Category Archives: Adventure Story

The Fight in Canda

The Fight in Canada

Long time ago my aunt TG and I went to a journey. Our journey was to fight the evil guy. His name is Jake we came because Jake plan was to take our country and make the people slave we, we sneak out because he that a lot guards. We went back our village so we can have a lot of people in our team to beat Jake team.


The fight was starting.5 min into the fight “I told Jake, no weapons at all”. Jake said that not fair”, Fine l can live with that “but remember we are goanna beat you guys said Jake”. So we had to fight Jake team they were so mean that one of the girl had to go to the healthcare center. So we had 10 girls left on the team. Me and my aunt TG and  8 girls kept on fighting Jake team we kick and punched we slapped, and my dad came out of no there he kick, punch, all the girls said we won !!!<3: D J

8 girls and me and my aunt TG when back to our village. We were so proud of the girls that were fighting to save our country .They love our country so much. We so pound of the girls that were fighting to save our country so. When we when to London because they deserve it. First we did in London was we went to see a movies. The movies was called Billy Madison. It was a nice. We because we could miss our country Canada .So we when to see a band named 1D I said do we really need to see 1D and my aunt said the team want to see one 1D.Fine they deserve it but when see 1D I will go to the girls bathrooms I don’t 1D.Fine said my aunt said hurray thank you tg.

The team saw 1D they so crazy about them one of the girls jumped on the back in1D. Even my aunt TG did the same thing TG jumped one of the crew back. She was heavy that Zyan drop down I was laughing so hard. We came back to Canada I’ll remember that we to London. THANK YOU!!! For taking me to London welcome TG and me.



City Escape

One Day a man named Hennry from a solitary Jail escaped. He saw a rock on the floor he saw a window he threw the rock at the window. He was running to the forest it started to rain now he can’t go to the RV that easily because it was too foggy. Then Hennry decided to make a fire plus a shelter just in case of emergencies. So he went to get branches. Then he saw a bear and was really fast away from it. Then he saw the RV and he went inside. It was not working so well Hennry had to hotwire the car. Soon the bear was scratching the RV to get through it .After Hennry hotwired the car and escaped.
Then he found a restaurant named Dunkin Donuts. He came inside and he asked for a dozen donuts. After the man came with the donuts and Hennry threw the donuts in his face and ran away so a kid came in front of Hennry and said ‘’YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED’’
Then his solitary boss saw him eating donuts. Then they met up once again it was really dangerous so Hennry had to use the RV to escape. They spotted a car. It had police officers coming out of the car looking ashamed at the solitary boss. The police officers said ‘’ he should be in jail not solitary’’. So he needed to go to jail.
Luckily it was in a city not a desert. So it was not as bad like solitary. He thought it was easier to break out so he saw the electric fence and he also saw the rock so he decided to make a great plan. Hennry decided when he had a job to break rocks he can do his plan. When he came outside he threw rocks at the fence and it got loose then he made a stack of rocks and climes up. So he broke out ‘’that was tooo! Easy’’ exclaimed Hennry. After he saw a police car and he said ‘’I got to ride that car. Then he saw the keys in the car and laughed then he got a rock pebble and threw it at the window. Crying happened really really noisy. Then the cops came after Hennry. Out of no were Hennrys solitary boss came. Suddenly Hennry rode the police car. Then he saw a Clift Hennry got an idea he stopped the car and jumped out. BOOM every car exploded everyone died except Hennry. Then he saw his solitary boss looking a little bit injured he was walking straight to Hennry but he fell down. “Oh thank heaven” said Hennry. “Wait how do I go home” said Hennry he saw a helicopter Hennry grinned. Hennry rode it all the way to dunkin donuts and celebrated to rob the whole store. Hennry had a tummy ache. Then Hennry sleeped on the floor “still better than sleeping near a stinky guy’’ exclaimed Hennry.

The L.A. adventure

Steve and I were in Los Angeles for summer break with my uncle. When out of nowhere our uncle calls us from his room. He was going to work a little late so he asked us to water his plants for him.

“Nathaly go water the plants for him. “yelled Steve

“Really why don’t you do it for once in your life!?” I replied

“Cause” he murmured

“All you did yesterday was watch L.A. ink all day and told me to bring your art kit, you didn’t even draw!!”I screamed back

So we both went to water the plants. There was a big garden. After a while I got bored so I wet Steve with the hose he got really mad.

“I’m going to get you!!” Steve yelled starting to run

He chased me around I ran behind the house. That’s when we saw a man we’d never seen before climbing over a large gate then we both turned and saw the police asking around if we’ve seen anything suspicious around the neighborhood. Right away we knew that was who they were looking for. I went to go get the three policemen while Steve held the man down. By the time the man saw me and the 3 policemen running toward him, he pushed Steve and jumped over the fence. Two of the policemen went after the man and one of the policemen stayed and asked us questions.

