Another place Another time

Another Place, Another Time

For their summer vacation Evan ,who is 13 years old and wore his favorite shirt , Ray ,who is pretty short for a 6 year old ,and John , Evan’s 12 1/2 year old best friend , are going to an island called Inisa. Evan couldn’t wait to leave, meanwhile Ray, his little brother, was crying so he would get to stay.

Once they got there, they met a man whose name is Brain, he was their tour guide.

“Hey guys, I’m your tour guide. “Brian welcomed them “Welcome to Inisa!”

After he introduced himself he told the boys where they’re going for the next few days, then he left. On his way out

Ray whispers “He’s tall!”

John replies “Not really I think he’s actually-”

“Quiet” snapped Evan who was really annoyed with Ray’s crying and John’s blabbering on the plane.

On their first day of the tour they were all quiet and amazed by everything on the island of Inisa, from really cool parks to some amazing museums. After being amused by everything they get on an empty road and run into a big gray fog.

Evan wasn’t convinced with what John was saying. Which was that it was just a storm coming close.

After the gray fog, Brian told them to get some rest. But as always Ray cried so he wouldn’t have to go to sleep. Then Ray was dead asleep. When they met up with Brian, Brian told them that for now on they could go on their own tours as long as they stay close to the cabin.

“What if we get lost?!” Cried Ray

“Ask around,” replied Evan not caring

“I guess.” Ray said flatly

Then Evan decided that for their last tour alone they would go see if the fog is gone so they could see what was behind it. But on their way there Ray was crying so much that Evan led them the wrong way. John and Ray were not quiet but by the time Evan told them they were lost Evan didn’t hear a peep out of them.

So after they figured out they were lost, John suggested they ask around like Evan said on their first tour alone.

“Excuse me?” asked Evan

“Yes?” said a tall black haired man turning around

“Do you know how to get back to this address?” responded John, handing him a piece of paper with the address

“Uh no, not many people know their way around here, sorry.” Replied the man

Evan, Ray, and John kept asking around – the tall man was right – not everyone knew this island. Then Evan was about ready to quit. John convinced him to ask one last person.

“Hi, do you know how to get to this address, sir?” Evan asked. The man turned, it was Brian.

“Hey guys did you get lost? I thought I told you to stay close to the cabin!” exclaimed Brian.

“Oops!” responded Ray with a smile.

“Yeah, don’t come back down here you could get lost again.” He told them

Brian continued “Come on I’ll take you home, it’s your last day here anyway.”

Now it’s time for Evan, Ray, and John to leave. They get on their plane and wave good bye to not only Brian but the beautiful island too. Ray starts to cry so that he’ll be able to stay, again. Evan fell asleep on the plane and something inside of him told him told him he’ll find what he’s looking for at another place in another time.