosalina grabbed me and left.


It was late that night, Rosalina and her friends went home after partying. She got me out of the bag and went straight to her room. She opened me up and saw the secrets inside of me. I was full of stories of the places I ruled. She saw spells and other mishtuvis things inside of me too! Rosalina finally slept after  3 hours of reading me. I started to make a spell. She got tangled up in poison ivy and I got her life sole! She died in the process of… well you know already.


In the morning the next day Paola woke-up Rosalina, but she didn’t know I killed her. Paola came in and said “ROSALINA WAKE-UP IT’S SATURDAY!”


“……”Rosalina didn’t respond.


“Rosalina… are you okay?” Paola worried.


Paola found that Rosalina’s rist was aqua blue and she knew that it wasn’t like that last night because she snuck in. “I should call Jasmine see what she can do, since her mom is a doctor.” Paola started to call Jasmine and she told her about the aqua blue rist.

“I will be in a sec!”


Jasmine got to the house. Paola opened the door. Jasmine came in and both girls went to Rosalina´s room. Jasmine checked Rosalina´s blue rist. ¨I´ve never seen this before Paola.¨ worried Jasmine.


“Mr. Lineden. He warned her about the book. Now it was too late. The book must have done it!” Paola whispered.


“Hey! What’s this” has Jasmine pointed at me.


Paola picked me up and they read me. The same thing happened to Paola and Jasmine. They saw the secrets inside of me. I was full of stories of the places I ruled. Paola and Jasmine saw spells and other mishtuvis things inside of me too! The girls tried to find something to give back life to Rosalina, but they never found anything. They stopped reading me to have lunch. When they got back I did a different spell this one was 2 Anacondas. Paola and Jasmine were devoured by the Anacondas.


Darwin and Luigi were curious about the girls, so they called Paola and Rosalina’s mom to see if they could come over. She said yes. The next day the boy’s went over to Rosalina and Paola’s house. Darwin and Luigi went up to their room and saw that the 3 had died. “What happened here?” Luigi asked.


“The book. Dad said NOT to touch that book!” Darwin was furious at the girls for getting me.


Settle down Darwin! It must over gotten here on its own.” Luigi comely said to Darwin.


“When fish fly” murmured Darwin.


Darwin and Luigi did the samething that Paola and Jasmine did look for a antidote inside of me. They saw the secrets inside of me. I was full of stories of the places I ruled. Luigi and Darwin saw spells and other mishtuvis things inside of me too!They didn’t find anything in me. They stopped for a drink, when they came back the door closed by itself and locked. “Hey Luigi… the room is filling up in water.”as Darwin and Luigi gasped for their last breath. Out of nowhere a great white killed both boys.


Nyima and Darwin’s father was wondering where his kids were, so he called Rosalina and Paola´s mom. Mr. Linden asked ¨Do you know where Darwin or Nyima are?¨


¨Yes, I do know where both of them are. Therein Rosalina and Paola´s room.¨Mrs. Luma answered.


¨I will be their in an hour to pick them up¨


¨Alright I´ll be here¨


An hour in a half later mr. Linden went to pick up Darwin and Nyima. He  went to Rosalina´s room and found me.¨The… the Book of Horrors! How did it get here? Darwin… Nyima what?¨ Mr. Linden wondered.


He took me and looked the door behind him.


He brought me to the library and did the samething that the other four did. They saw the secrets inside of me. I was full of stories of the places I ruled. mr. Linden saw spells and other mishtuvis things inside of me too! At the end he never found anything. “What can I do to save my kids!” Mr. Linden thought.


“Well maybe I can look again.”


I had another trick up my sleeve… if you know what I mean. This time I put 2 Atlantic Wolffish in the office. The room slowly filled with water. Mr. Linden accidentally looked in one of the pair of eyes and froze to sudden death. NOW THAT I HAVE DESTROYED LIONEL LINDEN I CAN TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
The final thing that was in my way is gone. I will make the ultimate spell ,so that I can take over London, England! After 2 hours of potion making I have made something to make me ruler. I dragged a meteor and wrecked the whole world! That’s the end of the world!


