The seven nuns by:Mudiwa Mutokuto

There was a lady named Sister Sofia. She was a nun. She was really strange. She would always eat by herself. And in church she wouldn’t know the prayer. She was really bossy. All the other nuns would say mean stuff about her.

They all weren’t friends with Sister Sofia. Sometimes when they would talk about her she would leave and not come back for a while and no one would know where she went.

Then one evening one of the nuns named sister Kaynun saw her doing a witch spell on one of the nuns and that nuns name was Sister Tellnun.   Sister Kaynun told the head nun Sister Meanun and Sister Meanun kicked her out.

Then she moved on with her life and one day one of the nuns saw her in Paris where she lived.  The other nuns were on vacation that day.

There are seven nuns. One of them named Sister kiknun found her chair. When she got there she saw two men. They were priest and they told her where the chair was.  She got it and gave it to her boss.

Then one afternoon she told Sister Meanun that she was sorry and asked her to be saved by sister Meannun. She got saved and she changed the way she acted. She decided for an apology. She took all the nuns on vacation to Egypt which they had a great time they said thank you and helped pay at the trip because they felt bad that she had to pay all alone. Then they all lived happily ever after.