Monthly Archives: March 2014


Ps4 is a cool game system. I played it but it was my friend’s PS4. We played 2K14 next generation by trading in both our games for 2K14 next gen for him. I slept over and never went to sleep. I just played that all night while he went to sleep. It is a fun game so if you like basketball games you will like 2K14 for PS4.

The seven nuns by:Mudiwa Mutokuto

There was a lady named Sister Sofia. She was a nun. She was really strange. She would always eat by herself. And in church she wouldn’t know the prayer. She was really bossy. All the other nuns would say mean stuff about her.

They all weren’t friends with Sister Sofia. Sometimes when they would talk about her she would leave and not come back for a while and no one would know where she went.

Then one evening one of the nuns named sister Kaynun saw her doing a witch spell on one of the nuns and that nuns name was Sister Tellnun.   Sister Kaynun told the head nun Sister Meanun and Sister Meanun kicked her out.

Then she moved on with her life and one day one of the nuns saw her in Paris where she lived.  The other nuns were on vacation that day.

There are seven nuns. One of them named Sister kiknun found her chair. When she got there she saw two men. They were priest and they told her where the chair was.  She got it and gave it to her boss.

Then one afternoon she told Sister Meanun that she was sorry and asked her to be saved by sister Meannun. She got saved and she changed the way she acted. She decided for an apology. She took all the nuns on vacation to Egypt which they had a great time they said thank you and helped pay at the trip because they felt bad that she had to pay all alone. Then they all lived happily ever after.


Another place Another time

Another Place, Another Time

For their summer vacation Evan ,who is 13 years old and wore his favorite shirt , Ray ,who is pretty short for a 6 year old ,and John , Evan’s 12 1/2 year old best friend , are going to an island called Inisa. Evan couldn’t wait to leave, meanwhile Ray, his little brother, was crying so he would get to stay.

Once they got there, they met a man whose name is Brain, he was their tour guide.

“Hey guys, I’m your tour guide. “Brian welcomed them “Welcome to Inisa!”

After he introduced himself he told the boys where they’re going for the next few days, then he left. On his way out

Ray whispers “He’s tall!”

John replies “Not really I think he’s actually-”

“Quiet” snapped Evan who was really annoyed with Ray’s crying and John’s blabbering on the plane.

On their first day of the tour they were all quiet and amazed by everything on the island of Inisa, from really cool parks to some amazing museums. After being amused by everything they get on an empty road and run into a big gray fog.

Evan wasn’t convinced with what John was saying. Which was that it was just a storm coming close.

After the gray fog, Brian told them to get some rest. But as always Ray cried so he wouldn’t have to go to sleep. Then Ray was dead asleep. When they met up with Brian, Brian told them that for now on they could go on their own tours as long as they stay close to the cabin.

“What if we get lost?!” Cried Ray

“Ask around,” replied Evan not caring

“I guess.” Ray said flatly

Then Evan decided that for their last tour alone they would go see if the fog is gone so they could see what was behind it. But on their way there Ray was crying so much that Evan led them the wrong way. John and Ray were not quiet but by the time Evan told them they were lost Evan didn’t hear a peep out of them.

So after they figured out they were lost, John suggested they ask around like Evan said on their first tour alone.

“Excuse me?” asked Evan

“Yes?” said a tall black haired man turning around

“Do you know how to get back to this address?” responded John, handing him a piece of paper with the address

“Uh no, not many people know their way around here, sorry.” Replied the man

Evan, Ray, and John kept asking around – the tall man was right – not everyone knew this island. Then Evan was about ready to quit. John convinced him to ask one last person.

“Hi, do you know how to get to this address, sir?” Evan asked. The man turned, it was Brian.

“Hey guys did you get lost? I thought I told you to stay close to the cabin!” exclaimed Brian.

“Oops!” responded Ray with a smile.

“Yeah, don’t come back down here you could get lost again.” He told them

Brian continued “Come on I’ll take you home, it’s your last day here anyway.”

Now it’s time for Evan, Ray, and John to leave. They get on their plane and wave good bye to not only Brian but the beautiful island too. Ray starts to cry so that he’ll be able to stay, again. Evan fell asleep on the plane and something inside of him told him told him he’ll find what he’s looking for at another place in another time.

Just Desert


All because a moment in class a boy named Sven is shy. It all started when Sven was in school at recess. He was swinging on the monkey bars when a boy named Julian walked by and accidently bumped into him so Sven fell off. Sven hit the ground and broke his leg! He was screaming in pain when the nurse rushed down with a wheel chair. Soon after, Sven woke up in the hospital. The doctor told him he would be fine but he needed crutches for a month.

The next day at school Sven was getting treated great by everybody. Julian was getting jealous because Sven was getting attention so he came up with a plan. So one day Julian waited behind Sven’s house until he left for school and Sven’s mom left for work. Once they were gone Julian snuck through the window and took out any source of light. Once he finished he stayed at the park until school was over.

