A Strange Day in July

Once there was a boy named little Jimmy and his sister Sara. They were going to the lake. It was July 21. They got in the car and started going to the lake. they stopped by the boat rental store and rented a boat. they finally got to the lake.


Little Jimmy and Sara were excited to get on a boat. they’ve never been on one before so they were scared too. They loved the water so they swam for a bit also, it was a warm sunny day that day. They liked to catch fish too. so they got on the boat and went fishing.


They came back off the boat and went to go skip stones. Sara threw 3 times. Little jimmy threw 3 times, the last time he threw with all his might, but it came skipping back. Who was that they were thinking they started swimming to the other side. There were small fish they could see under the water. It took a very long time but they got there.


They were on a path and could see footprints. They decided to follow the path. The could see someone coming towards them. They hid in the bushes because it was a very environmentally friendly place, and got rid of all the bad stuff and kept it nice and neat. He passed them and jumped in the water. They started traveling again. The found a small corn snake on the way and played with it. They brought the snake with them since it seemed to be fond of them. The kept following the footprints. They followed the prints into the house. They snuck in and started following the mud tracks into the mansion. They saw him. It was…………… their dad!!! So they found him and it turned out they were going to live there in that mansion. They now owned part of the lake and that boat. They now live and love it there. Thats the story of A Day In July.