Category Archives: Writing

Another place Another time

Another Place, Another Time

For their summer vacation Evan ,who is 13 years old and wore his favorite shirt , Ray ,who is pretty short for a 6 year old ,and John , Evan’s 12 1/2 year old best friend , are going to an island called Inisa. Evan couldn’t wait to leave, meanwhile Ray, his little brother, was crying so he would get to stay.

Once they got there, they met a man whose name is Brain, he was their tour guide.

“Hey guys, I’m your tour guide. “Brian welcomed them “Welcome to Inisa!”

After he introduced himself he told the boys where they’re going for the next few days, then he left. On his way out

Ray whispers “He’s tall!”

John replies “Not really I think he’s actually-”

“Quiet” snapped Evan who was really annoyed with Ray’s crying and John’s blabbering on the plane.

On their first day of the tour they were all quiet and amazed by everything on the island of Inisa, from really cool parks to some amazing museums. After being amused by everything they get on an empty road and run into a big gray fog.

Evan wasn’t convinced with what John was saying. Which was that it was just a storm coming close.

After the gray fog, Brian told them to get some rest. But as always Ray cried so he wouldn’t have to go to sleep. Then Ray was dead asleep. When they met up with Brian, Brian told them that for now on they could go on their own tours as long as they stay close to the cabin.

“What if we get lost?!” Cried Ray

“Ask around,” replied Evan not caring

“I guess.” Ray said flatly

Then Evan decided that for their last tour alone they would go see if the fog is gone so they could see what was behind it. But on their way there Ray was crying so much that Evan led them the wrong way. John and Ray were not quiet but by the time Evan told them they were lost Evan didn’t hear a peep out of them.

So after they figured out they were lost, John suggested they ask around like Evan said on their first tour alone.

“Excuse me?” asked Evan

“Yes?” said a tall black haired man turning around

“Do you know how to get back to this address?” responded John, handing him a piece of paper with the address

“Uh no, not many people know their way around here, sorry.” Replied the man

Evan, Ray, and John kept asking around – the tall man was right – not everyone knew this island. Then Evan was about ready to quit. John convinced him to ask one last person.

“Hi, do you know how to get to this address, sir?” Evan asked. The man turned, it was Brian.

“Hey guys did you get lost? I thought I told you to stay close to the cabin!” exclaimed Brian.

“Oops!” responded Ray with a smile.

“Yeah, don’t come back down here you could get lost again.” He told them

Brian continued “Come on I’ll take you home, it’s your last day here anyway.”

Now it’s time for Evan, Ray, and John to leave. They get on their plane and wave good bye to not only Brian but the beautiful island too. Ray starts to cry so that he’ll be able to stay, again. Evan fell asleep on the plane and something inside of him told him told him he’ll find what he’s looking for at another place in another time.

Just Desert


All because a moment in class a boy named Sven is shy. It all started when Sven was in school at recess. He was swinging on the monkey bars when a boy named Julian walked by and accidently bumped into him so Sven fell off. Sven hit the ground and broke his leg! He was screaming in pain when the nurse rushed down with a wheel chair. Soon after, Sven woke up in the hospital. The doctor told him he would be fine but he needed crutches for a month.

The next day at school Sven was getting treated great by everybody. Julian was getting jealous because Sven was getting attention so he came up with a plan. So one day Julian waited behind Sven’s house until he left for school and Sven’s mom left for work. Once they were gone Julian snuck through the window and took out any source of light. Once he finished he stayed at the park until school was over.

After school Sven got picked up by his mom named Emily and when they got home they saw all the lights were gone. So Emily bought a jack-o-lantern for $5.00. When she got home she cut it open to get the light. It was a candle so they set it on the table and went to sleep.

During the night the candle came alive and on it was a face! The candle’s name was Bertus. Bertus tiptoed over to Sven and Sven woke up. Sven was surprised by this and almost fainted. The candle told Sven to put his hand in the flame. At first Sven said no but the flame told him he wouldn’t get hurt so Sven did it.

A few seconds later Sven was in a wonderland! There was candy everywhere! There were giant jellybeans for houses and chocolate bars for doors. In the Jellybean houses lived gingerbread families. Sven started drooling at the sight. He saw a dark jellybean at the end of the row of jellybean houses that seemed to be black licorice. All the gingerbread people told him to stay away from it because there is a witch that lives there.

Sven stayed there for a long time until one day Sven decided to take out the witch. So Sven sprinkled some magic sugar dust on him that made him invincible! When the witch heard him at door she grabbed a potion and put it behind her back before she let him in. When she let him in the witch shut the door and threw the poison potion on him. Sven knew she would try this that’s why he put on the invincible dust. When the witch saw it didn’t affect him she turned scared. Sven saw the boiling pot of water where she made her potions and ran for it. She followed him and Sven turned around and dumped the boiling pot on her she screamed. She was yelling “Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” when she was melting.

Sven finished her and now all the gingerbread people would never worry again. They chanted for Sven and made him the king of their land. They had a feast and Sven never came home.

Winter Break

On December 24 I went to my grandparents house. We had lots of  food. My favorite food was tamales. Then around 10:00 we opened presents. My favorite present was my air hockey table. After that we play some cards. I won 6 dollars.  Then we drove back home. We got home at around 2:00 am. Then on christmas day I just stayed home and watched movies. On New Years Eve I went to a friend’s house. Then at 12.00 am we celebrated 2014. Its was a long but fun winter break.

Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Movement

By Josiah Njoroge

       Did you know Martin Luther King Jr. was a big part in the Civil Rights Movement? He lead the march on Washington and the I have a dream speech. That gained a lot of progress towards coloreds getting more rights and respect. Read more to learn other interesting facts about the Civil Rights Movement.

The white people were treated better than other races. So the coloreds were trying to get rights and be equal. So the different races wanted equal rights. The main people in the Civil Rights movement are the African Americans. Some great African Americans are Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and a lot of others. There are also some great events that happened during the Civil Right s like these three.

On May 17, 1948 The Supreme court said on the landmark case Brown vs. the Board of Education in Topeka, Kansas that segregation in public schools doesn’t follow the rules of the Constitution.

On December 1, 1955 NAACD member Rosa Parks refused to give her seat up to a white man at the front of the bus. So she got arrested. That also started the bus boycott.

The last event was on August 28, 1965 when Martin Luther King Jr. gave the I have a dream speech to a large crowd in Washington D.C. He talked about colored races wanting peace, freedom, and happiness. On the same day he led a march called the march on Washington. Soon after he got shot standing on the porch of his apartment at night.

All colored people earned many rights. In 1965 the Voting Rights Act was passed that year, and made a huge difference in just 1 year. By 1966 60% of African American were registered to vote and also were starting to be elected to offices and positions within the government.

Our President Barrack Obama is the 1st black President of the U.S.A. Now people are treated equally no matter the color.

Kelly Toms

This is the story of Kelly Toms. The story start when Kelly Toms had mean parents that were always saying that she caused to much trouble because she was a giant girl. She would take a step and squash houses, animals, or trees at least her parents said that, nobody else had any problems with her. Anyways her parents always wanted her to keep a doll that she didn’t want.

Then one day someone made her very happy by saying that her parents had to move her somewhere else. She got so happy she smashed the doll in the ground and left. That’s how the Statue of Liberty was created.

In the end Kelly Toms became famous, and up till now everyone visits the Statue (Giant doll) of Liberty celebrating freedom.

Tall Tale

This is the story of Julie the giant. One of the fastest giants ever. Julie was so fast that at 1 year old she beat one of the older giants in a race.

Julie decide she was going to walk to New York from California.

“Honey do you want a sandwich to take?” asked mom

“Yes please.” she replied

Julie was taking a sandwich and a water bottle as big as the Empire State building. It was time for Julie to leave. Then 10 seconds later she was in New York. She was walking to through New York to visit the statue of liberty with was one of her friends who got frozen.

While she was walking she spilled her ginormous water bottle. That’s how Niagara Falls was created. Now people all over the world go to see Julie’s water bottle spilling.

informational piece

As you know solar power is energy from the sun.But it doesn’t genorate energy at all times.Most solar power plants are located in California, Arizona, and power cost 16-25 cents per hour and needs solar panels.Solar energy is used for heat and electricity.Solar power is non-polluting.Solar power is renewable.Solar panels last 15-30 years.But the panels extremly hot beams kill insects and birds if they fly into them.

opinion writing

I chose solar power over hydro power because hydropower causes distrubtion to local comunities nearby. It also needs to be near a river.The  dam destroys river animals homes. A hydro power plant needs 11 parts.It needs a reservoir, a dam, a genorator, a transformer, a powerhouse, powerlines, an intake, a controll gate ,a penstock, a turbine, qnd an outflow which cost way to much. Hydro power is mostly genorated in Washington,Oregon,Idaho,California,and New York.Where solar power does not disturb neighb0rs because the panels can be placed on your roof  or your yard.


The L.A. adventure

Steve and I were in Los Angeles for summer break with my uncle. When out of nowhere our uncle calls us from his room. He was going to work a little late so he asked us to water his plants for him.

“Nathaly go water the plants for him. “yelled Steve

“Really why don’t you do it for once in your life!?” I replied

“Cause” he murmured

“All you did yesterday was watch L.A. ink all day and told me to bring your art kit, you didn’t even draw!!”I screamed back

So we both went to water the plants. There was a big garden. After a while I got bored so I wet Steve with the hose he got really mad.

“I’m going to get you!!” Steve yelled starting to run

He chased me around I ran behind the house. That’s when we saw a man we’d never seen before climbing over a large gate then we both turned and saw the police asking around if we’ve seen anything suspicious around the neighborhood. Right away we knew that was who they were looking for. I went to go get the three policemen while Steve held the man down. By the time the man saw me and the 3 policemen running toward him, he pushed Steve and jumped over the fence. Two of the policemen went after the man and one of the policemen stayed and asked us questions.

“What did the man look like? “He asked

“He was tall, he had thick black hair and he was wearing a black, gray, and white striped shirt.” I replied

The policeman wrote it all down. He kept asking us questions for about fifteen minutes. About half an hour later we heard that the man was caught by the man was caught by the two policemen.

Me and my sister and are adventure

Me and my sister


One evening I was with my sister Bryanna. We went the county fair we went on this awesome ride. It was called the amazing hulk. It was incredible it went so fast. It was so dark and scary there was green goo slashing everywhere. It was pretty awesome and cool. The ride was so fast the point that my sister started to cry. The ride was like about 10 minutes but was worth 5 tickets because it really was an incredible ride. After the ride me and my sister went to go and get some pizza and a corndog. When we were leaving we went to go and a funnel cake.How could we forget.




The end