After school Sven got picked up by his mom named Emily and when they got home they saw all the lights were gone. So Emily bought a jack-o-lantern for $5.00. When she got home she cut it open to get the light. It was a candle so they set it on the table and went to sleep.

During the night the candle came alive and on it was a face! The candle’s name was Bertus. Bertus tiptoed over to Sven and Sven woke up. Sven was surprised by this and almost fainted. The candle told Sven to put his hand in the flame. At first Sven said no but the flame told him he wouldn’t get hurt so Sven did it.

A few seconds later Sven was in a wonderland! There was candy everywhere! There were giant jellybeans for houses and chocolate bars for doors. In the Jellybean houses lived gingerbread families. Sven started drooling at the sight. He saw a dark jellybean at the end of the row of jellybean houses that seemed to be black licorice. All the gingerbread people told him to stay away from it because there is a witch that lives there.

Sven stayed there for a long time until one day Sven decided to take out the witch. So Sven sprinkled some magic sugar dust on him that made him invincible! When the witch heard him at door she grabbed a potion and put it behind her back before she let him in. When she let him in the witch shut the door and threw the poison potion on him. Sven knew she would try this that’s why he put on the invincible dust. When the witch saw it didn’t affect him she turned scared. Sven saw the boiling pot of water where she made her potions and ran for it. She followed him and Sven turned around and dumped the boiling pot on her she screamed. She was yelling “Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” when she was melting.

Sven finished her and now all the gingerbread people would never worry again. They chanted for Sven and made him the king of their land. They had a feast and Sven never came home.

13th or 14th

When the Cathiedrauls got into the brown antique elevator, Paisley noticed that one of the buttons was covered in With-Out with the number 14 written on it. She asked her parents about it but they were too deep into their Bluetooth conversations to answer, so she pressed the “14” button. The elevator went up suddenly, everybody in the elevator except the Cathiedrauls disappear along with the “14th” button. The elevator came to a stop on the 3rd floor, her parents step out of the elevator, their conversations ended. In complete awe Paisley stepped out of the elevator and
“Did you see that?!”
“See what?” asked Mrs. Cathiedrauls
“Th-the and the.” Paisley stuttered.
“The what?” her mom asked.
“The disa-.” Paisley stopped, then continued.
“Never mind.” she mumbled in disappointment.

When the Cathiedrauls got to their new furnished apartment they unpacked their few belongings and decided who’s room was who’s. Paisley got the room with a view of central park, Dove wallpaper, and a window. On the window was a note that said “DO NOT OPEN!” In creepy childish hand writing. Paisley read the note and went to sleep.
The next day Paisley went to school, “Carly & Edd’s Middle School.” Her teacher Mr. Dunkin .D said
“Class we have a new student named, Paisley .B.”
Today is Assignment Day. The assignment you be -.” Mr. Dunkin .D said interrupted by his galaxy s 3 note.
“French Fries and Doughnuts, French and Doughnuts (Doughnuts).”
Blushing Mr. Dunkin .D put his phone on mute and continued.
“Sorry for thee … interruption …. You will be working in pairs of two and will have to write a 100 word report on any state of your choice except states in North America.”
“WHAAAT.” Cried the class in union.
“Class 100 words is only about a paragraph and a sentence.”
“Yay.” Whispered Cat.
Paisley .B and Cat, you two are partners. Daina and jeorge, you two are partners. Paisley .A and Noon. Raven and sun, partners.”
So on and on he went until everybody was in pairs of two.
“Ring ring!” yelled the end of the school day bell. An avalanche of kids started rushing to the door of the class room and out of the school.
“Remember projects are due next Tuesday.” Said Mr. Dunkin
“PAISLEY.” Screamed Cat.
Paisley looked around the (now empty) wall way until she saw her caller.
“I’m, Cat, nice to meet you.”
“Uhmm … oh may I please have your phone number so we can work on the assignment? Hears mine.” Cat showed Paisley the paper.
They exchanged phone numbers.
“Talk to you later.” said Cat
“By.” Responded Paisley.
When, Paisley got home, she picked Turkey as the state she wanted to research for her and Cat’s project. She walked in her room so she wouldn’t disturber her parents, and called Cat.
“Hello?” Asked Paisley to see if anyone was on the other line.
“Hi!” Cat said excitedly.
“What state do you want to research?” Asked Cat I was thinking Turkey.” Stated Paisley.
“Sure, sorry I’ll call you back I have to do something real quick, bye said Cat nervously.
Since paisley had already finished the rest of her homework and had no electronics she could use to look up research, she walked in the living room, sat on the couch and started flipping through channels. The TV said in different voices.
“Pay attention to the sign.”
Shocked, Paisley turned off the TV. When the phone rang. She hesitated to answer it, but did and questioned.
It was Cat, they talked about the assignment and finished it in 2 hours. Paisley went to sleep hours later.
The next day it was 95 degrees farenheight and, Paisley couldn’t help but open the window even though all of those warnings told her not to she disobeyed. When she opened it she heard a voice say
“No.” From behind her.
“Dinners ready!” yelled Paisley’s mom.
“Coming?” paisley said as she backed out of the door.
Paisley ran to the kitchen in fear, but left the window open.
While the Cathiedrauls quickly were eating, Paisley asks.
“Did you hear that flapping?”
“Yeah, what was that?” Asks Mr. Cathiedrauls.
The Cathiedruals ran into Paisley’s room, they see a dove flying out of the window and a dove peeling off of the wallpaper. Mrs.Cathiedrauls quickly closes the window and, Paisley starts telling her parents about all of the scary warnings that had been said and they decided they wanted to move into a regular house.
In the morning they packed their belongings, sued their real state and used the money and all of their savings to buy a regular house in New York.
The Cathiedruals moved into their 2 story house. When people ask why they moved they say it all started when somebody pressed the “14.” Button!!

