The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Category: Constitutional Amendments (Page 3 of 4)

The third Amendment

The third Amendment

How would you feel if you had dinner ready and some random sweaty soldier came in the house and ate all your would feel angry and hungry.Than it was time for bed and the soldier asked what is the most comfy bed in your house and you said it was yours and he went to sleep on it and that was the only bed in the house and you went to sleep on your uncomfortable sofa. you would feel mad sleepy and angry.

If there was a war going on you would have to let a soldier stay at your house and you would have to feed that and take care of the would have to spend more money to make sure that there is enough for your family and soldier.

One of your family members would have to sleep on your sofa because the soldier would have sleep on something comfy for he can be ready to go back to war the next day.

That is why they only use that law during the war because they could all not fit in the same bunker or they can’t live in there and that is why that is why you would want to use the citizens to take care of them.

The Second Amendment

The Second amendment

The second amendment is the most important because I believe that people can defend himself or herself  when in serious danger. For example if you are walking and someone random person that you don’t know and they have a mean face following you wherever you go. I believe that person should have a weapon to defend himself or herself.

Defending yourself is important because if you are getting bullied or picked on at school or even out of school you should defend your self. If you are getting bullied in school and the person that is bullying for a while you should defend your self. Don’t defend yourself by punching the guy in the face defend your self in words. If you are getting picked on outside of school or anywhere thats a different story you should defend yourself especially if you have a family member with you.

For these reasons that I know that the second amendment is the most important.

The First Amendment

The First Amendment

By: Briana

The 1st Amendment is the most important out of all the Amendments because of this. Imagine that you’re at your house and you go out to get the newspaper and on the front page it says a new law has been placed about your religion that you don’t agree with how would you feel? I wouldn’t be happy this is why the first amendment is the the most important it states that you will be able to practice your religion without anyone changing it by making laws. You will be able to do this because congress can’t make any new law about your religion or keep you from practicing it.


This law also states that you will not be stopped from saying whatever you want to say. But that doesn’t mean that there will not be consequences for whatever you say. This amendment says that you will be able to publish whatever you wish to like in a newspaper or book or stop you from peacefully asking the government to change something.


In conclusion, this amendment is the most important because without it we wouldn’t have freedom to choose what religion you want to choose, say what you want to say, or have any voice in our country.


The Ninth Amendment

The Ninth Amendment

The Constitution is a 4 page document made in 1787 that still runs are country to this day. There are 27 amendments made but,the ninth amendment is unquestionably important. Just because, people think that the laws listed in the constitution are very important (and a lot of them are). There are rights that you and me have. Although if you chose to break the law (lets say for an example) there will be consequences.

When The Ninth Amendment says that ” Just because these rights are listed in the constitution doesn’t mean you don’t have other rights too.” If don’t know what that means, it means that you can insult the president on social media that’s a right you can say any thing you want too no one can take that away,but in a quick second that small little comment can turn into the this big thing and next thing you know are getting arrested.


The First Amendment

Bill of Rights

The 1st amendment is the most important one in all the amendments. It states that the Congress cannot create a law that says no one can practice their religion. It also says that the congress may not make a law about not speaking what people wanna speak. Anybody in U.S.A is allowed to meet  to ask the government to change something for our laws.


Anybody in the country of United States of America can publish whatever book they want if they approve of it. The congress is not allowed to tell you what church and religion you to got to. No yes or no and no wrong or right for your religion.The congress will not banned you from your church because they want you to be Christian, Jewish, Catholic and other sorts of religion.


Human Rights

You will not be taken out of the premises if you wanted to know if one of the laws could be change or not have the law at all. That would be very rude if that would of happened. The guard and the congress man or woman would be fired in my case. Here how it will go down you walk in state your reason to be here and then they talk and they will catch up  with  you later. The congress is not too powerful as you think they are.

The Fifth Amendment

The most important Amendment is the fifth.The most important Amendment is the fifth because it is not fair or right to be forced to answer a question.You should not be forced to answer a question if you did nothing wrong. Also if you were in court the case is not all on you.You are being questioned for another person.The fifth Amendment is the most important because you should not be pushed.


For example if you were a person that did nothing wrong and you were getting questioned and you did absolutely nothing wrong. you would not be very happy if they kept on going and asking you questions. And if you did do something wrong then you could still use the fifth Amendment because they would see your face and can tell that you did something wrong.

And if you were being pushed to answer a question then you can snitch and have the person that was pushing you to answer arrested.also if you were being pushed and you did nothing wrong the person that was pushing you was wasting there time because you did nothing wrong.


In conclusion the Fifth Amendment is the most important.


First Amendment

The First Amendment


The First Amendment is Religion, and it’s important because if you’re at church and a cop comes and says that you can’t do your Religion. That’s bad to the people that are willing to  follow their disadvantages and advantages at church.


There are people around the world that have things they can’t do. But other people can do. Having Religion is one of the things that you need in your life. You can publish anything on a website of yours or, write a newspaper in which case you would really need. Practicing your Religion is like giving you more luck or happiness to your world or fantasy.

In total, Religion needs to be apart of your life. So you’ll have something that you will enjoy as having a normal life as publishing things or facts on your website. Religion will give a price which will lead you to better luck and enjoyment. Love and care to your family and other members of that Religion. Or having a nice meeting with your buddies and the cops let you of that meeting, you’ll be Furious. That’s why having Religion is important.

The First Amendment

        The 1st Amendment

         By Jamour


The first amendment is the most important because  I don’t want to a person to judge me that i’m Muslim that doesn’t mean i’m bad It  nice that i can practice my religion and be proud i have this religion.


Congress can’t stop you from meeting peacefully for a demonstration to ask the government to change  something.You can ask to change a law or to change a rule in you state.You can say anything but just know there will be some bad things that could happen to you.I can publish whatever you want (like in a newspaper or a book ).This is the thing that will happen if we didn’t have the first amendment i would be christian,I wouldn’t be able to say anything,and congress will stop when i them to change a law.
Now lets see what Thomas Jefferson says about the first  amendment “Above all else, the First Amendment means that government has no power to restrict expression because of its message, its ideas, its subject matter, or its content. To permit the continued building of our politics and culture, and to assure self-fulfillment for each individual, our people are guaranteed the right to express any thought, free from government censorship.”For these reason why the first amendment is so important.

The 1st amendment

Bill Of Rights

My favorite bill of rights is the 1st one because it shows that you can practice any religion you want and not get in trouble for it also i like it because it goes with many other helpful laws like


Freedom of speech

When you have freedom of speech you have the power to say whatever you want however you still have to deal with the consequences and in this case it means you can go to a location and practice your religion and not be put in jail for it but it has to be be a known location for the government so  that means you can say whatever you want but you have to face the consequences of your actions  .


Freedom of choice

when you have freedom of choice you can do whatever you want but sometimes see where it gets you and that also means that you can do any religion you  want  and what i like about this is that  you can get your own place and not get in trouble for it .

Human rights

Human rights is the power that the government gives you to the citizens and one is that you can practice any one you want this shows that you have power to do what the government wants to give you .


so that shows you that you have the power to choose what you want to believe in and that is why i chose the first imminent


The Fifth Amendment

The Fifth Amendent


The fifth amendment is the best amendment because the grand jury rules if you’re guilty you go to jail if not guilty the court case maybe over but all evidence reviewed again. And here’s some other reasons why the the fifth amendment is the best amendment because you can’t be put before a grand jury case.

The Government can not be killed or fined unless you were convicted of crime by an jury. And the government can’t take anything of yours unless they pay for it including your house,farms or cars.

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