Under The Rug

Once there was an old man named Benjy. He lived with his wife Marada. He was happy with his life and didn’t want to change it. They lived in new york.


Marada went to go see her sister, Benjy stayed home. He was not an active person he watched T.V. all day long 24/7. He saw something under the rug and grabbed a stick. He started hitting it. It disappeared so he called an exterminator. The exterminator said there was nothing there. Benjy didn’t believe him.


Two weeks had passed and it happened again so he hit it with the chair. He called the exterminator again. Still nothing. He slept and nothing happend. He then saw godzilla running around his house. He went to a psychiatrist and he said there was nothing wrong. He then went to an eye doctor and she said he had horrible vision that was the problem.


Marada came back and said, “why do you have glasses on huh!” He told her the story and she said “ silly old Benjy I always told you you needed glasses” thats the story of the bump under the rug.