Category Archives: Poetry


some trees are big

some trees are some

they grow tall tall tall

they lose leaves in the winter

they grow in the spring

help the trees they help us

love nature cause nature loves us

By.mudiwa mutokuto





Thunder and lighting

Boom bang boom bang this stupid thunder and lighting won’t stop.

My brain my brain is getting crazy. My friend is crying.

My cat my cat is screeching to the roof I just can’t take it anymore please lord help me let this storm pass.Ian is crying help me help me  let the storm end .Yay the storm ended


skate board !

I was skating on my skate board I did a trick smash went my body against the trash can get in the house cried mom crawling in the the house with my skate  board !


yellow is bannana

yellow is a warning

yellow is flag football

yellow is bad shoes

yellow is a calculater case

yellow is case for chocalote

and yellow is the worst color ever.