Archie Smith, Boy Wonder

Archie Smith, Boy Wonder

               There was a wizard named Ben. He was in Los Angeles looking for a boy. The boys name was Archie Smith. He was looking for Archie to fight for him in a battle against Ben’s sister Betty. Ben couldn’t fight because he was very ill. Ben and Betty were fighting for their father’s wand. Their father Bob was the most powerful wizard ever. Whoever won the battle would become the most powerful wizard. Also the only thing that could cure Ben was that wand. Betty wanted the wand so she could rule the island that every wizard lived on. Magic.

At night Ben and his fairy Lucy went to go find Archie. They finally got to Archie’s place. Archie woke up and heard a tiny voice ask “Is he the one?” it was Lucy. Archie thought he was dreaming so he went back to sleep. Ben and Lucy opened the window and got into Archie’s bedroom. Ben said while waving his wand “Take me home.” And two seconds they were home.

The next morning Archie woke up he had no idea where he was. He saw Ben and screamed. Ben told him “Archie there are things I need to tell you. Follow me to the living room.” Archie got up and followed Ben. When they got to the living room Ben started telling Archie everything.  Archie said there was No way he would fight Betty. Ben said if Archie fought against Betty he could have powers until the fight. It took convincing but Archie agreed and they shook hands. Ben also told Archie no time will pass while he’s here on Magic.

The next day Lucy took Archie to school. She gave him a wand and a beginner’s spell book. “Remember to cast a spell you need a wand.” Lucy told him. Before Archie walked in Lucy gave him the powers to cast spells. Archie went inside and went to room sixteen. In there the teacher welcomed him and class begun. Archie failed a lot. Instead of turning a hat into an apple he turned it into a horse. He kept making mistakes.  Then it was finally time to go.

Lucy was waiting for him at the door.  “Where are we going?” asked Archie

“To your training class.” Replied Lucy

When they got to the building Archie and Lucy went inside. “This is Kate. Kate and I will get you ready for battle.” Lucy told Archie.

“Nice to meet you.” Archie said “I’m still not sure what I’m going to be fighting with.”

Lucy responded “You will be using your wand. You can use whatever spell as long as it uses the four elements Fire, Earth, Water, and Air.”

“Got it.” Archie said.

After training Lucy told Archie that Ben was getting worse so that the fight would be on Friday. “WHAT! I only have three days to practice. That’s not enough!” exclaimed Archie.

“Don’t worry Archie that’s enough time.” Replied Lucy. Archie kept going to school and training. He was doing better.

It was finally time for the battle. When Archie got to the arena there where thousands of wizards there to watch the fight. “The first person to get the wand wins!” the announcer says. Then the fight began. Archie was running when Betty put a mud puddle in front of him and he fell. He got up and made the ground move and that made Betty fall. About ten minutes of them exchanging spells at each other Archie was almost there. Then he was finally there. He reached out and got the wand. “And Archie wins!” shouts the announcer happily. And the crown goes wild. Then Archie remember Ben. He sprints out the arena with Lucy.

They got to the house Ben was laying down. “What spell do I do?” he asks Lucy

“Im not sure but try this one.” And she whispers in Archie’s ear

Archie says it and Ben wakes up. “I feel so much better. Thanks!” gives Archie a hug.

“Anytime.” Archie responds.

“I can’t thank you enough so I’m going to throw you a goodbye party!” Ben says

“Thanks.” Archie replies.

Finally it was time for the party. During the part someone calls Ben. He answers the phone a unfamiliar voice says “Betty is planning revenge. Watch your back!”

“Who is this?” asked Ben bath the person hung up. Archie came up and tapped Ben on the shoulder Ben almost screamed.

“Who was that?” asked Archie

“Someone called the wrong number.” Replied Ben not wanting Archie to know the truth. The party went on for hours. It was time for Archie to leave. “You can keep the powers as long as you don’t use them in front of a mortal.” says Ben

“Cool. Thanks!” Archie replies. They say their goodbyes and Archie’s gone.

Then there is a knock at the door. Ben opens the door and sees a card. He opens it and before he can read it the card explodes.