The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Month: February 2016 (Page 3 of 9)

My Clear Spring Opinion

In my opinion Clear Spring Park is a negative human characteristic of Germantown because, teens and adults break the rules of the park. Children should be able to play without having other people breaking the rules.

For instincts children at Clear Spring Park should be able to be safe and know that nothing is going to happen to them. But if people are breaking the rules, children can’t know that they are safe. For an example teens and adults are using foul language and the children are gonna see these teens and adults acting that way and think that it’s okay. Also teens and adults are smoking, and one they are polluting the air and two, they are getting smoky air into these young children’s lungs.

In conclusion, I think that Clear Spring Park is a negative human characteristic of Germantown, because it makes me feel sad because everyone is getting harmed from other people and its not their fault.

Clear Spring Park

In my opinion Clear Spring Park is negative because their are a lot of graffiti and teens and adults break the rules and they start to smoke even if a sign says that they can’t  they still do. And their arer also fights have happened.

In Clear Spring Park people litter even though they have trash cans and recycle cans. There are gangsters and their not enough tables for people to sit.  Not all the kids at the park are supervised their is a dirty pond at Clear Spring Park.

Clear Spring Park opinion

In My opinion I think that Clear Spring Park Is a Negative characteristic for people because. People do a lot of bad crazy stuff their like teens adults break rules theft. Not all kids are supervised People still smoke people still litter and people still curse.


People fight a lot at Clear Spring Park. People at Clear Spring Park write graffiti that have bad stuff on it. What I have seen at Clear Spring Park is the same I always see people smoke and I always hear cursing.

Not all kids are supervised  and a lot of fights of course litter but that what I see at Clear Spring Park.  

Clear Spring Park Short Essay Alexa


  I believe Clear Spring Park from Germantown is a negative thing that people made for Germantown because even though the people who build Clear Spring Park and  made signs and rules at that park people don’t follow them and they don’t care. Also a lot of fights occur at that park like bad language, and injuries. Plus people steal things at that park for example for some reason someone stole a hoop from the basketball course, and also someone who ever that person is stole my Friend here Darian his bike.


  In Conclusion, that’s why i think Clear Spring Park is a Negative Affect To Germantown It just makes me feel really bad that people do those things and I don’t like it i feel angry because people don’t respect kids try to play in that area but with teens and adults take over they can’t so yeah i really want to do something about it but I can’t because there are fights and I don’t wanna get into that so yeah it just really upsets me that i can’t do anything about it especially because I don’t live near here anymore i really want to do something about it because it’s not fair that kids can’t play at Clear Spring Park because of those reasons. 

Snow Days

My opinion is we should not have extra days of school from  the snow because it waste money, electricity, and it cuts our summer shorter.



If we waste Electricity we waste money. If we waste money we are wasting trees. If we waste trees we are wasting oxygen. Without oxygen we will DIE! This is what the schools do when they give us extra school during our summer break. The school in summer



It takes $1.7 million -$2 million for school in June when we are meant to be in vacation. Costs to run the schools include air conditioning, paying teachers, and fuel for buses.  If we don´t school to make snow days up the school would save a lot of money.


Summers Shorter

Parents might have already bought tickets for their vacation and the tickets are not refundable, so the kid won’t  be there anyway. The made-up snow days they won´t do really anyways. The kids wouldn’t have as much freedom during the summer if they have made-up snow days, as if they they don´t.
Made-up snow days are a waste of time, money, and resources. So let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Uniforms should be required in all schools

All school should have uniforms so they can have a good school without bullying and a better education.


School uniforms remove the distraction of fashion in school, because students don’t talk about what their wearing during class. And it helps them do their work, our student make fun of them.


Students get more focus on what school is really for getting an education. And learn new things to help them get better in school. And they will not be worried about what they wearing to school.


Uniforms help students with behavioral problems. they won’t be bad at school because students don’t make fun of them and get mad. And They are respective to teacher .
My opinion is school Uniforms should be worn in all schools for a better school.


In my opinion I know that the audience like the undertaker because it intensifies the matches against other competitors like John Cena and Sting, Kane. These WWE fighters make every dollar count if you can stand the blood and the teeth but it’s worth it for the fights and the food and for the experience in fighting.


WWE wrestlers are one of the most professional athletes in fighting their battle strategy and their strength is outstanding and how they have their special moves for a KO ( Knock Out) its amazing their entrances are scary and outstanding how they walk to the ring and destroy the match.


I know the Undertaker is one of the best fighters in WWE history .


Helicopters For Everyone

My opinion is that people should be able to use Helicopters at their expense. Traveling would be much faster because there would be no traffic because of the sky. Helicopters are faster than the typical car so even better.


Helicopters should be available to everyone that can handle one because people could get all sorts of things done faster through the sky. In a race between a powered up car in a Straight raceway the car won by about a second. Thing is that normal cars aren’t  powered up and to get to place you have to turn a lot so helicopters would then be faster.


My second reason is that using the helicopters would be fun. A lot of people have helicopters for a hobby and say that it is an awesome hobby. People can learn how to use helicopters and get a permit to use them. You only really need some open space to take off because most of them can lift vertically.


The third reason is that you could start your own business using the helicopters by selling them or giving rides to people that want them (because they don’t have a pass to ride one). There are already helicopter businesses and they are pretty successful.  


Helicopters would be fast, would be good for business, and would be a lot of fun to fly.  Because these reasons, I think that people should be able to have a helicopters.



Derek Lee’s opinion

In my opinion kids should get devices to help them where they are when they get lost. There are two reasons why kids should have devices.


One reason why kids should have devices is that kids should use their device that they might be lost somewhere far so their parents can track their kids.


Last reason why kids should have devices is that kids should use on their device on school days to call their parents or somebody that they know at the end of the day.


In conclusion, kids should get devices to help them to call and text to their parents to know whether or not they are lost.

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