The House on Maple Street by Eva

A cold winter night of 1940 at 11402 Maple Street Germantown Md, there was a family. Four people lived in the house.  Katherine bluelies was a strange looking girl with green hair and blue eyes she had a hairy foot and a messed up back with messy hair people called her the grinch . The dad was named Bob, their son was named  Billy. And the daughter was named Frankie.  Katherine was a strange looking girl with green hair and blue eyes she had a hairy foot with messy hair.

Before they lived in a small apartment.  The school that frankie went to was bad. It was bad because she got bullied just because she had no friends the school was called Educationlandia.  

After the bluelies family moved into Maple Street they have been having a good life frankie doesn’t get bullied anymore.   A commercial came on about a rocket that only costs  $ 5.00 and billy was awake he saw the commercial Billy started whining.  He was whining because he wanted the rocket and he thought that his mom was gonna say no.

When billy was still watching the commercial on the rocket. The TV paused for a second. Then billy had his ear open and heard that it works. It makes real noises and it will have to be taken care of like a pet.

The man announces his name his name is Richard.  Richard  announced that a warning with the rocket which was don’t leave the rocket near an open flame.  The second warning was don’t expose the rocket to light or you’ll have to deal with the consequences.

The next day billy woke up as soon as he could to tell his mom if they could go to Walmegarus to buy the rocket that they had seen on Tv the day before.  Billy was patiently waiting for a response from his mother.

Katherine paused to think of an answer she came up with an answer which was yes she asked billy to clean his room before she left to go buy the rocket.  Billy cleaned the room as fast as he could he forgot that he cleaned it last night so he walked in his room for a second then he came out in a second and he walked out in a split second his mom walked into his room and it was spotless.

Billy and his mom got into their red 1940 Chevrolet Convertible it was new and spotless.  Katherine got to Walmegarus they got out of their car.  They had gone into the store and a man was just standing on the roof of Walmegarus he looked like a sketchy guy he had a long beard, black jacket, long hair, black pants, and brown flip flops.

Katherine ignored the man and just walked in the store.  Billy walked to the toy section and found millions of rockets.  They came in every color violet, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, aqua marine, teal, and more.  Billy choose one that he really loved he choose the aqua marine rocket. they bought the rocket and it cost $ 2.50 . They gave them a blanket with the rocket so that they keep it away from the sun and light.

Billy brought the rocket home. He looked at it very closely and saw a face carved into it. Billy really didn’t care billy wanted to sleep early so that he can wake up early and play with his rocket for a long temporary of time.

katherine gave billy supper before going to bed. Billy ate homemade cookies with nice and warm milk he ate about 20 cookies because he didn’t want to be hungry during he was sleeping he drank 5 cups of milk. He was very full billy had walked up the stairs.  Billy uncovered his bed and layed down on it the milk got him very sleepy so he fell asleep the second he touched his bed.

Katherine got the rest of her day off she got to sleep more and relax.  Since it was a cold winter day Katherine made hot cocoa. Katherine quickly went to the store to rent a movie that she could watch while Billy  was sleeping.  Bob and frankie were at home the whole time they were watching Home Alone the movie.

Billy woke up for a while and stood looking at the ceiling.  He left his Rocket near the big clear window with sunlight coming in.  He turned his head and stared at the rocket he thought in his head that he was doing something wrong.  Billy stared  into the carved face on the rockets eyes.  The eyes were red and black they had a small glow inside of them.  He stared into the eyes and fell asleep.

Frankie and Bob were in the living room. Just watching Tv they were watching Home Alone with katherine.  Home Alone is Frankie and Bob’s most favorite movie of all time.  Bob loved homemade cookies because Katherine made cookies the size of a big table Bob was upset because Billy ate all the cookies that katherine.  Bob had remembered that frankie had a stash of katherines cookies in her closet.  

Bob had ran up the stairs to the second floor.  Katherine was spying on him across the hall Frankie had forgotten that she had the cookies in her closet for five years already.  Bob might find them with fungus or mold nobody knew what they were going to have if they may also look like cookies but taste bad nobody knew what had happened to the cookies over the years no one will know what they look like until Bob goes up the stairs and see’s them with his own eyes.

