Category Archives: Published Work

Another place Another time

Another Place, Another Time

For their summer vacation Evan ,who is 13 years old and wore his favorite shirt , Ray ,who is pretty short for a 6 year old ,and John , Evan’s 12 1/2 year old best friend , are going to an island called Inisa. Evan couldn’t wait to leave, meanwhile Ray, his little brother, was crying so he would get to stay.

Once they got there, they met a man whose name is Brain, he was their tour guide.

“Hey guys, I’m your tour guide. “Brian welcomed them “Welcome to Inisa!”

After he introduced himself he told the boys where they’re going for the next few days, then he left. On his way out

Ray whispers “He’s tall!”

John replies “Not really I think he’s actually-”

“Quiet” snapped Evan who was really annoyed with Ray’s crying and John’s blabbering on the plane.

On their first day of the tour they were all quiet and amazed by everything on the island of Inisa, from really cool parks to some amazing museums. After being amused by everything they get on an empty road and run into a big gray fog.

Evan wasn’t convinced with what John was saying. Which was that it was just a storm coming close.

After the gray fog, Brian told them to get some rest. But as always Ray cried so he wouldn’t have to go to sleep. Then Ray was dead asleep. When they met up with Brian, Brian told them that for now on they could go on their own tours as long as they stay close to the cabin.

“What if we get lost?!” Cried Ray

“Ask around,” replied Evan not caring

“I guess.” Ray said flatly

Then Evan decided that for their last tour alone they would go see if the fog is gone so they could see what was behind it. But on their way there Ray was crying so much that Evan led them the wrong way. John and Ray were not quiet but by the time Evan told them they were lost Evan didn’t hear a peep out of them.

So after they figured out they were lost, John suggested they ask around like Evan said on their first tour alone.

“Excuse me?” asked Evan

“Yes?” said a tall black haired man turning around

“Do you know how to get back to this address?” responded John, handing him a piece of paper with the address

“Uh no, not many people know their way around here, sorry.” Replied the man

Evan, Ray, and John kept asking around – the tall man was right – not everyone knew this island. Then Evan was about ready to quit. John convinced him to ask one last person.

“Hi, do you know how to get to this address, sir?” Evan asked. The man turned, it was Brian.

“Hey guys did you get lost? I thought I told you to stay close to the cabin!” exclaimed Brian.

“Oops!” responded Ray with a smile.

“Yeah, don’t come back down here you could get lost again.” He told them

Brian continued “Come on I’ll take you home, it’s your last day here anyway.”

Now it’s time for Evan, Ray, and John to leave. They get on their plane and wave good bye to not only Brian but the beautiful island too. Ray starts to cry so that he’ll be able to stay, again. Evan fell asleep on the plane and something inside of him told him told him he’ll find what he’s looking for at another place in another time.

Winter Break

On December 24 I went to my grandparents house. We had lots of  food. My favorite food was tamales. Then around 10:00 we opened presents. My favorite present was my air hockey table. After that we play some cards. I won 6 dollars.  Then we drove back home. We got home at around 2:00 am. Then on christmas day I just stayed home and watched movies. On New Years Eve I went to a friend’s house. Then at 12.00 am we celebrated 2014. Its was a long but fun winter break.

Aliyah Gomez

This is the story of Aliyah Gomez
The story starts when Aliyah Gomez was born in the Wild West.
When she was to month’s old she was carrying her mom. She had super-strength and she was also very big. Time past and Aliyah Gomez became the world’s famous mountain climber. She even climb Mount Everest with 2 steps. One day while she was walking on top of a white mountain, she stepped on a crack and the mountain broke! Luckily she was off the mountain in time. When the mountain broke it became a bunch of letter. Together it became the Hollywood Sign. In the end Aliyah Gomez still Climb Mountains and she lived happy, wild and free.

Tall Tale

This is the story of Julie the giant. One of the fastest giants ever. Julie was so fast that at 1 year old she beat one of the older giants in a race.

Julie decide she was going to walk to New York from California.

“Honey do you want a sandwich to take?” asked mom

“Yes please.” she replied

Julie was taking a sandwich and a water bottle as big as the Empire State building. It was time for Julie to leave. Then 10 seconds later she was in New York. She was walking to through New York to visit the statue of liberty with was one of her friends who got frozen.

While she was walking she spilled her ginormous water bottle. That’s how Niagara Falls was created. Now people all over the world go to see Julie’s water bottle spilling.

