Archie Smith, Boy Wonder

Archie Smith, Boy Wonder

               There was a wizard named Ben. He was in Los Angeles looking for a boy. The boys name was Archie Smith. He was looking for Archie to fight for him in a battle against Ben’s sister Betty. Ben couldn’t fight because he was very ill. Ben and Betty were fighting for their father’s wand. Their father Bob was the most powerful wizard ever. Whoever won the battle would become the most powerful wizard. Also the only thing that could cure Ben was that wand. Betty wanted the wand so she could rule the island that every wizard lived on. Magic.

At night Ben and his fairy Lucy went to go find Archie. They finally got to Archie’s place. Archie woke up and heard a tiny voice ask “Is he the one?” it was Lucy. Archie thought he was dreaming so he went back to sleep. Ben and Lucy opened the window and got into Archie’s bedroom. Ben said while waving his wand “Take me home.” And two seconds they were home.

The next morning Archie woke up he had no idea where he was. He saw Ben and screamed. Ben told him “Archie there are things I need to tell you. Follow me to the living room.” Archie got up and followed Ben. When they got to the living room Ben started telling Archie everything.  Archie said there was No way he would fight Betty. Ben said if Archie fought against Betty he could have powers until the fight. It took convincing but Archie agreed and they shook hands. Ben also told Archie no time will pass while he’s here on Magic.

The next day Lucy took Archie to school. She gave him a wand and a beginner’s spell book. “Remember to cast a spell you need a wand.” Lucy told him. Before Archie walked in Lucy gave him the powers to cast spells. Archie went inside and went to room sixteen. In there the teacher welcomed him and class begun. Archie failed a lot. Instead of turning a hat into an apple he turned it into a horse. He kept making mistakes.  Then it was finally time to go.

Lucy was waiting for him at the door.  “Where are we going?” asked Archie

“To your training class.” Replied Lucy

When they got to the building Archie and Lucy went inside. “This is Kate. Kate and I will get you ready for battle.” Lucy told Archie.

“Nice to meet you.” Archie said “I’m still not sure what I’m going to be fighting with.”

Lucy responded “You will be using your wand. You can use whatever spell as long as it uses the four elements Fire, Earth, Water, and Air.”

“Got it.” Archie said.

After training Lucy told Archie that Ben was getting worse so that the fight would be on Friday. “WHAT! I only have three days to practice. That’s not enough!” exclaimed Archie.

“Don’t worry Archie that’s enough time.” Replied Lucy. Archie kept going to school and training. He was doing better.

It was finally time for the battle. When Archie got to the arena there where thousands of wizards there to watch the fight. “The first person to get the wand wins!” the announcer says. Then the fight began. Archie was running when Betty put a mud puddle in front of him and he fell. He got up and made the ground move and that made Betty fall. About ten minutes of them exchanging spells at each other Archie was almost there. Then he was finally there. He reached out and got the wand. “And Archie wins!” shouts the announcer happily. And the crown goes wild. Then Archie remember Ben. He sprints out the arena with Lucy.

They got to the house Ben was laying down. “What spell do I do?” he asks Lucy

“Im not sure but try this one.” And she whispers in Archie’s ear

Archie says it and Ben wakes up. “I feel so much better. Thanks!” gives Archie a hug.

“Anytime.” Archie responds.

“I can’t thank you enough so I’m going to throw you a goodbye party!” Ben says

“Thanks.” Archie replies.

Finally it was time for the party. During the part someone calls Ben. He answers the phone a unfamiliar voice says “Betty is planning revenge. Watch your back!”

“Who is this?” asked Ben bath the person hung up. Archie came up and tapped Ben on the shoulder Ben almost screamed.

“Who was that?” asked Archie

“Someone called the wrong number.” Replied Ben not wanting Archie to know the truth. The party went on for hours. It was time for Archie to leave. “You can keep the powers as long as you don’t use them in front of a mortal.” says Ben

“Cool. Thanks!” Archie replies. They say their goodbyes and Archie’s gone.

Then there is a knock at the door. Ben opens the door and sees a card. He opens it and before he can read it the card explodes.