Monthly Archives: June 2013


summer is fun
cool down
have fun
over the top
over the top with the paty

Bad Dog

Bad Dog
You do very bad things
you throw the baby out the window
you do your business in front of our guests
you make the house messy
you bite people on christmas
you eat all food that you have all at once
But you are not a human
so I can’t make you do chores or no video games
you’re so lucky

End of school

it’s the last week of school

it’s almost the end

summer is so cool

and I don’t have to get out of bed

I’ll be able to go to the pool

I won’t have to buy led

the pool rules

I won’t have to lay my head

Super Mario smash brawl

I love to play super mario smash brawl because you get to play a lot of characters

and you get to vs the characters and you a smash balland you unleach your Special move. In story mode you have to save the special brawl you get to make people on fire and many awesome stuff. please buy this game. I know you will like it!


A wierid school

Once there was a crazy school called wow elementary school and in that school girls have hole puncher in there ribbon and boys have paper clips as a hat teachers have plants as a trophy.

This is the part I like they have swings as chairs and the desk are made of chocolate. This is the part I hate recess is biology class if we don’t take biology in elementary school. In math we do dance class, So this the the wierd school