Bob got up the stairs and walked into frankies room he looked into the mirror and he was full of sweat as if he was running or worried.  Bob walked over to the old,  black, and big closet it had spiderwebs all over it as if it were from the 1700’s.  Bob had never actually seen the closet but Bob didn’t care he just was scared to open the closet they had been living there for four years and he didn’t know what could be in the closet.

Bob went into the closet and the cookies looked perfectly fine as soon as Bob reached out to get one of the cookies he felt a something go through his body before he could even grab a cookie he felt a large sound go off it sounded like a bomb the noise was BOOM!

Billy was playing with the toy while he was playing with his toy he heard a ruckus going off in his room.  His mom walked into his room to see what was going on.  Katherine walked into Billy’s room and all she saw was fog she couldn’t see anything at all.  After 5 seconds of being in the room scary music came on from a horror story. She was very frightened.  

Katherine went away for a while then she came back she saw that the fog and music was gone.  She found  Billy playing with the rocket the rocket started talking it was telling billy what to do it almost felt like a nightmare.

A few hours later Katherine called Billy down for dinner.  Billy brought his rocket with him he didn’t want to leave his rocket in the cold dark room it was scary at night because when a tornado came Billy would cry at night.
Billy was so scared one day.   Billy woke up from his DREAM.  Billy was so relieved that it was all a dream.  

Another Place, Another Time. Derek G.

Three miles off of Stuart Highway in Australia there lived a person. He had a wooden house. He was an ordinary person… well kinda, if you don’t count that one time, where he went back in time and was chased by the police.


Yeah, it’s a weird story and you don’t want to hear it… right? Well in order to understand it you need to start from a good spot to start. That place is of course in a bank, specifically the ‘Bank of China’. The reason he is in that bank is because he is planning to, uh … ‘Borrow’ all the money. Forever.


So how was he supposed to rob a bank? Easy! (No seriously it’s not, don’t rob banks, that’s bad). All you have to do is go really fast when the alarm rings. But our person (by the way his name is Kilmo) didn’t do that, not at all, instead he brought a tranquilizer gun and he did a full on assault and he succeeded. All the people inside the store we’re not very good at security and they couldn’t even decide who should call the cops. So basically Kilmo got of with no harm done to him, and I still can’t figure out if it’s because he got lucky or because the people there that day were stupid (which is still lucky).


Anyways back then Kilmo didn’t live so far from civilisation so when people saw him dashing with a sack of money they were a bit intrigued, especially some thugs. So when Kilmo ran down an alleyway he sort of got… beat up…. (Not the best life choices). When Kilmo woke up he quickly realized that all the money disappeared. Also when he walked out the alley way he saw a wanted sign of him (if he got caught and the police question him how is he supposed to tell them where the money is?).  


Of course this is in the future and apparently in the future the cops chase you down and if they don’t catch you within 3 days you get forced back in time and then they chase you again, and if they don’t catch you then you go even further back in time and then, rinse and repeat till you get caught or you reach the end of the planet (or the beginning. Could be both. It’s relative. Just like time. Which is how this is possible.)  


It’s impossible to hide for long so that definitely got Kilmo worried. The first day was spent hiding, I don’t need to talk about that do I? The second day is more talk worthy. Kilmo woke up inside a box (another reason I didn’t explain the day before). He was hugging his knees. He was headed for brazil. He was there because he wanted answers, and if there was an answer, he’d find it there.  


Once he got out the box he saw that he was in the middle of the ocean. He knew he said that he wanted to be shipped but he didn’t mean ON A SHIP! When he got out of the box his whole body was aching. He Dragged himself into the main deck. At least it would be harder for the police to find him here, but his three days would be out by the time he got to Brazil so this seemed to defeat the purpose.  


Still I am talking about this so somthing IS gonna happen! Right? Well after some time of just wandering on the deck some security people got suspicious and started trailing.  Kilmo got scared and started walking fast. Then he tripped. His whole body went over the fence but he managed to grab it at the last second. He saved his life but in the process guaranteed himself a trip to the underdeck prison cell.


3 hours later the cops got to the ship and started doing their inspection but when they got to the cell it turns out that Kilmo was skinny enough that he was able to squeeze through the top. He was in the vents of the ship but the cops didn’t realize it. Kilmo sneaked his way into the cabin area. There he unlocked a currently unoccupied room. He stole some clothes and pretended to be someone other than him.