Hydropower Info

Hydropower is product by water.It cost nine cents per hour but you also need to by the turbine,powerhouse,transformer,and control gates.Also you need to build the dam to hold the water.the water behind the dam gose through a pipe to the turbine and back out the other side. The turbine spins by the force of the water and the turbine rotates the generator.the generator produces electicityand sends it to power lines bring it to homes and busnesess and other places

Hydropower Compare

Hydropower is better than Geothermal.
Hydropower is better than Geothermal because Hydropower is product by water similarly Geothermal however Geothermal is powered by water and steam.
Geothermal gets out by geysers, hot springs and also comes out of the pipes of the power house. Also Hydropower is a renewable energy source with is good for the environment as well as Geothermal.

Me and my sister and are adventure

Me and my sister


One evening I was with my sister Bryanna. We went the county fair we went on this awesome ride. It was called the amazing hulk. It was incredible it went so fast. It was so dark and scary there was green goo slashing everywhere. It was pretty awesome and cool. The ride was so fast the point that my sister started to cry. The ride was like about 10 minutes but was worth 5 tickets because it really was an incredible ride. After the ride me and my sister went to go and get some pizza and a corndog. When we were leaving we went to go and a funnel cake.How could we forget.




The end

The Chase!

One day Stephanie was playing outside. But when she was done playing Stephanie saw a man walking around the block he had a bulldog with him. He had a dig tattoo on his left arm and when he walked right past her house. He dropped his wallet on the sidewalk.

So Stephanie picked up the wallet and told her mom that she is going to take a little walk around the neighborhood until 3:00 clock.

“I will be back for dinner.”

“Ok sweet said Stephanie’s mother.”

“Hey mom before I leave can I take sassy with me?”

“Sure she needed a walk anyways.”

“Ok now I’m going to leave with sassy.” “

“No Stephanie it’s too late to leave now.”

“I can go in the morning after breakfast.”

The next morning Stephanie woke up and it was 7:00 clock when she woke up her mom was done making breakfast. So when I done eating I took sassy and we went out the door. When we were outside I saw the same man but he didn’t had his dog with him but I still recognized him by his tattoo on his left arm. So I took out the wallet but Stephanie saw him picking up a rock so she ran back to her house and call the police. They side we can get it from here. Ok, but do you want the wallet that he dropped?

The End!



Tiger Mayhem

One beautiful sunny day Aliyah, Nathaly, and I went to the National Zoo in Washington DC.

We went to go see the pandas .Ours mom’s had told us something but we didn’t hear it because we were already far away. When we came back from the pandas we notice our moms were bot there. We realized we were lost.

We started looking for our parents when I see Mr. Altamirano with soon duded dressed in black with him. I said “Hey, that guy with Mr. Altamirano looks like a criminal”.
Yeah he is one. I saw him on the news. His name is Marc, and he’s a robber” said Nathaly.
“Also Mr. Altamirano owns a bank called the Altamirano bank near 6th street “puts in Aliyah.

“We better go see what Marc’s up to” I replied. So we followed Mr. Altamirano and Marc all around the zoo in till the got to the tiger pen.
After a little while Marc and Mr. Altamirano were still there. Mr. Altamirano went a little close to see the tiger at the bottom when Marc pushed him.
BAM! Mr. Altamirano fell to the ground. Marc said “Can you see the tiger now”?
Nathaly said “what are where going to do guys?
“Don’t worry “I replied “I have a plan”

The tiger gave out a big “ROAR “The tiger was getting ready to attack. I exclaimed “on three, 1,2,3!

Aliyah got on the phone and called the police. Nathaly went to go stop Marc and I, I went to go get Mr. Altamirano

Nathaly went up to mark and said “Hey want to see stars”?
“Sure where”? Marc replied.
Nathaly exclaimed “Right here buddy “and punched him in the face!

I grabbed a vine and swung down like Tarzan. I got Mr. Altamirano and started running away from the tiger.

While I was running away from the tiger I see the cops come .they pulled down a rope ladder so we can get up.

We ran up to the rope ladder and climbed it.

Mr. Altamirano thanked us for saving him and gave us each 10,000
Dollars. After he was paying us I said “Hey look it’s our mom’s!”

We ran up to them and gave them a hug .we all when home and told our mom’s about today .while I was falling asleep I was wondering what will happen tomorrow.