“What did the man look like? “He asked

“He was tall, he had thick black hair and he was wearing a black, gray, and white striped shirt.” I replied

The policeman wrote it all down. He kept asking us questions for about fifteen minutes. About half an hour later we heard that the man was caught by the man was caught by the two policemen.

The Neigborhood War and Battles

It was a hot summer day in July. I was going to my friend Renzo’s house on my bike. I was having a great time, until I heard someone yelling help. I looked behind me. I saw Paul, a good friend, riding his bike but he was covered in Nerf gun bullets.
“HELP ME PLEASE!” yelled ?.
It was Paul, my friend but he was covered with Nerf bullets.
Who was doing this? Just then, a bunch of teenagers on bikes appeared with Nerf guns.
“Paul, hold on! I’ll take care of them!” I yelled
I went into the woods so they don’t see me. I looked in my backpack, a Rapid Fire Nerf Pistol. 100 bullets, about enough to take down 5 teens. I got back on my bike.
After a while, I finally found them, but Paul crashed into some bushes. The teenagers were wearing black jackets with “TeenAgers” printing on it. The very front teenagers had a mask and a skateboard. He/she was probably the leader. The rest had hats. He/she had a green gun, while the others had orange guns.
I took out some guys and they crashed in the woods, some saw me but I got them before they could shoot. Finally the leader was left and I have 1 bullet left. The leader stopped and shot and jammed my wheel. I flew, I landed on the hard sidewalk. The leader was reloading, this was my chance. I grabbed my gun and shot his mask, it flew off. Guess who the leader is. My brother, Vince.
He escaped when I was frozen. Paul escaped too. I didn’t go to Renzo’s house, not today. I was confused, why would Vince attacked Paul? Vince wasn’t home today. Mom says, he is at Pauline’s house, Paul’s sister. I hope Paul is fine. He is in a danger zone now. I am just using the computer feeling useless and lost.

The Next Day ……………..
I woke up and then I saw my brother, Vince
“Hey” I yelled
He ran away. I looked out the window, he was already on his skateboard.

The Birthday


One day my sister and I were walking the cold snow. We were going get a cake form Costco. For my mom’s birthday the snow was getting deeper.

My sister said be “care full”

It was a blizzard I felt something warm in my boot. We still had a long way to go. Like about 5 miles in Gaithersburg we finely got there we didn’t know what cake to get.

My sister said let’s get a double fudge cake.

We walked about 2 miles then I remember that my aunt lives near there. So we went there then they gave us two hot coco and dried our clothes.

They drove us home when we got there my mom was not there yet I went upstairs then I saw blood on my leg. I got a band aid then I heard the doorbell ring it was my mom we all said happy birthday.

We all ate cake and watched Sunday night football. Everyone liked it but my mom wanted more.

My sisters and other brothers gave her presents my dad came here with new keys ever one said happy birthday we all went to sleep.

adventure story

Melody    and the Mall Robbery                   by Melody   Safo

 I was at the mall with my friends one Saturday when suddenly a villain named Mr. Mask appeared. He snatched Alyssa’s purse.” You’ll never get it back”, he said with a sneer. I can’t   believe he stole my purse, she sobbed. Don’t worry Alyssa, I said. We’ll catch that thief in no time. Yeah, said Ana. The next day, I was wearing a pink shirt with a purple skirt and matching suede boots. All my friends were wearing whatever they wanted. Mr. Mask was now causing robbery all across town. The bookstore, the school, everywhere. We had finished our shopping when suddenly he went to the bookstore and stole books from shelves. I reached into my purse and called Nancy Drew. Finally she arrived. ”We need to catch that thief, I said. “ First he stole one of my friends’ purse and now he’s causing robbery all around town.”  Mr. Mask was after the school. We got after him. All of us caught him with a net. Everything was back to normal. And Alyssa finally got her purse back.


The End.

adventure story

The walk to the store

One day Jason walk to the store. then he saw some guys that were bad. They said come here Jason ran than they chased him.

Jason ran inside CVS. JASON ran in the aisle with all the silver ware. Jason pick up spatula at one the guys and tried hit one of them with a knife he missed so Jason ran throw opening he ran to Papa Johns. He jump over the counter and started fling toping at the guys. Then one of them jump over and grab hem and started dragging hem and then they duck taped Jason to the wall.

Then they started punching Jason then came out nowhere and started beating the bad guys up their names were chip and dip.

Then he untied me and ran away then Jason walk home and Jason how was your day he said you don’t want know.

By Jason Malry