After sometime the police decided to rent a cabin onboard while looking for Kilmo, so that means that he needed to stay vigilant. Later on Kilmo went inside the food area and tried to eat something. While he was browsing for food one of the chefs came up to him.


“Never seen ya here mate.” The chef asked questioningly.

“I’ve been etn’ lunch in ma own cabin” Kilmo said with a fake accent.



So the day went on like that he was being questioned but overall it was normal. He barely made it to the time travel deadline. He was literally about to comit suicide by jumping of the ship but the time travel thing kicked in just before he hit the water.




Remember when I said that when you go through time you only go back a little well you go back about 1000 years. So now Kilmo is in 1999 and the cops now have his tracker I.D. so he can’t hide. Of course Kilmo also doesn’t know anything about the 1999s. Infact if someone asked him about it he would’ve probably said it was when the dinosaurs were around. But ofcourse, the dinosaurs were NOT around in the 1999 and Kilmo definitely saw that.


 Indeed Kilmo needed to find a way to get around especially since the cops get most of their mobile futuristic equipment back when they time travel. But Kilmo wouldn’t be able to blend in with society which makes it even more hard to run away. Kilmo decided that the best plan of action would be to hide in the woods because it would give him a chance to fend for himself and because the tracker I.D only shows the general area so he could hide.


10 hours later.  It was midnight when Kilmo heard some noise, he stopped breathing. Another hour passed and he saw nothing until he heard a large bang. He jumped up and almost screamed but didn’t, he was to tired. The next day he had to get something to eat. He walked around to find some loose change and he asked for money. He only could afford enough for one chicken nugget.


Later that day Kilmo ran into a suspicious person and decided to trail him. All of a sudden the person stopped then took something out his pocket and dropped it. When kilmo picked it up the world went blank. Yep another time trip, this time it only took a day and a half. And this time Kilmo was headed to year 999.


This time Kilmo appeared in A place south east of london. The cops right behind him. Kilmo started running faster than he thought he thought he could. While running some lady told him that she could get him away quickly, and that all that Kilmo had to do in return, is find this old dude. Kilmo took her up on her offer so the lady then took out a wand and said some words. Magically some train sail car-thing appeared with some kids on it. The train thing went was headed straight  for a castle.


After the long annoying ride Kilmo finally made it to the castle. The lady and the kids all disappeared out of nowhere. Kilmo thought that the only thing he could do now is go into the castle. But this time in year 999 there are knights and kings so the castle was full of that.


“What are thee doing her?” The king dude said.


“Guards, get the chains. I think I’ve found the new victim for the lion.”


Later on-after Kilmo got chained and put in an arena- a tiger got released in the the arena. After lets say a minute of running around the tiger finally got to kilmo but kimo was able to grab a piece of ground (I don’t know what it’s made of) and stabbed the lion.


“So this dude has some guts. Well guess someone will have to challenge you.” King challenged.


Three dudes appeared all with amour on.


“Pick a person here to fight.” King explained.


“Anyone here right?”


“Anyone currently present.”      


“Eazy. You.”


“Had a feeling you’d do something like that. Well if you beat me i’ll i’ll give you a wish.”


“What are you a witch or something.”

“I have my ways.”

So the king entered that arena and took out a sword in one hand and a really old gun. Kilmo knew right away that those old guns only had one bullet before their long reload time. So when kilmo thought that the king pushed the trigger he dropped to the ground. But the king just dropped the gun and ran over to kilmo. Before he got stabbed kilmo flipped and stabbed the kings knee using the sharp piece of wood. The king lessen his power in the stab so he couldn’t impale Kilmo’s skin.


“I didn’t want to give in so easy. But I guess I have to.” The king sighed.

“Very well. What is your wish?” The king asked.


You can probably guess what he wished for so I don’t even need to explain. But the thing is that if kilmo wished for this whole story to not happened, technically he would never have to wish for the story not to happen so the story WOULD happen so than he’d have to wish for it to not happen, and it would just keep looping.


Anyways the reason Kilmo robbed the bank is because he gambled. Yep kids… don’t gamble. Unless you want to.



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